The Landswoman July 1920 | Page 8

f 11[ V , 1llL L.\:\ ll \\ 0.\l.\ ~ ~ °r~ 11 , .. :-. ,, d.tllll..,, t tt·., O\\ing to l,tlk ol tl I fumJ ·tn ..... t. ut' ·~! r "ill t'' Pr > orw n·nu'mbt>r th.ll no ou I t• . J 1 th. 1 ,,d t:'I.Ct•pt through th(' Count~ ::_.., ut't.t~~' ·~ th 1 no one "" • ntitlt d to DU' bdon• pa) tng .er ,ui.J~l ription: 1 her(' arc 1 wo mtr-. of -.ub ... c~f" ll<•n, \ iz : l)H• ~.ttional one of f!'., ,IIHI dw cou );l oJlt: t>f ro.... J hi-. (·~tra t>:-.. indudf•-. (a) the ng 111 tbt' ,,t .1 n•ducf'd r::tlP, .tpptoH·J lodgwg.., rt•· t , ncd 'h' tlw < 'onu\Htle<' 111 1~ riO)Cr::. to hnd ::.uttab '' o1'k' r..... . ( )llf < 't~mnliiiPc h<.~s ju-.t to au t•pl tiH· ,,.,lg'· n •lwll of th<'ir, \ft,, \\ ,tnf. \\ ho, O\\ ng to th£' dr·.tth of ht'r mother. ~fr, lluntphn'\ \\ •' d, (t' Is th.u ,!J, ,, n·lm:wntl\ l•hllgt" {';'Ill ";1\ . • J. B \RLO\\ . 1 1 J Th~ to \Si Rll>l\lr. nll'•nbt·r-s in th(' f''"l,t Rid ;ng f.: no\\ 1 hat :\Jr..... Pric \\'Ill lw pl('a..,<'d 11 •,!h ... -2tll, \\'1':-tu n "}n's Star ol Jnda." Lhe King-'s JerS<'l • 1"'2 .") Genaal.-" Farm Ltfe. ") th(· R C.A. Show b) a Jcr~y farm girl . [Sport and Bull, 'hown .tt I 'J2u