The Landswoman July 1920 | Page 6

J uly " ' rill: L.\ ~ D~\\OM \'\ 1 92Q Garden Talks. By Eisa More, F.R.H.S., Principal of the College of Gardening Giynde, Sussex. , J l'LY. TuE lit \RT oF 111F. YnR. E,·«-ry bird that !>i11g'' .\ nd every tlo\\cr that swr.-. the eln-.ti( .,<:d , .\ nd every thoug-ht that hnppy sumnl<'r brin g .. T~"l me pure spirit, i~ a word of G<~. H . Co t nRWGI . l L Y has well b~n tcrnwd ·' f h(' h< .~rt of t he year,'' and -.urd) in J ul). ''"' ...,llpnd Brook•· "1 b<-aulifully put.. it, •· 1 h lo\'t 1in , .. of '\ at Jr!' j, J th• imag-e of the < r••ativr L< V•'· •• J: .. ·,·rvthing- j.; .11 it-. fuJif,t .111<1 f,lin•-.t. Ro'('' tre n hla7:e of brauq . '[he <"rilll'l)n r.unh!. ·, art• ,, glorious mn..,., of <"Oh>ur: Doroth, P t•r 11' nnd Lad\ '• •y arc I dtn with pink trll'''' ..., ,, t p• .b h,l\'t' • loth•·tn top to bottom, ,uld ,1ft' g'•l\ with hloo.n. Rord4'r carnation' .. hould l>t r.tpid y uur-.ting- tlwir bt~tJ, and filling the nir \\ith gloriou-. pcrfumr. I h«" hPtb.tcNu-. botdc•rs <.]Wuki be ) idding :Jn o~bund.tllCC of bloom :~.nd '-ff'Ot. July j, thf' n•onth bPIMt's Kit~gsley , w hen he say'> : -"nD H.-< . up by 'd c.lutv · ' 1 d 't' ( , 00 .., wn tng; a way~1 e sacram ent \\ J h it in cv<'ry fair fac<', <'Very fai r sky · • dcom~ Oo\\t r, ~•nd tha nk for it H im, the fo~ ~v.cry Llir lovf'lincss, a nd dri n k it in simply an~ atn of all \\ tth all your ~)'C' : it j.., a