The Landswoman February 1920 | Page 20

FebruarSJ. 1920 THE LANDSWOMAN !J&,r. OIRV·,-Thf• re~pon:.e tv my lctt c r it~ ~h~ Iarv numLcr h~-. been \\onJerful. atH_ 1 1 \\1~ Janlll •. t all the drli~Yhtful and encouragmg tlungs cou c pnn C" • b t the which hundrrd-. of ~ ou have wnttcn to a ou . lA~Tl'-WnM \:\'. 1~ u really arc, thP mcest :><·ad~r::. th~t ever wen•. .. I would wtlhngly pa.y .s. bd. · 't r ·c ..... ould be too ht!!h. ·· 1 ~hall takt• . .. f or 1 no p 1 " the ~ 1 z. till I dit-,'' .. Long lh:~ the L•\"\DSW0\1.\"\,. .. your appeal to continue talon)! the L \ "\DS\\ o'u." i:; irre~istiblc .. and lots of othC'rb •·Ycn more <'Xtra- ~a"antlv nicc th:m thr-~>e LdtH:; h:n·c been arrn- in;' at the rat1• of .>0 to HO a day, so that if some of y;'u hn.~e had t<1 , ut f JT an~wrn., you "ill, I am :;me. forun·(· n(''~ that you know thC' reac;on. r i am' ~o comforted too b~ your n·ry En idcnt inten- tion t,1, holp to increa~c tho circulation of tlw Lnll'-" o't.AX. A great many of you ha V<' srnt in scn·ral nPw namrs, and one ,girl has alrt>ady got 10 new su b:sl:l i bcr:,. { f c·ac h on1• uf you would do tb at our circulation W'Juld go up in leaps and bound;,, and the succf'" of the· magazinr b(' assured. I ~ond<'f 1£ ~·ou will be very surprised whc·n I tell you thnt O\ er !!,.>00 readers ~ ho, I kno", want to takl' th~ magazinP this yl·ar, havt• not yC't c:f'nt in sub cnpti()n. r c·xpect. as a matt('r of fact, :?,:;no ar(' ~ h.olding theirs hac~{, because tho kno" that the hfltt or would be h ornhly over\\orke~ m .January gcttmg out the rN'cipt:s to all thos<' othc~ thost· thou$ands who had bern so thoughtlel'R as to ob(' her instruction~ an<~ send their~ along by return~ If tba t js sn f sbonld hke you to know that our f<'Ct•ipt" are qmte up to d{\tc, and tho1.t we can now spare a minute to Q('nd you yours as soon as you mn.kc it JH'<'C~S lrY • ! THE NEW" LANDSWOMAN."-T" o ne·w r<"gular featmcs have be<"'n introdn crd mto the pn.ges of tho L \NDSWO'J \N in this number, and next month they "ill each be in the hands of the best (.'Xpcrts on th<'se subjrct<:.. 1 refer, of course, to the pagt>s for our Uardener:- and P o ultry lovrrQ. OUR GARDENING EXPERT.- An old reader of th(' L \Nnswo,IAN , and on e of its greatest friends, 'hsc: El!':a :\Ioore, Prin ~"ipal of th(' Coll(.go of Ladv Uard<'ner~ at Olynde, in Sussex. is going to advis'e us month by m onth on all gardening subjects. Xot only will she provide us with hints on the seasonal "ork which is due to be carried out in the gardrn, hut she will also give us in each issue a Rhort nrticle telling the life history of some particular • • • A few of our no- d . ... ea11na.