The Landswoman June 1919 | Page 21

Junt, 1919 TH£ LANDSWOMAN h""i b.ICk 01 tha· \\hulo• thhalf J "UJJ 0- f11r All th,.lr E.Jko-..: an of that it broke nn• hc:nt ? • ' Jl(>U 1 ~ lie \\hlncd :mclllrkcd hrr 1BI'X! And h nd . \fter a ltttle he ro~, put n ft•w tlung lnt<> nu old ha<.e. and ~t tw.> room 10 ord<'r " Wht'thl'r 1 ever ~0111!' hafl;: or "''' lll(.11n. ther(' "'111 MW ~ 1\nythlng like thl~ llj.(,\111 ftJr tur." r She "·rote nlono to .\nne- " DB \R A~:-.r,-1 hnvc to go to tM.u to-dll)t'. I hor~ to Ul'! you !!oon. Kli!8 llohh) (or nu•, Ullll v.rll ~ou look aftc-r oruar? "Cnrtu .. •· 'Jbl !lhl' \\OIIld ll'll\1" at tlat• I flliSf.l" • · ~lw l"'•'~'d . Sh~ P.'\t tong, trying to writl' th• Judl(t", hut no v.ord C'.1me,soahe gave lt up. \'1 tlw 11111 Clluw up rt-~lllrld llr•l) out. of thl' ltkt', .,he !!>poke to omnr, took llfJ lwr h,tl( ami ~n y;Jth A wb she lt>~nNlJ\qaln~t the door UlHl ka d it8 \\ood. ~bE' k.-lt do\\n and took Omnr h1 hl'r arm1. • Don't you forllt'l 1111', old dnun," ~hP v.lli!'pt'rNl to hrm " On ~uard, ~lr!" :~11" ordrred, and tllrt a\\a~ \\1thout looking hack. An hour nod I\ half luttr eh,. <'.uut" i11h1 n,{' Qllartf>r and loeJl&ll hE't' .. earch. 'lht' r.~rly lllornin~ 1ntenOrdidr~-~ ot th<'! ugly streets, and 1t "cc·med to lwr that •Ill' c:ould n•at tnduno it. -thl\t t~ht' rnu'\t. f urn and go back to thf' rnuntry with 1t ""<'et u1orning fre!lhn('~,.,. She went flr"t. to s~Uy Water-.' old lodamll. ~nit thf' li'Olllan in rhnrge volunte<'red the lnform.ltwn that. u~>arly all ttw t1Id~nb of the Quarter had IJct>n to tlw lr.&ll the UJI!'ht ~fore and ll'f'TP. probably !!till there. Cerilla thauk~d hPT and p:\IJ~d on tht> ~dt'walk OV('r her nt•:~;t mow. Would t.rron be '~ntureiOnw­ cnough to npfl(.'ar ut ... o lar~ an :ltfaar. ewn d•'~l"<'rt? ::,be ckcided that he "ould do )U't that. daw-Pid :5hc remembered a tinu• \\hen l'll~ had coo~idercd thb l all, mod<'lled on tht• " D·d dt•,. Qu<•rtre~ .Art;; ·• of tht Freu~h tat!n Quartt'r, M the <'Wnt of thr Y.Jnt.-r. Thf' doorkeeptr would not admit her, bemU.;(.' s lw "a' not In cn-;tmnf' but hr fl'n,tml~l'f'd her and al{I'f'Nl to llnd ~carlottt aud llriug her to SJfak with Cedlia, WJ,lle he went on thi'> errand Cecllia lookrd on It "a" b ood daylight, and onlv n few "t•re ~tayln~t on. but tha' ccr-tumt•• -.o gorgt-OU'I by nl~ht , v.ere dingy ami tawdry enou!lh no". l'rt'· 'len11y the doorman came l•uck wtth flr.uloth ~h,.. jH't'<'t• d tht• uew<'Om<'r without. the lca.,t ot ~urpr1-.. . "lirllo, Ce··illn. you're 1\ trltlt> taU> ." " r ha vcn't come to tlw hnll. I ha H' t·on~t' to ... 't' if yon knew 11 he r!' C:iron Is." " What do ~on 11,mt "ith hilll''" "l wnnf to' lain: ~oo'tt~Wf ""' yuu ~u lv r 111 !J.; .11 thP hn'ak of •i a 1 • H" 'uu..,. n hf'r work m thf' eoru nd thl' h 1 1-rom thl' rarll"" hour 01 th<' mormn~., (I. rll t } or th•• ounJ ot lwr boot t.rous.tl1: m trum 11 , bt• 1 \wl till' U} nt till' he ,f, _. ... t'1,.1 \\il1t t•l t. 1 .t • 'l'ht'f! {,,rwvnrd t'liJ.; \\t)lll(l :l\1 ~k"n th•• •'·'u t Or tht deax from the r 'k• p 111 tl .. • monuu.:: • 1)(1 \ D() Oh. l>ht• lo~- thd 61lll,. nrl 1 lr" \\ IU•l 1111<1 th" ckv. ' Jh,. hOt'<(';; md CO\\~, .•ud pl~ll\'•\\Jz' tnc•. 1 hough h<'r hour ).c.' Ions: 1111rt hohol tv• ft·". Sh~' :h hllth•• a3 a l.ul.: m th" IIIOin.i•.:! rhe ~artf \\J• n"\f'T (I <,•u;.~rt 11111 1)1' t f ' H u; .. v.rpt a,. 1 lt•ml ll• a J.ondou ~trn>t • 111~· Dl\'11 lrt• 11'•1'1 •t<·d to \\,pP th~·Jr tt~r I.t•st tl•• ' •· J':lU•II!" 1t up" 111 tlw mornln~! 'Ilw ~h •h ''' m n•' ver "" I'll' n J. ior ... Th"rc are c•urta111 np.and a m:.t at t 11f' d•)l)r. '(Jll r,mld .. , .. " l'llt ~our ll)l'.tl• orr ·la~ t!O<'lr, Wht u tht l~'lntl ~1rl hn l~n Ill t1a1• UlOTilllll(' IJ(· h:b tuu11ht I he pi~ to l•· 11 pohtt> 1 'Jiwy 11< '\('f ,, r mbl!" 11.! '•tU« .11 .. ud tl.;rh•. nut "lt Tf•und Hlli tM 011 thl'ir ll'('dt•r· ''hit , • \'< th, )' "·111 !Or tll'•lr (.ilrl,J\ tla<• IIIQffiiO~! • V.~ll. \OH lmo" th•• T. \ . \ ..... "lth h<>r bu:zh ... o \!.lf- llo )I'U thmk ~111 ¥111"1' r l!n nJ,:ht l\\llY? ])on't 'o 1 r •tu r th111k .. ,,. )Ill' I'•Jill<' t<) "''"'" • • " 1 h •t ~ou·u ·1111 la r \o "'P 111 t1 • 1m)nuu1! '•·.u R. \ Second Prize 1'•1 the tu1 e v{ •• 11 J • , r ,, "'· f I' lM 11' •!cl V. hen th• t •rr11Jlt· \\ tr ••t <~11 l,ti!'OJ~· nhb7...: \nd 1111 u \\HI' all ha-t••nmc to ar111' V. e hl'lp<·•l tlwm ro fb:ht J'or tin• •ruth .•llfl tl11' rtzh' J\' I tl~••tnnlllll\•• uwu on t.ltrrl" OK Ulf Rln t,'• 'it" Jl;1t'1 tht• lilt I\ ,pul \\f\11•'''1 tlu'v llolcllo •·onthlh•'• llut l"''l\\('('11 th••tt tit") \\t)UUd rrp th• \\'.lt"h Oil !h~ H,a ( l.rJr '' V. h•'ll ,,,. u l up th•· Watdt on till' HI. u·· lto" \11' I•' l dl tlw "'h•·• p ;ul•l ttw .. " tw• • ( 'hwk ,. dl\ld\', • '"ll ,,Ill, till ·k·. nrt .. 11 •I kuw ( •N'--t' hlllk~.t .111 thl' \\ 1 11 ,., •• lltluutl tlp tht• \\ .ttdo on t'l•' Our I N'!'t'h<"' IU\11111 upth \\ at• 11 nn tl1• l~hm • Ola th • tl\ 11 utr 11 ~~ l••tkr th:l'l "111' ! Th.•h hm~ ta•·k- \w1 JUt' I\ hDil 11 k•, 'I ll• ll' \\1 rt• J"l" hot h If\ I r.un .mol ,!JIUi'. \\ h• n Wl' 11 U\11111 Ut• tlw \\ uto·h on ·t~· lUt:lt<' \\•• \U\\t·llu•l">~'l Wil~ -.tummt•d, j·or till)' ,\lih.'\1 tht• \\ ,lt•·h on th•' Hh•n•' , Sc1\rlottl" l<)()k nt lwr. nnd tht•n nn-.\\t'rl'd • . . ~~ 'f 1damt' nallic.l's '! J nm l'-lj!nur. ln l.tttl. ". Y 3. I ~hall be rere ut t\H'ht• o cl()( k. ,\di~U. flll)n tlt(ltnt I " h fl t"·' aft<'r Ct'oilln nodded nnd h•ft them, Sc;~rloth'::. lauj.! oa ~" .. her. Shr stOllll<'d t\ rnp of t:ollel', • • • wntt~·d, llt'IH thu \\IIHlnw . 10 dt}•nrt long H nlr au h our lnt<'r tho ln~t ~tm~t~l~r-. lot·~~n Glrou bnally 0 1 clonk. owr thdr c•n-.t u1m'~. Se- 1rlot.h1 ~~ll~ ~~, corner th<'Y 1 WJltwnrt•ti, nn \'parat-~.·tl nud w\'nt In oppoott(' direct on~. l tournnd con1r Wt'll l\tl\rlt'tl nnd thrn followrd him. ll<' ;n~deoda 1( ~rn n•mod~>Hed back to an oM thH'I'·'t' "hie 1 , •; IIC:~It 1111 with him Into o~ttu.lio qunrtors tot art :~tudl'nto; h 1 le a on tht· topl