The Landswoman February 1920 | Page 9

February 1920 TH E LA• DSW0\1AN Mother Nature The World' s Greatest Poultry Farmer 8 7 L Godfrey-To-rner I. Al~ LY one morning In boun tE:ous E Tho Sttt<'r sat t1ghtcr, ~la.ytune Yet hi gh~ r and w1dPr. And shgh tly m ore r u ffic:d Of f en.thcr a nd t e m per W as E mma. ttho Si t ter ); And a lso more t h oughtful H er cJrcu la.r opt tcs Of carroty a mber, Aa ono to wh om something Of momen t h ad h a.ppened, \V1th more yet to h appen, .\nd yet more to follow. And p ul veris(!d fJCbblcs To help the di~e'~tlOn ; And spices and pc,wder~ Whose wrappers mformed me Would fill the nests daily With e~gs nicely tinted And han d omely, goldenly Yolked. V. When they were pa.le-eyed, .\ nd blinked, and were h11mpy, And c;toorl in a. ro't like .\ queue of out-patients, 1 thorn their cl\mphor, And al o their cht~oreoal. And likP-wi-ver an ~gg Have they latd me. ho\\C'IIer; And "Vet do t he f1 ~'ls • Of mv unconcern<'d nei~hbour, The- f urrt>w-faced fa.rmer. ) lake copious response t• The coa.r.,est of cl'n er, .\nd chaff- dust o.nd chick\H'C(l. And te~t-lt"avc~ 1\nd cinfl<•r , .\ nd any old litter they H appen to scratr h m ! VH. That is m y st ory l By ter of tlle A ufhor m d .. The D.lil)l Cht c111icle •• ' IV. )1 uch did I s p end 'T ween t h at morning i n )lay time And middle- ~ov e mbcr I n f('oding the devils. Gram by tho s ackful • At Mand alous prices bought t he m; and • matzc, B o th the wh ole and the p o wd ered ; ' A nd bon e-meal a nd m eat- m eal To m1x with t h e m iddlings F or oarly- m or n mash es; And oo.ts t h at wore g round f or A simila.r p urpose ; A nd sh oll-grit and flin t-grit Some of the Laodairls are rood ahots. (" Da1111 Mirror " Photo B . Jlart in Re1m iMn. 33