Junt, 1919
"'J'h,,t's r•~rht," ..,,,,. .aitf, 1 .111110~ up :Lt me • "\OU lJ (>OD lrn:e
thrm:· But J '~a•ll t IJIIII• f>(l ~we Jll\ t•IC I '
flu• o!ll ~r.udruJt>r had coflfrtd to ·'put me In th~ wav," &!
IH• l t> rnoPcl Jt, and ClOt' "IIIIIIY \prlltnomil :.c la• ~3icl, ·• \Vc'U Jook
aL th<> lwe tv-day, mi • nd llrr•1 tho qut•ens." After l•Uttmg oD
onr hllt~ and 'r<•ll w~> tMt,.d f or the lu\c.' • ~ l•to took off the
c oHr from the fl~t hi\ o 1 felt a stroncr df'l\ae to run Away-
an'" lwre !-from the ::~.wfnl bnn ol tho;.l' br·t>'l, but m the
e~rltl"mrnt of looktng for thl' qnC'en I quit,. fc,rgot the •· bun."
ll u• in~( that ~e.••on \\I' took four "'~ann~. Tllev were all
within rN.~onabiP dl .. tanef', on H.l' IO'III('f hranchP$
tn~. I
wll'! ahlr. to boa ... ~ of th•: amount of hon,., '"e took.
It wu over
2£)() lb., nod "old at an ~,·eragc <'f :3 .... lX!r I h.
Oi cou~e, th~>re lf;trr. one or ttro nnpl·a ant Jr.cldf'ots. For
Ill tan~, ODP t~ S:vt dO\\ n IIW baCk !-IIOW, goodoe>• knoll •
-..till, 1t ctul not •tlnq me. fo r \Cobtch I \\f• thankful. The 'IIIOr"t
tlmf', I dJ•CXI\'I'rrd, '':l'~ wh•·n tulnll thl" hcm(\, \\hid& U1e ,....etlS
n,,turally re-~'nt wr.} much, an1l I got:\ (f'\\ tm:; ou my hand3
nod Arl!l~.
I ~m •orry to <.av I tmd to ll'an~ th~ hl'e5 hf.hind, but I
u m tl()pi n(( to l•a "'" au orch3rd and llh e"i ' t Ill}' o" tt hefore vu>•
Th,. fndu,t rs mtn· c-:"tqlv Le
HCC' ~My IHatcnnl~ h .• ,·c been bou~ht to make •
Feedinr Time.
'l l.!i~SR'l. ~If I 'tT
k fOflGfl(Jio,
Hosrg km,.. I..ondou, l •. c.
l[flrrll 1111, Hll9.
D FAR 'l-'T>\\1,-WI' 1~·11' to inform vnu th.1t we hll\1' rf"c otly
{)penl'd a drpartment in our r-..tal!!t~hu.Pnl for f.and ~ ori.:E"rs'
Cou11•l.-l.~ ('()fk ::>uti•: rsp ···•·•llr tt .. ~IClJl('d for tfJUtrh weath~>r :1nd
sudd~"a lmnwr ... •on; '' tll ('an·c) 011 to tlo.Lt fnr •1ne IJrJur m dM"p
'1\at(»r. P rr ],.'lr\'11 fwm ~··numn Vih:"k~'y bottle cork, both
~l!'gnnt .1nrl .;rrvJCNLble-:!;) t:uinc':h.
• ~l<~o ma.,J;• :! ::uinr.t" r:-~:tra an·at 'aric•fv of no ..... -..
Rmw.rkablr ~'rr:en- f.l(flfJtUtl Roott : ada.pk'd for u--e l o fro,ty
Wl'athPr. On~' acre eoverc1l in on~> sf ridr·; l•xiHh.rating r nsh
thr~ugh the nir, I'Sf>l'Ctally dt hghtful bf-!or" t n •~lUff~>rin~ from w~ak h"artll. Otf~"rcd at tbe
low pri<'i' or ~3 10s.
Otu 011 ,, Rltmpt~l: "Gniqw• wire fnm", nttr.d '\ ith ·ptlnll",
arr~n'.!Cd Jor ;\djn.stmv 1,,\lanc"' on ... hp~ry ,cui. ".trr.tttt ·1l to
bolUlCt' thr..•·· tnnr.s. "l.ould you -,urvJvt> the: tlmd l1111np your
naon"~ \VIll bl' rt'fundl''!. t:,..u.ll pnct·, 2() ~mn":"'.
S P~"~tol JJrJOk.f of /Jad l..llll•l w1e: l~ound m calt \\ 1tl1 llnP old
J~ngh~h Jrttl'ring. Sever known to f.lil to l.'n~urc> Jll'rit•r·t
-olJ 'di~n<'~ from oll ci.L'>"~~ of PI"~: none too young to undi'l -t.mrJ
unpll' at1d direct rurthod of :.~cell. t>a'>tly t:'omuntted to
m·mory. Prtcc ;>,, PO<'kl't Edttlon, 3 ....
.\Iaqni)ictt!l Stt of Imr.v Lim.'J•: £:\!-ily ad)n:_t brok»n and damaged .Lrlll'-. le~. t>tc. Prtc..,. 511 ~tun,.~~.
• \11 ~()()(!-, ,l'nt on app1ov.tl. e.nringe pa1d. Do uot uu ... , th1:1
unltJllf' otfl'r. .\Jl nl'nou ... xtmm'! removrd.
'lnnutnctnr,·rt-. rndcrtakcl..., and J u.o:;umu~· .\g- nt.•. Insure
your I If<} to·tlay-tl)-morrow mrl'l br. too ln!,,
Writr nt tntcr to ){l'~'\ts, Smart {\: Toog~l.
P cg-.lo'<•t•dt'r:>' f\mernls umll'rh~kcn dail ~.
All rrmain'\ cml'fulh· collcc·tA.•d and l.'art •cl
Wolh n il fl\l'~thle- s~ed,m h tnclsotot: ornate
<;;t rt or "ht·t·ll>.~rrO\\. acc'OlUJtot; to \!1st 1nre
.and ~11.('.
•• It". L .. ,
A,I\G n•nd the 1''\l•dlrnt Mtirle in
.Ft>bru \ f\"'' ,,. ... ur 0 1 TUF: 1 '"'·"\\0"\'\ re
•· Btrk l.'cplnll fM W omen," 1 thou~:ht my
exp<•rie-Dl'<'" mil%ht ~i'e othc•t Land girls th(
nl'ct ~-ar:; <'oura ge tu t ake up thb !;hclJU\Ung
1 ndn"'t ry
Tht re • ., t\h\ n\'ll ,\ l%ood dt•mt\n,l for J..ngJi<;IJ
h ont>y, 11 hlrh can 1\-lkatr " onu•n m ost
succc.~., fnlly.
llo\\Htr, to lOIIlt' to mv
o wn <':tpt·rirnc( . I h;\d nrrl\ Hl at my nr"
berth 1\nd nw l'tnplo.\ t'r "a" polntln~ out m y
\~nons dnt i'r-.. " \ nd I' ut ... un• ~ ou would
Jlke to ll'MIL h O\\ lll J-··1(' ht·t " • \\OUic\n't
'ou ? " -.he c\m·rh•d . \\ I'll, l 1hdu't J..now
·"'h cthl'r l , wuld, hut JIHiltlN ·tl to tr~.
onr~ t.lte
t:lrt w1th.
P .. Hilii.I.l.
"all J rot\t"
IAnrl (Jirlf l.a1·,. /•J"•tfl th,;,. tmrk ;,, pr(l,'l'. the COitlpl ,rUm:
'"''lit u IUfJ'J'It~l tlrt! tl4il/11ct !.ar k·lwt 1:1 of tMm to ruol'-• t fJBh" l you hi).(hh· tor
-\ n M' :lOll th I we thou~ht n "'I
Io h lr ''' \ In a war.
.\ n•' non' I h• y U: 11 ''' h:lH our pr 11
\\'a- rath"r out or plare-
Th!lt. 1\h(•n von tl)()k: to tl\nomll, "ay~,
'Twa., but tu ... ,n-e lour j,,, •
Th.t.t acl.'u-atwn "e d('d~re
I-.. far Hom t.oe1n,z trn,.:
Rut lt yonr dnt•c ... ruak•• yo11 1 lr,
Y nn h.•n·c 101 P""''~''' '"'' ontl rom p.ln'
lhe lantl'• o:;ompiP.\.i<;n t•.>o> •
\. " n.
At the Dair y Farm, Burghley Park
1 3 5