The Landswoman July 1920 | Page 21

• , , /' 1 ~ l(f.lU TilE I \'\fh\\ 0\f '.'\ i,., n<•t oftt'll nowalolh(• . . . Ill l h I' pn , !o.O } ~~~ 1 · tom,., I Ull'lltlll'< t' k f I Jl ' . l<·vo 1 (' l ,I 11 .' " ' llw puni,...., \\'t·Jp l>rou"ht to ttl othllll) -,ho\\ . If ·• h ~ le ., v\\' •. lt• 11 I "' • lwr~1 • .tllu f 1 I t gul grc,<, \Ji<..s 111 1,1 I\ ll "' . I • lt IS .t f':tl t••r In tllf g-irl groon • • 1 11 0111 1w. 1 !-- ' 1 th• bor-.1• wludt attra< tNI Jll(J~;t •• ·' <·,~p I 1 1:1 " 111 'll 1 I()JJ ln l'On~ ·• lllun'~ r"' ,: \\ 1 lv • , ) ·> u}':,, t tat L:md ArnJ}' 1 ll JOW. \ 1 I~' l lu•lh • • n :t::..::.urc., 1111 • ~<· w01., tlu only polt ... h u<,<:d ! lr(f'• l 1ng Clu b. I' tp• 1 pr r "" l>ll Vt'r.} b1 t ... k. La..,t rnonth "'' h.t< t lt.r'rc a ·riHr ~r .. tH .1111_ \\'IH'rt }Oll l':tfl bathf>, and oJ lll(..l Lathing '' o1w of tho ... t· grumcnt::. :-o t·'qwn~l\l' to ~il\ ,Uld ~0 eel"\ to lllakt·, 'lllf' d,,jJ) p<.tpl 1 ~ l,uch h.t~C uctn !ull of lUJllllll'llt::. u'? a ::.pNx._h 1.>) ,c 1111 ~ tO\\ 11 < ounctllur, who blamt·d 011xcd bathmg ut tau~ ,wnwn look ~u unattr.u·t•vc when tht:.)· un: bath- in.,.! \\hat he should have ulam<'d wa.., th·~ old- !a~i11omd unattractive bathmg t at .dl tinw ... , and how can )OU cnjo) yuur ... r)f 1 f \Oll .trc looking like a dro\', n<'d r.1t tl{.•d up in , 1 .. a~k! lt thl' E:'njo) m< nt of bathing if ) ou halt onh rtaehnl th<' bobbi ng-up-and-down stage. 1 ... hall n~e\t..'r forg('t tt ~u·hing my small girl to S\\ 'm. l·or wrek... '' e had bN>n laboriously \Vorking a\\ il\ at the " On<·! two! three! " exc·rci ... ,•s. 1 wa-; doing n10..,t of the work, her attention :llwa) ... \\'.1nw how to ... wim, -.hp .. uddcnh .. aid: "\h;tll T -.\\ im a lone no\\, :\hltlwr-:. " and g ·tt'n~ P• rnu ... ,ion ... h<• <;nilc•d a\\,l\ through the w.tlll l1h• a littJt• f1..,h, knowing it WOUld hold ht I Up UllU ha\ Ill~ no '('nse of !<·ar I J:or thn"r who nr<' not ludn t•nough to ha\'C am· J){h ... ibilit't•-. of h.tthin•.,. tlwr<' ·is .t t>rt>tt\ l"tth pat- 1' of .m Empi1•• nighli1 ~· l'Ul m.t~\ .tr ~hapt·, "hil h ' 11 1>' O\t·r th<> h<'au without all\ fa-.l! ning. Hoth P-•tt' llh Xd .• po ... t frN'. 0 ., 1 umt> :n Shopping Club. . I h..., month \\ <' have rarriPn sinft• Ttll: ~\\llS\\'0\1\\ ~hopping Club tir ... t -.1.11 trd. \\'I' haw .ught t hou"1 ' Onh a tim orw, it is tru~', but ~~· 11 ~~~lllt·thing to lh·e in. Ont- of ("lUr n atlt'l~ \\.t'l \()(•rh•nt in~ tlw s:mw ditlicult) which worrw-. " 0 Tbe oame. implying quality io lbe bigbest degree, accur- ately describes tbe c.ooleots of this daroty box of cboco- lales. Each separate cbocolale rs M exquisite produdioo, fine io flavour, pure, disliodive, delighHul. 6 - ~tr IIJ. b• 1 IIJ. Qlft/2 lb. ions, alfd laost. 0/ Cu/utJGiflrJ n>w,wlurt. JAMES PASC ALL, LTD., LONDON, S.E. Also 1,., Pascaii''Crnn6 tit \Jt,ll:t ''lNolf·tlko/Jo/ic), I 6 fl Z 10 a t"' -------- of )Ou-tlv· r an old a \,tr.t\,Ul or ,...onwlhlllg in \Hot\' tv .t-.k JtH whkh -.h•· u>uld li\4'! [t \\'"" .ltl alnm..;t imp,,~-.thlc­ t.t,k, but in tllf' tnd 'h•• dl'cidf"d to hnv. .t littlt• hut of th· olflll) ·~ p. It \\':1, on!) n·ry lll.lll, and it ha-. co-.t h• r JW:trh j_ zo, but it is,.thin~ tll h• r own. and l hopt• ... hr• will ht pk,,..,, \1 \\ ilh tl. \h onh rrgn t wa ... that l could not ~\> our .... l'h·r... h~we bl't n ,, n t.u ... , ju ... t l:ttd\' t,tking do\\ n .111 our rhi1 kt•n run... and .. nalt hin~ ... hrd', t:!l' , at St~m·· Fi.-ld, .,~rubhin~ tht'm, painting tlwm \\ith ... t..lig1 um, .11H.l rr -f'rP<·ti;l~ thl m at tlw l'riory. I low "\Oli:{n•lm d~'"" burn if 't ... pl.t,hes in )OUr fa re ! Talking of poultry rPminds 11w of tlllr \\ 1•'-.hlll'\' tltll k th•· t nt- \\ ho, )OU will r• lllPmb< r, Ill m h ~1 in tlw fhdt• Park I IIHI \rm~ Prolt•, . . iun, I•IIS, uul l.tid h~·, ltih q~g dut 1n~ h• r jmtrn('' up 111 l.on'':Hl '!'hi-. tinw ... hi ha-- l.tid cl llhllll lHllh t'l!~ \\ t·l~htng :; 1 v. and nw.t.;uriug- ·f~ inrh1•s in kngth. I ... ht ul~l b<· inh rt· ... l('\1 to h( tr if an\ nf \ou h ,11 thh t 11 k'-. <•<,.(1', I fountlthr otiHr tl,l\ th.11 a fr I 0 ' ' :-:-. I'll . fa,·ourit•· \\ \ ,,ndollt< of mim• h.1 ... ~~ llt'"' tH .' P.n "' a rr 1 n('r of tlw or<'h.ud. whN<· ..,JH· , .... lm-.y o.;tlltng- on \ .. w•· moV1' hotb(' in ft ur d t\ ' · I t•·~t• t1 t 1 11 1 ''"' ~'>"'... · 1 .:-. \\ U\1 11 t I I . tll • • • .... N .... , t<\ ,,.,. • tf thr• ~ hli' < I )(' I 1.1' ()I\ I' 0 f 1 1 H't · · '1'1 1 ,. won't tnd .. , , \\'<' h.t' • r•' t 11 r Ill tlllH'. • • . '11 1'1• • · 1 ,. •tn