The Landswoman July 1920 | Page 2

1111 }t1lj• • 19 21) L.\ \ D"\\ 0:.\I \\ In tbe Cool of_ the Evening. Lord Ernle and the Land I ~ thl' coCtl uf the C\ l'n tng \\-hen the l n k O\V · \v whbfXl" wa en~ r t \\hen the labourers • turn . th<'m ho 111 ,..\"' ·Y<.tr J the wear) ha\'C t I 1e1r w t 11 , , o 'e t tht· for(:l>t- . arc !>hakrn, atslt h it but th wind t hat cometh o 'er the far , lull! g r <~ n Army. Praise Worth tla\ing . . · ·hich the \\omen of J k \ :Jgrtrultur;JI JOb to w h,. h::!\ c talkl('d ' l. and . \m I) have bP~:n put tl ) \\'h( '' . b l' t 1hat t H. ' \ \\••rr, tu th(· b :.t ol t h etr a I I ) • • h • would haH tht) be""an, raw and untratncd, t C) h be u h t. ll thee. tir)t to adm;r. But t_he} brou~' t toO\\I;s- upon th• Jr new task:. the qut~k Jlltelltgl.:ntt.: of t their For the) sa} 'tis bu t the suns et wind!> tha t wan through the heathert de r women, the cnthustasm whtch had _Prompted ved Ru!>tle all t he meadow grass and bend th urn. \\ 1 tltn of agnud- ' t 11 C' IO\ t>th, turc to which, under the. prc-.,ure of \\.u emerg.•·n· 1 twy hnvt' v1 Jled 1 l is lovely v~s tur!' wirh lhr• , ,t ... , ''omen have not put tht 1r hando;. _ !n so do1ng darkn<'"'- of a nam e ! 1111\ \\ rorc not di5COUI.lJ;t.d b\ the authorttl(.> ... , lx~au~c 1 hro' JIJo.; ( .ardPn, th ro' H is Garden it is but rh,. their labour w:t" int'l':""' e wind mov< th , ... hows thnt t he·re ::ut' p.trticular ?ranches of agr~ntl­ \,) more; but 0 , the mi racle, thf' mitadt• ic; thr ture for \\ hid1 wonH•n h:-~\1' ..,pl'<' npt•tud<·"· hr . . r same! tlllon~ thrsc .trc the handhng cool ~,r the n·t>ning , whe n thP -,k) i!J a n old clbO\' t' .dl, d.liry · n~ .tnd thi' rt>aring Of )OUllg anllll,IJ... -.toq In df'.tlinrr wilh hor,,.~ their light hnnd ... comprn,tl• for tlll\ w~mt of stn nc•th . fhl'\' e-.rtl in milk1ng and ">lowly d, mg, but n·m embered, ay , and lovPd with d .til, work .tncl thcr. ~t.tnd.trd. of eh .llll n<''"' whid1 P·'"'ion ,tJJI. . ' rh('\ h n <'introduced is a vnluablt> :l'-'Ct. \ \\Oman ' l lu ... h ' . . . the fringes of H ic; garmC'n t, on thf' '-trn·l \\ Jih :tnirnals ..,t'(Jlh to l>1· that to h•·• tlH~ fadtng g-olden g-lory , ·" ' not hinc-s but ... : in inknour-.1 '' ith "l)frlr 1uc;t lmg a<; l fp c-ometh o '<'r UtP far g rr1-n •I limb , n •ar u1'.., <..1tc ha' found companion ... lup, t \ t•n hill. . t '-tl\\' i ... c! .. J O~f'U( I " or an " J sah< 1 ,, an:orJJng Alfred Noyes, "' 'h u.tclf'r nnJ hc·haviour. fn the light('r br.wrh1·s (ColiN it'd Poems . HlaekwOOd 1 I E poetry of earth is never dead : 111oq proli1 if'nt: thP light muslin ma..,k whilh thP\ \\'hen a ll th e birds are fa int with the hot 111tn dut .. d ll'> n protf dton ag.tin ... t the du"t " In t s un, I Ill ill<;f,IJllt' C>lll of fll,IJl\ of thf inte-llig('n("l' \\hit IJ .\ nd hide in coohng tr <:><'S, a voic<' will run rh• \ h.J\'r• grrwr,dh brought to bf'nt on the indus- From hf'sts a t ease benc·a th som e pleasant weed. l n .111 of thPm \\Ornrn have f:-.r~>lkd. " 1 he poet ry of <'arth i" ceasi ng never : • • • • • • • • On a lon e w inter evening , whe n the frost \\'it.h ;"ll~'h a nuclrus it j., hoped rhat th c:- ~ ational H as wrought a silence from the s tovP there \.;-.octatlon of Landswonwn may tlo u ri.,h nnd proc;- shrill s ' W 1. I n nny < :t<;c, th<' \YonH•n 's L a nd .\ rmv at 1 hf' Cr i<' kct's song, in warmth incr<'a')ing eov<'r llw national crisis which callf•d it into <·xiste'nc~ ;\ nd Sf 'Cm <; to one in drowsiness half lost, lt,,.., dom an admirablf' pit C<' of work. Th Pv hav~ ThE' \. 1 nsshopper 's among som<' grassy hill~. " • •m~JIIr rr d th£' pn·judic<'s which met them "at th<> K eats. (Sonnets. L . P. Iltll ) outc;N .. Into farm work, a<; into other activitie-, lo v. hu 1t wornNl have b!'f'n adm itt<'ry nu ngr£' rPward - Thr R t 1! on I d Eor I hf' bobolink has comP, a nd like the- soul · .or rn 1' 1 r • f) (" \' 1 1 mr ''f'nl l Cnttur_v and 1fter. " ) • Of thr t; W<'c t season vocal in a bird c ' urg I ~.s . trl C'cstnw W fl know not wha • t Ht• \V I o do~ " not ri ..... \\ il h the '-lJil d . I p Of .... ll(•t l'llj.O\ " t h I •• < iJ\ "'"'r 10 tw-a's Pr