The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 6

THE LANDSWOMAN Crops. l all U1e root crops jrt'O'Wn on th~ farm man~l~ rPqniro mo•t t •T<' to ov. an~. Th<' .;('f'o\ ~hould be sown in l\S ftn•• a t1lth ·~"- po~ilJit', and on heavy "'oJis thi~> c•m only l M' oht~inl'd hy phm~hi~ early in tht- wint<'r, and <'<'rtl~lnlr not lutt>r thnn t'hrl~trnA". \ St <'On(l or <'TO•• plowzhing, hut a ~oml'what '"'fef('nc··· .,hout th£> miclrlle ot .\ r•ril ut th~> r:ttP of 7 lb. of ""'•·~l pt't n<'n" ,}tllonllh If th~ -.('a-.on b hack~nrd .:\Iav .. o~inSZl:' u .. uallv ~UC'N>t'tl t•~t · In dry rl~trirt, drill in tlw flat. nnll wh~:re Hie rnlnf:~ll ,, (;X('I'~l\~'. on TtdJ;(C3. For a 1!'t'n£'rnl utility tunnlll'l tht"n· t~ uothlng l:>ct ter than a P:ood ~otrain of " Yt'lto" Hlol~," or on alluvial "Otl, ")lnmtnoth RPd ." Of tlw two, the htter al'f' tlw l~tt~r keer~ers. hut thf.'y nre not .. o ('ll"il} })ltllt>d S"<'ll<' al'f' COtnfl/lratl~h 1111 f'a~,· crop to culti\at(' 11\ tll~>trlct~ of ), rainfall, and '1\here th«' dtmnt<" Is cool. In 1 hl' south of En'tlnnd th£' crop Is often a fnlhtrt>, owin~ to nttnck11 of nllld<'w dn~> lnruely t~ ~pelb of drou~tht In !'cotl:md. and the north of l:n~land, SO~inf{'3 fiT<' madt' ns t•nrly ao )lay, but in the ~onth of F.n~tland swedes do llt'tter. nnd '-tand more ch:m!'t wlwo '<0\\ n In Junf', or <>arly .Tuty, and l'>~Jl('<'tally whf'tt" on I hP llf•lnnd fnnn!l they nr<'! l:ttgt"ly rf'li<'d upon ,1, l'hl.'t'p foocl . &cuh' n IIM tllth nnd ~ ot 4 lh J'l('r ncrt" '' \\lth mnnz£"1>~, <~.W('d£'.'1 mnv ll(" "O'IIi·n eithn on tht" llat or on the· rid~.... ~\\!'([,•.., do not rrndily fl!e~. 11nd wry oftl"n ') c\\t of ~IIJ'II'r· pho ... phatP, applil.'d nt the thn«' of workin~t down thr !n'OlllHl , prO\t'-. nn ,,mplP dn•c;,mq Hoot' c.ompound~ ,l{iYI" ex<:X'll(•nt re .. nlt". and appear to <'onblin JU~t that nmount of nltr~n thnt '" IJE>nclkinl to th,. r rop. During df) \H.>:tth<'r llw he'edllna ..,\H•df'~ Off('n })('('OITW 1'0 l\l'flOURly c] ;unu~d by the fti.VI\R<'~ CJf the turnip fiM ·hf'ctll•. thllt tlv· "hole crop 11.1'1 to bto ploullhl"d up ancl fi"·'!OWD . .\« }Ct tltl'rl.' i~ no t-fTcctiH' J'('mcd~· for this J'l('"'t nnd thf' hr- t thin~ to clo, "h~>n J'(Y''~ihlc. is t.o sow during moi~t w<'nthcr, -o that th·• plant ma:o.· 1-oon df'wlop it<~ ron~oth or tnl\' lt'M'e~. n~ tt. Is tlw ~ utylNlow.c, or f;<'ed ll':t.WS, containing con('('l\· trated food for tlu· d••,elopmPnt of the )'Ottng plant which thf' I M•,• UP-., actin' durina: \\arm. dr~ \\ Nttlwr, dro:;troy 'fltrniJ)" arc coutparnti\t'l}• (·:by of tultiYahou ln ~ardt n- thcr may l.>O sown nom .\pril onward<~; in ordPr t o F.crure sound tlrm root..~, on rarm.<~, howp,·<>r. the mum rrop l~ not ".0'101 uhhl 1\fk'r the 11wcdcs sav. In .July. ln ~tnrdens the tJUiflccr that turn i()'l arow thP 114:tlcr the GUtlli1 ) aod to ensure tbl11 thf' l'o\1 should !)t' warm and moiRt. He:n·) &OJls ~>honld ha\'1' w.•tl dl'<'OIDJ>O;('d manUrf', prf"fernbly hor$C 1lroppir.g·., mixed w1th O • them. U~EF UT. CROPS. hu" Let>u un"-pnrm~ In ltl!{ ('fiort'l to int.!Jrt ..... upon " mnUholdet" nod otlti'T'< the lmportnn('(' or continuou'> c wpphlJZ rmcl C('ttniuly mueh mol'( could 1x> ac~omrlts-hNI in thik dJr(•ctlon. TA•t l.l'< take, for exnmpl(', a whrnt stubbl!• p.~rt of thl!! coould lM• RO\\ n with trirolhun, a. por11on P.brutm, .\lr. Wlul~~'r'rY plon~h·rl • and broadc:t~<'d with ,,;ot<•r turmp<~ for fet"dln2 c•tf wath ..,lw•'J>, a put :~own with v('fclt•·' tlr wtchP!l and rnpe, .md «till 11nnth<'r \\lth tyl", or rn.rx· nnd IJE'. \11 thiR 111 qttltl' po .. ~lhlf' on nn rw£'raq<' Roll, nod. rurtbt>r. all thc•.e rrops can 11(• cl,.nn• orclinars rotation of c roppln.~t. A point \Vl' n,u'lt not lC).Q(' "ll!ht of hf"l"' l'l that not onh do tlu•<:t' l'rops l'nno.' to ~RJlt'<'lnlh on small fnr111-. \fMre ~n .. '\ i'l 'rn<' nn• crops which &UCCC<'d only on ~>Oil~'> l·nntalnlrtJZ :~ f:1lr ·~uantlty of li me. Thr mnl;ell gOOd hn.y, l.'llpteCially \'fl•ll adapLecl for till' IN'tllng or horncd Mock nnd hOI'lY ~ . whll~t hi!'f'tllc 1• of h•(' tuoablr '\nlur for cutting J;f.!Cn. :-; 0 l!l!lallhold··r hould b .''Jthout n. plot of luet'roe. It, may I)(' ~:- 0 ,,. 11 olorlJo( "ltb :\ "l'rm~t ~~ rt•n l t•rop 111<1' oattl or \.lnrley. lt re~uln·- t , •·n· (•lP:ln bi'Cd -IJI!d. o, "houlcl tltt" ground be W<'<'d) 1 t 11.1 11ref•·rAI.Ih; to drill th• ~ee d . in crrdrr to admit or lnnd·hoPtn~ ooh-n!<'n the tn"Q until th~> plant~! ar!.' l"stnhllsht"d. z8 wne \ 'r-GROWING. :ltore ~o thnn 10 the p:1"t, th<' !!mnllholdrr rnu<~t of n!.'ces~ltJ turn h!!l attention to thP culth ntion of C<'rcnl!l, nud tnOl'f• eo;pr<.'hdly whN\t Wht>nrver po~<:.i hll" , whea.l should l~ ~>own ln the nuhnnn, nt any tlnw from &ptl'mber to cn f oul with \Ht•dq, n~ whct(' roots nr othcr cll'nnln$% crop Ill grown, it bl"comc 11 nr<:t!' nry to l'Ummer fnllo,.,, thnn which there Is 110 t.etter prepRrnttOn for wlwnt. th!.' only J'('l(l'f't hc!ng that thl' .l{rounJ has to T('mnln ldlt" thrmt~hout. the> d•'nnlng l)('riod. \\ h«'r<' Tlloughln~t I~ P.Crformed lall• In the '<'n~on on henvy nod .., 0111 f'whnt wet laud, tt i'l prt'fer-Jbll" to ?roadca~t the SC<'d on t111 Hf wlv plol!JlhNl u:round, h:trrowm~r lt m M tht" work proceccl~ on ll~tht<>r anti t',l"icr working 11\nct. drlllluJ:C 1~ prefernble, no; 11 ndntlt'\ of a mor!.' '' 'C" dl.,trihutlolt or tt.P ~pll•. 1f sown on rirh triabl•• ~oil~. whcat is apt to gl:'t tOt> liable to InJury fron• tro4 thnn \Vhen ~own In November or J't("oember. Thr ~;owilljl (lt !lpring whMt Is r~orted to wht>n '"':'lthc'r conditions hnve mnde it impo~~lble to sow th<' whoh• arP(l illlotted to wht>.at In the autumn. Sprln(( sowings are b<.'' duri~ open W't'athl'r in February or :\Jnrch, althou~th .\ prll !lrf'dli~ nttl'H yi,•ld'~ l"t)Unlly well. How l*~«t to tnrreacrE' th(' yield of when.t J*r acre Is a problem th11t pr~e<.-lw farmcN\ nr~> unx1ous to solve, nod tnere can }lj> littl~> doubt. hut. thnt tht" indl~rrlmlnatc plou~hhlJ:C up of undrnln('d luud will t•ro\t" 11 ~rlou<:. tax on fnrm labour, whi<'h Is alreatly wn· deflci<'nt. Where thl" culUvated pltlnt does not cover tltP ,l{roimd, \;{';.'d" ~oon drmand a shnr!.' of the aYnllabl<' plnnt food , \\'hit h io; U"lnally none too abundant. ~t'irnrn comhined with c;ound practice ha~ "'hown how maxi· mum viPlds ma'' be ol•talned. .l't~t of all, the mechani<.'al r-onditfon of the FOil tnu!it receive attention, nod in this connection olimntic conditions are undoubtedly a very ini1uentlal factor. &>condlv, the ~~elt"ction of th<' !!eed l!i oi considerablP lmportauce, and Ju~f ns th<' potato-grower mu,t rt>ly upon Improved vnrietle-< f"'" J}O ... ~· n !ltron~r con!ltitution than th~ which have been ""t-nkened by int(•nsiw cultivation, so mu!lt thP whel\t·grom"r l!i\"(' attvntion to new or regt>nernU'd wheat«. Th<' cnrdul npplicatlon of con('('ntrat.t'd f<>rtlU<;erS has done tnu<.'h to rni~ the );eJd of nil cere11l crops, but the clectrlflcatioo or ~'I'll ll'hrnt J, likely to <'J'('ate n nt"W ern In tht" growing of coru n op- 1'1w fo rmer grow ... more wheat ou nn acre of ground thnn thP farnl<'r or any other country, though the fact Is not j.!em·rall~· known TbP New Zealnnd farmer comes second, the Gi>rm11n about t~tgbth nnd tht- J.'rench nnd Anstrlan farmer ninth on the ll~tt. WREA T \' \ RIETIES. 'fllel'f' are t"ndless varletle~ of ll'h~>at fronl whlcl1 to c;elect . but it i<; a huy<; ber-t to kPCp to those that mny bP suited to ~~ parth'nlar «oil or dinmt{" "Uecl Standard" is a general tl\\ ourit.P, although on Rome soils it is almost lmnossible to •lts~'<·rn n.n~· dllf«'rt"n~ between lt and " S'tuarehead'K l\lnst~r." .\ -. :\ rull', l.owe•, .. er. thl' straw of the former fs stouter and 11'~'1 hahlt' to " lod~t" ·• " Bent"fnttor " has come Into prmnlnen('(> durtUR tht" last )ear or two, and Is undoubtedly one of the be!'.t Whlre Wheat<:. :tl\d especially in view of the fact thnt the grain Ill lr-..<; llkPly t~ ~prout In a wet sctu~on than In the case of tht> a wrn~ whit.(' varieties. ~:rowers arc a,~lttle soeptlcalln rt"gard to the yielding capaQ!ty ol J,tttJe .ro~.. . '\\'(' have secured heavy yields of this variety In thl" south of England, and it doe'! even better in the epstetD count lr' but In the we11t of Jo; n,l{land it Is undoubt~dly more or lr""· ri'~ky to llrow. Howe,--er it a full plnnt is secured thl!\ ~ ,lftf"l Y can \l~~rally be dt-pcnded \lf•Oil to vleld Well. It i!\ A a~~.., l"'lwt>Pn, 8~1ua~h!:'nd's l'lfnster., and '' Ohurlm." nul'foloynC' ~ Fife fs undoubtedly one of the l:>cst sprlniC wht"at..,, !' 11 d admits of bcl n~ sown later than any other sort.. "hill" lt tnvarJably yleldr! best in tht" second and tblrd year on the Mme !arm, aft.c' r chang!n~ lbr seed. On some soils at -.ucccNi.~ fiUIU> wdl when sown in November. 'l'here are few prettlrr Mmplt'' or milling wheat when well grown • but being one of the first wheat'! t.o ripen) '"hen autumn-!0\~n. and for ~f ~~~J~~ons lt often bl'comes lrll whose crop>~ tu(' llkoly t.o suffer from tht• onslaught Bl 'IP.'\~rowl! \voulcl be Wt"l ndvil)('d to lllve n.ttentlon to Percl\'111' 11 ~~~ • 00 <' whrat '!hill I!! o. hl'ardcd wheat nnd one \\ htch I• rn:ct~C'1.Jil~ lmDUtOP frOm t!Jllll'TOW{s When in fuJ) CaT. lt " J~ nr e IJc~t bt.>nrdcd wheat 1or l.':uly sowing A though m> are ltivlog o. trlnl to :. VIctor " this Is a variety