The Landswoman February 1920 | Page 8

- February, 1920 THE LANDSWOMAN Poultry Notes • thmk th• tnnf" '' up. An onllnary .~uga.r-lJOX ei I ,, .. ro• and ··i~ht.,..'n mchr-; (or more) hi gh \\Jil ," •ktt',.,, t 1 HIC If'' "I 1 r> •• ~ttllmr hox. 'I' uru t l 1~ } 10x . on 1 t HI,. afwr .... n Ill\ I' t1 rnn 1 \l)l f h f t . ("• ., tO\Jt ·~ th••lld and~· the lntt~r .or t e. ron a OA;r mak111g tlw 11 t~ rat•ou<~. Fu~t~n ~ c:tnp of wood e.omn f (o"Jur or fh c lltchc Ill) ~~~~~-the trout of thr· ho~ t o ket>p t he nco.:tm~ mat<'nnl In :n~i " P U e door 111 hln~ ... at the !\top . Dore--u mg brtw~ an<'l'!\ use orang 1 ·· hnxr ''' 111 awl 't }l('St,' \\ill JlTO\ l W J")' U"t'f\ll ~Jlttm~ OO>.;f'q Wh('T(; Cl(' ' t•r,\) ( ~. tin' to lx "t't. J{t'{'l1 tht.> hroodJC& undt>r your <.-outrol by pia:~~'' l\ Ion!( .wldl' plank along th~' t op . of thr oranA, -box ftlld 1\ fl' ~ huny hnck- tlwn·on to kt'('P 1t m 1' 0-.Jhon. " Prtpart"(J I /it .\ut- Drtte r rt'r;ults w11l nC"cruc whe-rr thl' nr t .., mad·· 011 tNTll firma , but tlu~ Ill n ot. alwnvs POI!!!ihlc . bom,. 1 poultr~ ·k•••·ptr" u~(' bottornl<'I(S ~OOp!-1 to ol,t{lln thr ir 00 J~'C't To pn·wnt rilt'i or nu('(' from workiu~ tht>ir wny unckrn~'nth thr -. 1 ttm~·lJOx a pil'<-e of perf~ratRd zmc .can be nni11 d owr tlw hottou\. Fir:-;t obtam "Omc m cc Poft 8011 and ]mt 1t cnrtfulh throut:h a ... irw to !'('move ony ~ttonrs tha t might protrud 1• aul! break thr ('1(1.."~• Put the ~qft.(' d SOil in the box, \H•II lJratm~ it do\HI \Hth tit•' tint h~nd. Pay careful. attt-ntlon to thr corner~, ~~ thr~ 1 -.bould bl.• t•ghtly packed. N ext llCOOp out n l•ttlt• 01 tht> t-oll in tlw ~ntrr, but lx> ca.I'f'ful ~ot to make thr holr. t oo d• l p. Thr only uatoral po..e for a':! egg 1 ~ 0:\t on 1t~ fll dc or 1 warh '<', and ))('tkr n. ,uJt..-.. " Ill ))(' a~btevc d wht.'rt' ~hallo\\ nP-.f, n r~ runtil' th.u\ in drt>p ouc·:-. H ::n mg complett.'d the hollow. fJ.'IrJ.: piC'ntY of har mto the- corneN of the box and round th.· ... :d~ · 1\lld ndd a -..'prmk!Jng-llOt t oo lliUCh - in the hOllO\~ . \\ hPTI• -.traw '" u~rl -..often It hy rubbmg tt m y our hand~. Hay .:houlcl 1"' \l~f'd m p~ferenc(> t o 5-traw. Sprinkle a little Jn~ct po" dPr on tht• 11 mat.ennl aud place the egg:. in the nrst 1\:ady • for tltr broodv SrlltWT the Broody.-,\ s I have previously statRd, nn- broodtr-. and IJroodtes, a nd the poultry-keept'r mu<.. t u~· hi, common S~"n~~' in managing tho:;e be lS dt:tahng w1th . One ht>n \\Ill consent to be plat'e d on eS?;g S in a dog kennel, \\h!.'ret\.<1 another WJ!l not sit except in thr old nest box sht> know-; ~;o well Tht> poult ry-kt•PJ>l'r mu,t, he p.'ltJC'nt and humour any brood1r~ thnt v.•vr troubh·. A pen-on "ho has made pets of his lmd~ mll tlud th<'m 1dral broodles, but he may have to dl' al wtth a b trn.n~!' h•'u hC' ha.s Joan<'d or purcha«rd and then 1t is a battle of patunu '. lltn·atcl:!ro.rdn('SI. B roodiE's should be set at night by cnndlP· hght . M by m~tht fowls appear stupid aud will consent to })(' haudiPd. Defore l'CE'ing thf' t>JZgS the broody should have n good f\'f'd of maJzo and IX' well dustt.'d with insect powder-the lnttn OJX'r.~tton taking place over a newspaper, so thnt the po'\(lr r can 1>~· u--t•r th<> nr11t of t'llll' and ~r if <~he \Hll wa lk straight on. Do not move qu1cl;ly to !r1~hU'n hrr m nny way, but humour her m every po-~st blt> way . tf ~·ou lo.,(> your f.('mpcr the hen w11l never take to the e~lf~ llatchablc Eggs.-In the first place an egg that does not P<>""~'"' a tlm1 «hrll Hhould he avoided. A soft-shellt.'d parent stock. .All travelkd NJQI Bhould br rt~ttrl I ~ \rrrnr. H~_!-.} 11 r;'< 1u1-n ~on !(If ~rWi£ial haf,eb1119-Brwv t ~ ':i' . , 1 (I tht ·' fwrtJl e .• Jlatdnr bous-f•rr•pcrrli/U .~ brood• - I tlhtring ftul4J.r7Jale lbl'- t1JfJt-Jl6.fldgaru t o, Mn- A ,.,_raJut of tgu·t~hnq u-t~,·at•ttlt•fioout 1 f.~~f di'alm.! 't\"i h natural ~\t~~~·~t~ \1'•_,· 1 z, .. ~aturnl ~t. old cnntro' r Y,~ 1' ~. l!t•· Ml' "ho t1ll'nr artllll nl mrul.auon )lanr th do '"'th thA 1111 uh:itor, ~ ilie }lfn and \HII tu.n notltln~ ~ -tron~r anll better than n~unm~ tha• n.\tur.o.II)'·~Atclt~thi~ 1lf"l110lf'llt Wlb drOpJ~··l, Ill ul .~r-hntchcd duck~. t ~~tlu cub.\tOr. }low \~ould thr. for m: could not. do "1thout. 11 ~~OU5-"nd clm'k'l a FM ~.t••t .nultry·fatna!'l \\ ho ra•"'S. ~. wra . 1 On th" ot ht r hrgomg JI\1'1\U.ItJOn ar n· ''· bHt tht" troultlt> 'Itf 1ncub..,t1on. VI~~ .'\~'~d to th!! ('lghth or Ill nth day, Mt E'g~~ to be wt undl'f hru"' pl n that •~ ~vr~t a n:;d tl~"~ to the mcuhator to f•Jr flte ll~t ...-n ~"" ,. twent .. 0n,. d8Y'4 a hen c.m lx' 11 be ftm~hed off. Thu i durm~t t. d tak/ a full batch of chlCkt·u~. •m' fll trd ll"Jtll two lol~ ot rg~ ... an " .. ,a thl'l-e loh \\h n hnU'h'"d, tlrr••ct from tlt•· m~ubator. If ~ .• ~J. ~Cthe t·nd of o ,. ~, cu 1 be allowed e~h hPn 1f >::c:o,ary for a goodly uuruber 01 hrood!l to b• ~t 'up \t. the :am" tun~ blood h cOJu"~ Jwatfd. Wh• n the brood•ne•..; h:h got a holil-af r a fc•w u.1y•-th,. h n a pp ·a~ to b-• ~11 of a tn'mbh• nnu piu k~ tit~' fMth•·r3 from her· .., w~y of pro· vldml.( g ater \1 .\rmth for the eg~ .. , I 1.1up~·· SucCI ::s w1ll d p;: nd npon wh'lthr.r the h~'n i.;; n>nlly broody at thr tlmP tht• rg~l are gi\'Cn h r. It ~~ us...Ies..-- to hurry tlunlf\ and chan~ to ltu k · alv.ay~ ma.k,. .. urt.' th.\t the f•'wr ha., got a. llrm grtp bl·ton• "tting .mv h~'n. Tlw b ·,t, tl'•t of a lwn'll broodlltl'"" nod rl'!n\· pi-'C'' on" hand und r her, OIX'mng out thr fing~·r,c m h htv ~~ dom.: u. H ~he ~hutii·'S hl'r wmg,; and endNwour::. to brood tlw &.•J•i of vnur .ftn~" ril :lh" 1~ hkely to be a good broody. A clum~y Jt n th \t hM th~' tT'('a.d of t\n l'l"phant or one that Is rxcttnblo and !\lway~ on and ol1 thP nr,t 1-. more tlmn u~f'h"•s. S .. h·ct 1\rn-. Ut ~t pM..'ItS~ an .lbundnnt" of fluff on th•gh-. :\Ud undrr tbP t,\JI, M th~lr ( Joth•og Will kPr p till' f'(trt~ wMm Kt-wr S('t a h• n that r~ m a tlun or poor condition, for the rh.~n~o:. are ~hC' \Hlllht' on th .. J.t' t. llM~o'u f(Jr Failurr~ - T hN'(' are m any rt•n ... on>~ to account for fltl•tr• 1n naturAl h:ttchi u~ Th~ commonrst •~ thnt the ht·n h g•'~ n th "K&~ before llhP '" pro}>' rly broody Allow thr· h• n to Kit on a Jew dummy <'IP:Il:3 b ·fore 1'(1Vln2 lwr the ·utttn~ shC' 1!1 to h• trwterl ~1th. \ lwn may fon.ak.- hl'r ue~t owmg to thC' att.'\ck' or m•cc' : du,t both lwn ~md or~t with msect po\hln lx'fon· tt.m~ Uv· hrn. Oth• r n•ason." are through thP J10ultrv·ki'C'JX'r tt.lntt th~ hr.n t<1o n~'nr thP othrr fowl~. nnd ~h•• l~comt> ... · anx1ou., to g t l~1ck to tMrn. or thron~:h gtviu~~: thl hroody too m~nv r ag~ t() cm r. or allowmg hr•r too Ion~~: off thr l'f:Cs:ts llt i••~>dm~· timl'. lr too muny "ItS~ arc phc~>d und··r n hru a dJtfl'rt·nt C'ltlt flnd-. 1t""lf out In th• cohi Pach day-owmg to th • brdodv ~lu ft 1 n r;t the o:~ wh n followtnl( X ntun• by turning th•'m-and tt••• rhwJ.. 111 eneh rl11Ued ~'gll I' rl~h,.~. .By the ~nd of t hr hat~h cwry ,•gg hn.., h't'n r.Jullrcl and no chtcks ap J)•nr. .\ broodr h~>n , brilt'w mf> •~ a ~old·ulln". and t h!\t I !I why e'•'l!' poultry·fJ.mll'r ~houlrl k(C ' n '.tock ~~f rt'lt.\hl• bn~odth on tlt~> f.m n no m.\tt~·r what t h•·i~ "~ ~Ill'\} ll:l. 'fark !l\-l'ry h••n thnt turn~ out a. ~00<1 brood a d mr•th r, ftlld krPp a frw of thP "('lc•ct~>d onP<~ 10 harnt'~:-q ~fl n • w1ll ~JP3Y m the numt.wr of chicks thr~· hatch out an 1 · • lC'~ full V rr IT, J ( SUC(:(>~ • 1/atclring /lru{'f - '[any poultry-k'1'ep!'r« ~t thnJ r I(' tl floor In uut-hon~R, t'tr • hut th• rt' nr•· dtsa tnay ha •[) f h trrr 1\ 111'11 I~ I."~ h r 11" t . Mt tmn!( altl• to tlwl 1 • '~ '\ Tlg tat nl~ht nnd \ mr rmllht Uwl h"'r !lllUJdr ~t 011 tlu! .r Wa.) hack till rnonun~r. t ,. I ttl .. lnt' d•'n~ llllt h. '~ Th·d ' ~g~ m thr mornilllt lmt • l! •• .I ~·nu flntl OtJt wh H {1~•· hat .. l~ni't m~ht ha~ <~potl<·rl tlw arr" • " Wrll,'' rou 1\\', " I r·anuot m~~~~ Ufl l\nd no clurk_ .. w '" h A 1tt r · , , n morolu" 1 I out for I "''Yr. r o m h. 'Jh" ';c DIU t 113\" j' Jl"~'[l•i at hP r hn \la-.. ~•tt•ng f't .. I ~ nl~thtly l o I ~ 'll'f n rolt->n. I hnll ••• Nr· . 'r or manr Lnd ltlt ~,..did th~~~·l ";rohm nwryt hJng Ill tltfl ur 1!:1 nt~en nt on cl tt• • uo t:n unnotu:"Pd. U!l J r I k Bud k ~ a lt \\ n ou I )lro•[ r to ha' Ill\' broo l ll IMru ng and put~·~ • Ut• m ~~ .. :kt~oki"tf lt\eua off to f•·Pd '''~"" ...., n tr ••g.- 31. .,, wl v:>n 1 ancl not . t' '1 lf' 1 for tw~tly-four hours or so before being set, and all packaq'-l of tQIJI s~ouU} be opened and examined btfore the railwrry cifltrtru 1hut ts 8tgncd. If four are broken sign for tho"*' unbroken (statm~ the number), and send in a dmm for the vahl<' of tho:-e brokrn. TV h~re th~ cgqs havt bt e1t purchased on tl!t tmdrrstandi,,g tltal unftrlllrB tmll bi' replaced t11ke care not to break or dntro11 them Takr them out at the time of the first test and rPtUr11 tllem to f}tt rtndor The lattrr is qU1'te uitlli-n hiB riqllt to rejuu to replarl' unfnlilf's if flit rgrrs are not returned to ldm . Where scrntchntl! ~lwd~ or l'h••ltt>n- arc provided to f'ach houS<' or run ft>rtJJ ,ty w•ll IJ<> 1 n c rt n "t.' d . NOTICE 'Ve have be(>n fortunate in securin~ the help of ~Ir. Powell-Owen for our Poultry Page. Beginning With the )larch number he will write for us evrry month a column of Poultry N otcs and in addition ~c has kindly consented to a~swer indi viduol ~~quiries sent t o THE LANDSWO)fAN ofiic<>. ,a.mpcd and addt'essed envelope must be encloH'< · (~c<' Club page.) f )