The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 26

February, 1919 THE LA "'lDSWOMAN Federation of Women's Institutes Fc:T.A nLxsnxn p; ('Ol-iJr""'CTIO~ WITR TRl: W o:-.JEN's RR ""'C"ll. Bo \RD 0J \ORH' Ul TtTHF A" n Ftuch \\M gentlE', thn.t tlu v hntl a. fine £ll-.7,000 "tnct• tlwn thL figul'('s h~nc not been puh- ('n'o of the fitncq_o:: of thing~. an m-.tinct for dctml .... lt,..Ju~d. hut tt is 1 Ytdent th~t tht re ts abundant SCO}W nnd, Wl thal, a lovf' of t ht picturt:-quc e.nd tlw for the jlroductlon of m on• hom·y tn Grt'a.t Bti tatn to lx-8-utiful. \Ve bt>l L nd that :,uch qnahtu.•,.. ~honld m<·ct the want now c·ontrihut-<' to good supplied by fort'tgn lwP kP<· pm~ ant! t ho.t countri<•s. )I or<- ~moug n('at and ovc•r, hont>y IS being ,,PJI-k<'pt hhe .... 1n u~<'d in inorca&ing a. p;t~rd<'n of flowt·r<:, 1uantiti<•s, and the ''oman would :-horto.gc of f\ugar look her hc"t has ro.tsed the price ;\fon:o .. cr. tht bcr-, of honey to a figure would f('mpt lwr to which makes of bc('- kf't p in t bt f T~'' h kceping a n t>Xcced- ,, nd op<.·n m r : which mgly p r o fl t a b I eo wnnld ))( 1·xcdknt occupa.tJOn . ~c<·­ fnr her 1\ncl the hOni:i of llh., whi<'h r.H't'. a couple of yeal'; Mn u y pc r s o n s ap;o W('l'C sal ... ahlc think thnt hcC'kt•l p· at 6d. eo.rator, :wd that g1rl commurucat.ccl \\OIJH\11. })(•tnp; Ill from hor school the 1'(', a ... lll !!O m1~n • v 1•'1 om .. The D(l krtJlt r•' Ga~tllt.' l . 1 with the wntcr, re OPl/111/lt olhc-r rc •:o~ pc<:t::-, ' n g: "Why Lady Beckeepeu. • don't you t r y m a n • :.; su tx•rJOI, clo<" not provoke thr b1'C'Il to sting, nnd ~-oo t•sci~JJI"<. t<> ~>utoura~e ht<'kl'<'pwg aq an mdustry more " \Yh<'n gru'h r perd>~ mu.n t'll'.Jt'On, for gn·l~;., cstwdn.llr when thetr allowances a~c 'I'Iwn \\Olllt'Jl sh. Lot the n: untmg roughn1 ss nnd tun1nt, and hurml<'::-!' t<> :-.ut·h a-.. ·~ppma<'h that gain ma.y, lil<<' boys and men, ofton be " hard th<•m tcotlPrly, ''"ithoul ft•ar Woman'Q rh•lll:nlt• up" fouclJ. her •· jnflmt<' vnw•t v," g1 VI' lwr t lw mnxtoy \V<•II, hen. 10 honey production, Jl:l a.n occupal1011 ttPn n in o many o ther·cnturo,.. wtth profit fflr girl11 whose allowances are small ft 1111, howcwr, to the credit of beC> ts an ~1 £10 woulrl come m handy as an i ncre ment : mdu!'>try for wom<'n that it make no <'X<'CJ>siw tf £20 would h1·lp to hala.noo receipts and oxponscs • , latms upon theJr phytucal endurance, strong and 1f £30 would pnj foL· a needed holiday; 1f £50 en , apablo o Wf' now know thC'm to b1•, Th<'rc an· £100 Ol' £200 '~ould m('et mu.ny chums and add no hf'IWY wtJght-.. to llft. nor hurdensoml' load!" to plen~urc to hfc, hero i11 a n opportunity-opon-aJ t carry. What thu mof't roqmrcd are gcntlNu.·R~ '"orlc, healthy, invigorating, fascinating; rec17"'· -~ alrend\o· tu.t£·d-judgmtnt, nnd fol'('"tght. tlon as well as work ; a naturo-study elovatJDg With thoee it w1 ro pos!liblo for" the delicate woman, the mind, and, for tho labour and capital required, "htoh would not ad vcn turo to t>Ot the sole of hor by far tho mo;~t profitablo of all agricultural foot u poll th~ grouno for delict.t~nel'>:-," t<> t>ng&go pursuits. Beekeeping for Women 1 B J