The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 4

THE February. I 9 f 9 LA:\DSWO~lA~ The Women's Land Army of America The firat contincent of t he W omen'• Land Arm1 of America to lea"e Loa Aocel" for farm duty. A )fi~HrC . .\. has tnkcn "u<·h a k<·(•n intcr( ... t in our Land Aunv that I feel -.ur<' m~nv of thf' • • 1 ~adtH's of TnB L \:'iD<~\\ 0'1 :\~ Will be plea......,<'d to t>CC somt• phot()!(raph~ of t!w wo1k of the Land AL'mv w Amcri<'a. Somi.' tim<' ago tht>y lDYitcd rc'pr~ ... <'ntati vcs of thE' En~lish Land Army to tisit that <'ountry. l"nfortunat('ly, the stret:~ of work here mad<.' it irupos ... iblt' to &l'<'<.'pt the mntahon. I n rt·grf'ttin~ th1-., the G{·neral Secretary of the Wonwn 's Land Army of Americn. wrote E.'xpl'('S!-ing their congratulatiOns upon the achieYemc-nt... of the Lund .Armv in Bntn.m. A" e>arly "'" · J ~17 tht• Rtandin~ Committ<-e on Agrh·nlture of thf' )hyor'.· Commtttf'l' of \\omen nn Nntion~l Dc-ft•ncC' in :\t•w \ ork C'ity undNtook t<> or2unic.o~ unit:-- of ''onwu flnm wolkent. \\ht<'h f"'Om pondcd sonwwhat to om· st>.l.'-Onal worke1'9. 'fhcP.e units varit•d iu number from ~ix to ~cH•nty­ thrc"· nnd th<.• womC'n hH•d togt·tlwr in a N•ntn•. trnm \\ h\dl th<>y W<'nt out to "('rk "lllgly or in ~roup". upon farm« 111 th<'. n<'t~hbourhood Th(•>< • umb \H·I'I.' l"C't'nut<'d, Yl'ry muc h on tht' line (\f our :\utional l.~tnd ~t n iC'f' C'or~. from co11E-gt• .... tudr·ut .... f~m \\Or k,,r-· m vartOll" trudl'-. with a dull st>l\:--on m the '~Ummet·. uud otht>t"! "ho wsnted o. '-'hnngt• of oumpo.tton. '\." \H'll a-< from "omt•n "ho h~tl l»Ct•n,na: at horn~"; and tht"\ tluJ t•well('nt work. Tlwn• i nn olrl "cng; wbif'h \'uic-t•d tlw fN linszs 0 f patriotil' Am<'riean wotnl'n in thl~ C'hil \\ ar day . "hi•·h 1 urh : • ... Ju-.t tnkc \·our JZUO and ~:to. For Huth t. n drive the oxen, .John. \nd 1 can u c tht' hot>.'' z6 ~o. wht'n .\meri<'a jomrd hand~ with the Alh<>~ m the Grtllt W l\r, th<' Wom•·n ~ Land Army of Am<>nc-a wao;; form~d. whi( h, bs..c:mg its program m~ on the <-Xj)('nence of England and C'anade., aimed at ~hmulahn~:t rec-rmhng for land sen-il·e. trammg wonwn workt rs, and co-ordmating all orga.msl\hon ~ 1nt<."re~t<:d m pla.cin~:t women on thC' land. Tho s ucct'ss of this new Land Army may be judgt.·d from the follomng figures, quoted by a pradical farmer in New Jersey : PITCHI!\O CoR~ STALKS (Indian Corn).-Two girls working together lifted from 8 to 10 tons of stalks per day. HA\·.- Two of b.ts girls could load as well as a man. 0AT'l.-0ne girl pitched s heaves in 19 minut<.'s. each sh<.'af averaging 8 lb., and s he- could pitch 19 ton~ m a day. Tlw \\ onwn s Na.tional Farm and Gl\rdc-n .\ sso- t'iatlon, which ha~ bPen )ar~l'ly respon"t ble for the intere'll <'quip}K'd t o takt' charge of kinds of farm opera- :no aH tion<~. Tlw "hairmnn of the• Xn.tional Farm and Cardt.•n A<>,;ociation in :Xew York takeq n. gwn.t int<.'l\'"'t in Tnt· Lnmswo'l""· nnd h ns promi..,t-d t<> send nu~ thl· n:un"" or Ll\nd Atnn ~rb in Amt•rica "ho \\ould hkt' to JOtn our C'orl'f "'l)oild<>ncc Club and cxchnng;tl •