The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 29

F~bruary. f • 919 THE LANDSWOMAN For Lady Land Workers High Uppers still obtainable! R..V:,e have receavec! a special permit from the Director of kno~\fl~da!~ls.,t~. j;.~ '!,~~~-the. manufacture of oar well· .. ·nau ~ ae D<>Ut wtth us htch tlllpus- made 1 0 th"' ., M farmeu' wive& and daughters- and to sell F'::r~h:o~nhwhoareengaged in nationa l voorkon the land. r, o t ose who have never seen tb1s famous model make thedfoldlow1ng special olfer. Ssmply send us your 1 naml.' an a drt!a and we will send a sample boot Cor your pe rsonal Ultpectton and fit ting, on four d4"S' free approv.a 1 . ' SEND NO ~£0=-oEY unul )OD ha'f'e seen the boot for ~~~ne~, htbefn. and only then, 1f you are satidied remit the h ' dn t e ellow boot w1ll be sen t at once.. On the other . .. nff self behs. strapped cuff~. and lined t h roughout with platd hmnP Equal1n value to PRICE thE' or•~mal heaVJer Sportsman'.; Coat. ' wh1oh was dess.:ued for winterwN.r. F or style, wear protection and convemence these Lll(htweiiCht models are sdeal STOCK SIZES- LADIES See illustration Brea<;t ... ... 34 36 36 38 38 Len~th ... 46 46 48 46 ..S SEND FOR ONE ON FOUR DAYS' APPROVAL. I ather of these Coats !ieDt Carrt·our upplic:~llon, and. if the Coat f,uls to cotnpletf'IY satisfy yoo. r et urn 1t within {our day! tn the ~mt' conJtuon a '> recesved and we will return your motu~) 111 full . VOlT risk notbln~. We Gt.:AR \~ fi ' E to utf ~ (y you S/>#plu,ri• O" 3 7 /6 ERNEST DRAPER & CO., LTD. (Dept L-W I " AU-Brltlsb .. works, Northampton. SPECIFICATION. Stock No 1?36 The up per~ are of a maiC 1fictnt qoalaty o! hide-- s mo.,tb. c;to ot, a n d c 'lcecdm gly phable Tts durabahtr 1s e :~:t1a · ordan u y. a nd tha !'tltcbin~t and workmanship throughout a re o f equally hillh grade The •• l~g " 15 ht ~h cut u tllustrated , there is a watertight bellows to n,cue reachin.ll above lac~ holes. leather lined quarter. CAref ully machine-~titched atJd well ,.C',.forced-en.lbhn~o~ it to rMi&t heavy ah~•in. · ·Field out" pattern. with adJ uStable straps a-s illustrated. ·The &oles nnd heel!> are of e:~:tra -,tout solid l5ther of the very best quality, nailed fiu ">h w1th stee l slu,;s. which enormously increa..~s the 'hfe ' ' of the t~o!l!. Stocked ID all USU'l) L 1 "All British " Works, Northampton. SJ