The Landswoman July 1920 | Page 9

• • 111E I. \'\1>'-.\\ U~l \ OUR NEW SERIAL. • Something that Begins with "T." By Kay Cleaver Strahan. Cu \I'TM ·r wo. " .\ promi-.P," h.ud .:d) of 111y fatui!) to rn,. thi~ tnorntng, :c-. if to clmch and end an .trgunu nt ·drc•ady gro\\ n too long-, " i<> a prvmise., • " f hope, " I rep r· tl'u, ·• c·ro.,~ly, "that )OU ar" llvl gwng to be the sort of p<'r.,on .whtJ goP.., a biJUt , nlltng a spade a :.pade :Jnd prcr·nmg and thinkin'' ' o ll h:tV(' satd 'lOilll thtng. Any unimaginativ(! r ( r!>O~ could <.all a <>pade a spat!• ; tt tak4"~ a nali.,t or 1111 , 1 gi-.t, or <.omeonr of !.Ort tr1 tall a spad•· " a o:drc:ttd, thi~ mornin~. to mr.• t thh d.ty; less afr~titl, p<•rhap-., Lccnu e l W01:. young' r, and btocause 1 '"''~ 10\•eJ, and b('t:au P 1 Wets much 1~:-.~ w1 e. I rr mr-mter th~,t morning vividly. l h.:.~d O\"( r- "" pt and 1 cotdd hear my !>;~tcr-in-law-1 \\ ,,, h\ ing with m:u rir d brollwr and her thcn - ... Jarmninti :tlxJut with unneu• '>M) nol'>c in tlw dinmg -ruom. ( •U ltily <~nd ..,om \\hut < rossly, too, I JUlllJWd i~ not overl) f.1t, -.IJ,. alwa~, conv~.:) . . the impre ... ion of tightn<'ss. " \\ hy du.ln 't ~ ou wak.- m~e," l ~aid, " to hdp' " " \ ou nught .1s \\l 11 -,J,·t>p," :.hi! sighld, " "l11lr• • '• Oll C' Hl " J \\.,h tu hi' rn;m i•·d in t\\0 months. :\h ~i:-.t•·r- in-b\\ a1wa: !> :-,i gh~ \\hLn ,he n fer.:i to nwrt wg(• :\ow l heliev,· l und<'rstand tho-.,. -.1gh~ lx!w r . J hc·n the: made me indignant. \Vhen ..,h,_ had finished h~'r ~igh she told nu· th :1t -.he had k"'pt my breakfa~t hot and l thrtnkc'xcrpt my resentnwnt. 1 \\ ~~s not n •,t>ntful brcau,e of th~> 11abb} (rit.d ~gg 111 the• cnld lw.t tr•r and I \La-.n 't tt·-.entful bf't;:lll'>t of the• p<1t of role- nnd tri• ·d t~' " Oh, a ll right." drink it. 1 fund (d I had .1 hP)·, found h i' luve for m~>: t~nd snug-gltd .ag-ain ... t all r ighting e\erythmg." it ltkt 1 pi ll0\1; < u ... hion. I 'd tPll h im, '' hl'n I '•1\\ " Oh, all-" beg.m c.tll of 111) family. •· (..; to- hmt, .t.><)ut how \'t)ld thP cotlf'c and I h a cl ht•• n d:t)," lw bf'gan ovf'r ag-ain " one of ) our \\ ant-tl•- thi ... tn•>IJHn•r an~! uhout how I'd hnd' no hn .tkl.t-.t lc .Id-a-life-of-crime da\..;? " d . nH .1•1d , all me •· httlt• girl." " \nd-" he prompt<'d, worrit dh. l ,hi\ .~rt>d b td... into lll\" bt:droom and bt>gan lt) "And be a fiend in form," I fini .. hrd with • • • put on Ill\ -.ho•'"' and stocking-;. Lotta c.ttlH.: 111 . sidc mt• · and t lwre i-. all of JU\' fnnuh I • I mouth. out -.tu-.hing around in thi-. g-o0d \\';lrm r;un, .nh I fini ... h•'d buttoning m' <.hor" and thtn I \\ Pnt all bec,tu-.<' of a propl'l h<'g-inning-. ll<'re go~'':- into t;f' littlr lwll wh<'rt' th• tr>1 phon~ \\ .1.... Ct• wa . . a ton~ tttnl' gt tting- tlw numhPr for Ill~' nn~l a ... CTJAPTP.R 0'\ l 1 <;at ,tnri \\. itcd I had a ff'"' pll:t'-ur:\h1e thnlb: <:;f'\ <·n vears ago and it might haH' brrn "('\ " 11 it w .~-. good, ah\a'"• to hf':tr 11 l.l\ ': \'C'Itf', -.tron.!:! }f',lr" ago to-dav, l;f'Cauc;€' tlw da,.., ,~, 1111 to hf' 1o\'l d. \ t t. .... t a woman '.., voit'<', WNlk :tntl 'llf>po ...... , and strctch<'d, and wn" not a btt morP nft.t~d • •