The Landswoman July 1920 | Page 24

TTIE L:\~OS\\'0~!.\~ fF1l#fi¥1S1@fiJCIARNI C O[fif=]@I§j~ "'-' C LARNICO CREAM CARAMELS CONUNDRUMS- No. 2. Vacant. \\'ant,.tl Two Land Girl~ to ~ork in<;idl' ()!' out; on~' abl~ to drivl' a 'mott'lr and unci• ,.,t.•rut mad1inf'n' -1\ pply Ba('kford H.11l, nr, Ch "tl'r. \ \ 01 nt(·d. I.nndswomnn at ()OU': ahll' to milk nnd ~<'Jlt raJ (arm \\OrJC; <;(.lft \\.1#1 <;.-If. C'uncJ:11J, \o1lh rnrm, ('rm\ lt•, or. o, .,,r,"'c;tr r. II 1 \\'~tntt d, C.,trong Land (,jrJ, tn lw'p on f;lnn J;• no 1 a ) ; a so M.tid for { 11 nholJ'(' \V,mtcd an E'< ntial, nulk '''nt' nv.(•) -.\pply Mr \\' H ll<•pc•, Gt. htrrmoh . nr. \\ i ne. h<'vm 11(', G lo::> -.up• rinr L:'lr•d Girl \\antfcl :11 on<'• • look art< r :•nd mi!k J J•·r''',; d;~irv nn;l, "'h.•pl,.y, \\'•n<'h< st<·r, Hant<.. La r d\.'01 ker u .wtccl, help ~Md< n and drl\ I' Ford <'M; lh 1' 10 -~1r., Rrillv J?a-t ButtN tij:(h Hou .... , t ulhmpt<)ll, l.)non. 1 he r •l.tor wdnt'> T" o Ex I , \ \ " one<' "" houv•m:tid and C•••k, t~t J h·· Pn )r\, Orpmgton, K•·nt. C.ood \\ag,·~. Uniform pro\i,h.l -.i-. J'x-I. \ \..; \\orlung in thP hou-., ant..l .(!ar face expos \.Ire to any wealber witbo\Jl a q\Jalm. Get a vase yourself aod protect yo\Jr complexion. lo dalnl} half·cro~n ~ases at blgh·tlahS Chemists, Perfumers, etc. \li(S. PO.HEROl', LTD. 2<), Old Bond Street, London, W,J, NOTICE l 68 Ex change Column. fo'o r 5nll', b, :IUtiful purr-br.~ad .\ngora Rahhi t-;, f:\!hn· hi~bh oommcndc-d, 0 0<' b month<;, £1 . Dot>-. and Buck.; 1 month,, to<>. -1\trs. Puddlr, Ln ngha rn, O akham. To sdJ, pair of la nd boot-> (quit«:> new), f-it!<' 5, £1; al•o tl\ o pairs of c:wv:~s !egging<> (n<'w), nwdium siz1'; would cxchaot;•' for pair of lra t IH' r l•·g~i ng<;, or six sh ill i ngo; th(' h\ o pairs- Applv M. Rogers, Ex-L .. \ . \ .S., Manor Hou ·•', Cnlll•hal, 'llorwich. For Sal", 1 !:~nu arm} mackintu"h 16~ . • 1 pairs "Umn~tr hr<.>f'C'll's to~ . • 3 owrallc; 7"'· r•ath., 1 pai1· ram•ns lr·ggings -f - S B. , Blackmoor Road, Shipdom , nr. Thctfonl. for Sale, 4 pairs canvas kggi ngl', I\I'W M ~i1c, 4s 6tl P· r pair; 1 m ole piqul' core' coat, nl'arlv 0('\\', for \\inter \H·ar, rs~. - \pply, !'\ Smith, c o :\1rs. Ll':tS<'. Rough Clo<.l', "'"k·•.()n• Trent, Staffs. For ~ale, 1 pair of brown boot'> (.izl' 6) \\'orn 1\\ ire, prict ' t-" ; canva<; l••ggings 6<. : 2 ow m'ls, 1oc;. C:t('h: cord brt'dium) toe; 6d., J r rc;l') Rs. : 2 hat , 2.:;. 6d c<~<'h; 2 C.\< rails (~('ond h