The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 7

• February, 1919 that haa ~ n found -proutln~t THE LAN DSWOMA N i ullject t () The First Bobbed Head in the stook duri~ a wet h trw• t 6Ct\SOn t o a grf'l\t~ r t1on yl!!ldlncr whit~> whra~. but i t 1s partkularly liable to ~prou t Whl':n ~>ut n little fl\ t N ipe. ){uch wa~ made of }trench Ylbel\t:o( '' h•w YI'ATS rtrlO, hut thO"l' who P-Xfl!'rlrn li~rhter soils, nl o that tb"Y ri.(JI'n early, and may t,e cut before thP. general hnrvt" t hacf m•rp Jro.n "J'li'J ,\lar~l" ,,, "J.\Jl(n• t," which lu t wo pr.r 4\.1 M od llCN" - "- Tt' 'I]II'C· DAJU, h\ \f\ID 0\'I S H.1rlt'~ I" n t·rot, ' rry well "ttlk'd for cnowlnS( on ,.mull· holding<~ , u~ lt I~ not ~o s ubjrct .1~ whl'nt t:o~ ortP of thl' bl' ~t meal' Cor t·ompoundJng rntwo<~ f or • ! plgfl. Jn orclc·r tQ ~•·cur" a gOQd v1t•ld of barley lt mu .. t he ~town 1 n spring, on a g:ood tilt h . The ' ""'d hed 1"' ~, it mu!lt. ~row w1thont rel'('i\· lnst n ch('(' k. ~cd 'the under favour- able condltious grr- mlnate s \rlthln forty - eight hour-;, and the more frlaLle the soli, the hcaltbtl'r will th' ptanh bl'· come. The !loll hnd lletwr a bitrou~h on the su rf act', ratlwr than bl'Jow lt. 'l,tere aro mnny Tt"lfab!O Vt,rlctit'>e of harlcy, b u t t h t' Sula.llholder would IX' Wi'll advl .. cd to grow a stllf 11trnwwJ \iui ety like " \r- chcrs " or •· Hullt• t~" oo stllf strn'"'· or ao 1mproved v. a r 1 e ty like "Be,ao'tl Plumage," rat h t' r than a softer strawcd And more nodding variety llkt' " Cheva- lier." Three bush el-; 111 an 1\mple t)U rmtlty of seed to !IOW per acre, as cotnpared with 2! bushels o.t wheat, and l bushcb In the ca..qc of oats. 1 may here moo- I fnr t>~ly Dlantin~ in woodl:n11l or h~'avy fand dl•trict.. I lun~' fouud " Wtu~ fnrt.u " •h lol \l'rv bea\ Jly W'hcn owri i•• .1-'P.t;ruary, and fo!lou'l'•l by l'ltlu r eluuattc or otl1+"r •·ond•tion· . h " kl IJ(· dfl:l} d until \rani , orP\t'n ' fay. a HrJI'ty llkf' " {\ nt<'rloo" oftt'n dor t ... ~ t 11 thP ~round lt:l4 l)(len rfd)!!'!tl 11 p t hrou::bout the ll'lu · ler. a C'OOil r.nlU' 1 tl()n and hnrrllu'tns:: In "I rlna l· u ll:llh nmpl• pn-p 1rntlon nn~Y" mu~t - --------- -- - I f"r I ' I I l • ' ~omnz •lo not n · Oat~ (11111\' u tl o•p tiltlo, tht' crop hem~ \Cn & hallow rootmj;t (\ hrre thl.' 011 1~ poor. :> dre''llltl ut o·wt. 1~ · r acr•• ol 11 11 1111 '>tUN' 01 .1 I'Oillf'O~'ol 1~1rt" blll"'f· pho·joh:ltl', lnrl 1 1.1:1rt E-•tlrhal·· nt an11uonia will prm ,. I I I I . I} • ' .. t, I I I I ( I I rfr • I /-I \1, ,\R~U .M.i S PHL .\J' Ul __ _I ll UlWl.Slrl of, &:lJ. tWI'lnty I)C more Mc.I.."S per nrrr can l.e 'cCUtt'd Where" !tJt-11\" •~ pl't"\al.-nt , O:\t ~hnuhl bP OWII f'arlv, and if a good eeawn rau tX' · obt.alnett they a rl' llf'tt••r phnted, tn moo-t 4 tively. Oau I- r.ommt'nttd. the Jrrowinl( nf th~" m t'"(pert~ nVI't1 many falluf(' . 'fhr. IJt't t rcEult l yielded ~rt.ll n a~o oou, are thPre \'llrJP.tles of t.arl"Jo , which adnut of hefn~ !OWn In the antumn to wltJ1 tand :h" Wlnt.-r. The chief a.chantage of f'Xtont th&n .my ot h~> r v:u iPty 1t 1!!, ho'lln'ver, cmf' of th~'~ h,.r,vlPst IIIICOI'~I V<' )'Ml"ll Ulat J~ebmnry 20th. L .A. \ ::.. who wl11h to take In thl• SupJ'lemrnt should apply to tho Olflt't', or to their Registrar, encl~in~ ::d .. which w1ll oo their subl!rrlptlon to tbe SUJ!plement to the end of 1010. AT~ and bctm" anu barh•y gro"' . Oats and; o.ncl barlt•y gro w no you. or l , or anyone know How oats and bt•anR and barley grow Fiu;t tho farm<: t' ::zo w~ his ic w the la nd -Old /t'olk ,O..,un '). to loc.•h•...: