The Landswoman February 1920 | Page 10

I February, 1920 • THE LA· DSWOMAN S om ewhere in Kent t'""O There arr " \YRITEtoyou, y Spot 1, of my cows, not becau~e I know you Wl 11 bo interested, but b I rather ecause don't be 1 i e 'e 11 •• you vc ever rea .• ·h ht bout t oug a • such things cx- cept when ) ou were fooh~hly frightened of them. "Likl': ou used to b e. too . ' .. ]; o h '11 • I can hcnryou "'ay. , 0 I was for ag<>~. Not cvrn the donning of my ~mod. and <'Or any further nnd hung up the curry-comb and \H·nt; but ~om<'how )liss B. didn't think ~ally Jt,uf bt•cn vNy thoroughly groomed, though, of Cfmrsc, as J pomtcd out. she might quite possibly have got du t v aft<'rwards. .\nd nlJ tlds preamble, my dear, is to show you that 1 }laV<•n' t forgotten the old days when I would f<'\'Crishly ~~·Mch the field for possiblo cows before 1 \l.mturcd to cro~R it .. \\'h~n r ('fLDlC horC' I found that all the cows \\el'e kilO\\ n tit her ag ~pots, or SnowbaJlq, or Da.rk ics. c :r \dually, howe,·er, I named them an? r c·intro duccd them to the puzzled cowman, mv fnt•nd .John. who rluln't a<·~ what they wanted" with them Ion!! • na rnf' • " I rtl m eel t hNn 1-ft<.'r all sorts of people and char- acters in books. Your namesake, Susan, is tall anol long·h!gc·d n gaunt, roan cow, b.ut w~th a rno t heautifnl tuft b<'tween h(}r horns, Just hke a pnrrot'a! J\8 you hEnc turned out ratht'r a. nasty ki1 kcr tho <'Owmnn hnq taken you over, and I milk you 110 lon~er. ~cxt to you stands the dn.mti st little bla.~k, Rn.tin-coated cow, by name of WPndy-tiniHl a nd ~by, with a s t artled look in her J