The Landswoman July 1920 | Page 4

}tt/y, 1. \ \ll~\\ Cl\f\ :\ IIIL IC)ll> Poultry Notes. By W. Poweli·Owen, F.B.S.A. \:\ \ M lllll"' ere th i-. \ ou "ill h.t\ c .tdmirr.:d llll'' ' ,\t ft'. th•• tlock ,, H t•d do not attempt to : 1 pp 1 oach'- 01 " ~ e • tl H \ OU h.t \1: rh m lo the h.tlf-\\tt\ hne rnean:. 1. • w.1lk rl•und !lw tlot k ltll .,e 'hould b•· cattght Out • ...J J\\ ed upon them much t3"t. ... n~ ::.olVl Ill • Hl • t••t- c- C:\:Ulllll d llld the re~t,on for lo-..!:> ol appvt it•• ~nrJ b •Y ·tnd b€aulttul ' 1 ment. Ju-.t bccau-.e thf') l OOn. o • tO\l red ')uppo:.l ng J t..lught <;lJdl '' b trd nnd do not rel•:1-..c the n. in' in 31~ '' .:l) • e,,,.rtd thtt the ct op " ·''full of food and d i'tC'nt.J ~ The Grol~ing Pullets.-Farkue b \('f) often due• 1 ,) 11 )uld Jtlllllt di.1 te I) H l,pPC'l . l OlllJMLtton of ;h,' to Ll O\\ nt'r thlllkins th .. t h<-grown pullet' • _ 1 rl'l) • nd ~ .•hie to tna l the b1td ·ll ontf' , . • . "11\(. .sblc .md big cnou .... h to look .. fter th('Jlbt.:hc.,.. Rt (ll '"' o f thr· ar t o f cun ng growtn!? !>l<1lk will df'. rn• rnbcr thnt th..:.,~ bird.,. are ::.lilt in the bab) tll p< ml upon p rompt ,,olat to~, p~o~11J.H dwgno~t!:> of \\'h ·,t ,.!In\\ ing- -..t:r~r.. nml nt>td ~ound and .car~'ful ." nur ... - .md the ma ml.atntnf? of th{' invalid.\ 1., wrong, n r " tJII th~ tir-..1 t•"g ,uriH .,, and \\'Hh Jl {ll,ltUrtt: • .IJ'I)I tit •• . \1" a)::. k crp a stc-k btrd feN.iing , 0 th•tt n 'J out, · I adan • mu:.t be ~ jud c nu:.l! carrtf· ,,n d w ~< dt' ... n1 t lom pl• t•· l~ lose tone. ' tt mp~ ( hf .tp cllld n.t-.1~ ft·t'dlng wdl nun all tht' Chickens nn~ Chills.-Tn . man} ra-..(•-. J>OtJitr . sOOd \\ rk ha:. ~OIIe be fort>. . jf) ~ XJ>f'' t:l ' 1 kr .1 .... , , tt-." ord1n.Jn .1dult laymg hou-.('.:; <~'> guart(') ..11 d , '\ptrinwnt ... -\\,th both th<" m~•< e .tnd t ur... dt (01 rlwir g~ , \\hich pro\td£';. U'\ ,,i;~ o th fo\\ 1-tdl m•• that ailm nh ,,nd de% ... " t\\O n·.tl dt,.td\ .tntagt'..... In the ftr . . t plaC'c puuhr) urt du , 111 O\ ·r ~o P' 1 l t:'~t. vf. ta"t '• hJ . ..... . h b ">Ur 1 1 . . rr UllliH'.., arc t•qUippt"' Wit ne ... t- O\.e ... , ter<; to roo-.t in at nrgrt \• n ltlt> t•• put rh dig-• ... tt\l org.1n .. out \f. t:£.lr, 1 h,,.. th<'.' do n•ad tly 3 '-, of cour:-.e, the ne ... t r nd 1\ nut ,,f '' armng- .. hould be taken \t 1) -.cltion-. n '' t app.·al to them as \t· r) "romh .~ .. r Oa t a nd .\laize.-\\ all kno\\ th.ll b.'lb, • O\: roo-.tin,. ( .., r H~h in •»l(l. :\o, I am not goin;; to U' ''ill 'ce 't\E'r:t l d· .1d bodie,.. r<'mowd in the morri~ l \\O d '', fH'n-. H '' bec.tU'~' :, the:- Jon~ run th•. .\g, 1 n . r l h p \\ Jth thc: lartic adult . ., r. rh much )o\Hr ing- due to tlw biroxe') eau ... . .., th(• pullr·t-. to pr l thrn j, ('Hr th£> ten< '"- to .. t.lrt )Oun~ .. \\cd. •\ 1 J.:, .. mon;: ~(•Unl-. r{r• \in:::- pull h, .llld F't ir 1-. O\\ r • r ... lorkrd ln • When Should Chickens P e rch ?- J do not likf' ' \ t n ..1 "h •If m.t 7 • I f tht>n: ' hould b" ·• J,Jocka~c ll ... H chilkt ll!:> ptrching ut night till thP~ are four rl f' b rd t (lllltnw., ,,, •·•t and e:>..pand ih aop, but I a m •. 1\\ are that am '' e..tkne-. ... in t g'nru I t nnot 'rnJ•I\ tht· Mop. In tiH• f nd the nwnt hs o ld . f lOd \ i•lun the crop ~o"" -.our and tlv· !Jlli .. onou' brfl ..Jing w ill rau-.c c-rookf>d brca .... t -bone... but [ .t1"1 kno" ' th tt too ( .1rl) perching h. a ~omrnon ~ .., ' kill tlw \ oun~ chtck~>n or th,.. l:tt lf r g adually ,., .t\\cl\ for I ck of nouri ... hrnt-nt. c-.n""· Tlw pulleb \\ill be quite happ) ~quattinl{ Crop Compaction. - On no account tL r fort' ..:he on thP d"~'P and dry litter on the floor until thl' agr> for JX rching- arrh•e.;, . Thl'n one .:;hould fix th,.. t\ holt m.l z ( \ n 10 poultn of am· " " ' alw·n ... p<>rr r,e.. onh· CJbout t wel\·e or eightct>n inches off h H t k bbltd or broken. · Oat-. of V'~ l~ng ~~d p nl d hu-.k! k nd rl'pre,rnt anoth~' r lllf:rt dit n t th,. tlnor. .\ t fi rst on,.. may have to teach th•' bi11J, h h .. .., .1 Llockagc and -..ub .. l'qur nt lo-.,e-.. ho w to pf"fch (funm·, but true), ,•isiting the- rd r>nd-. ClippPd O.i h .. idr>a l one r a n faci litatP matters by letting tht>fTI h:trt' c \f n l th. t''\lra pncP.. \\-~e:Jt ho\\'f'\'E"r, c.houlol n low J>l'n h in the run during the d:n. \\'hf'n .th b "' c f the ~ram m txtu n >, with oat-; .Jnd the pullf't.., are in an adult hou"c be o;;ure nnd n 17 (k I d :tddt'<.l, bu t not in "XC'~....... • \ nd r f'mO\' P thP Pxistlng drop-board and perch<'~. whiC'h ~ hPn cm l{!t" OH·r fr om th(· 'of' ds tu th,. arri far to~ high ? for tlwm, while thE" p<>rchl'~ ,~·ill J rg4 r ou ., "01 l 5>( the fornl(lr <:h )Uid !-till be b too w1dc. ' ou ne<>d a na•rrow p<"rc-h \\'tlh mr I 1df'd I r o;omr• l• ttiP tim<'. \\.ht·n er . t 0 1 • d · 0 f np wmp:-~ c ­ ro Jnd"d (·d~"'· and a narrow battf'n, "'I\ an inch ~llld a half wid<>, with th(' rogf's roundl'd slightly '' tl •· "'~ rf>d 'Jk i-.olatf>. thP a fTPCtHl bird... and 14 ,., "~" /rzn on" I'll • to dr :nk for a d a\', Th i-. ~ 0 •·n-.urr a 110 grip," will be prf'f('rable. m-. o ,Jr t ' an f'Xplo-\ e and break<; u thP h·t I .trrount U'>l' J>f'J fr nlr round p<'rC'h£>c; likf" c.t1ck ... or t' r ttnt -. cl tlt,.., crnp, .. ttin,.. tf>,. d a .. t '~ • n 1 .., ...... 1~ e on:ran.., bronchi", of trf'Ps \\ ith knots here thPrf', and ('\f'f\' · . 1 • 1 .__. ~ ,., n~ • g.nn ' ~.: •·· ,l, -fQur hour... ,., ' whr n • Hetecrin~ \ilin~ thickens 1 he 0 b Don't Force the Pace.- \Yh( r<> bird-. arf' on rani!'' fn -k Jl'! • n rr f • • • " 'n nt pout. rJt r • ' nOtEN> \\'hiC·h C'hk kPn-. :tr~ t h ' ' n unwic;p to force thf" pace b\· ~i\'ing- 1111 ~~<'"'' of anim.t) food. Bv the latter I n·f<'r to ~~d t mph h:'<.l fncr \\ ith pou ft n tJ. t In 1 of a~tttf" go ha nd in hand. 'h nnd lllf'>at, fi._h-nwal, mPat-mPal, and the Jik<'· (Continued on Page 162 .) l . ,,,Jt ndJd I u: . do Po:.' . . . . off t • ,On