The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 24

Fehruary, 19 19 THE LANDSWOMAN Pt•J•pcr, F. n. Pith, 'r. L. l'oore, J>. G. Po~ll l'rin()t', l '. PaS5 uo L. Puynr, ::-.. Peareo' ~ 'L Pcarco , 'L Pooll', I ,. :\1 . l'ykl', J;. I ,. ltl'cvc~, J. 'L ROII!'rts, E. 'f. RolJbiw, .\. S }'llt'!lhott, 0. W)"'(', E. Walker, A. ~iddall, D. R1·• d, D. ,\. RI·· W '>, V. G. Hyland, V. White, )t. L. Wlllcox, n. Wllt<~hir<.', };, 'l. Y Hyland,.)f R St!\rk. D. ::-Ah.;d8(' n. Smith, E. :\f. SoUl~, E. Stnples, 1;. liwain, M. \ . Sym.e{', R .• T. •raylor, N. Toms, .M:uri('l '.l'Wist, c. Tweedllle, C. l.Jpshall, :1\1 Watch, Jt Wrlcb, M. n. white, I;. E. 'WIJlllCtt, J . lbrtlE'y, A. Dnttnm~. r,. Attw('ll, E. Dtm~on, J~. Jn<'mo~, l~. Hlldl\ M. O'Connor, M. mchanl•on, H. Flook. 0. Cllft,l' Chorl<'y, F-. M. ('hubb, G. Colcs, C. Dny, 1\I Cnrew, Jlallhwll llowrll, 1\lr'!. G. 0. ~t~te", G. • One hundr<'d and h.elvc of the!\(' glrl$lll~vc be<'n working for " y<'nr or ovcr. nnd thl' remainder for «IX month" or n little over. LIPTONS take a personal pride in the excellence of everything they supply for the table. QUALITY FIRST is the principle on which Lipton's business is conducted. Judg e for yourself how well t hat ideal ia maintained in all you buy f rom Lipton'a. . = Bournville - - fr = AND = ~hocolate - - - - = ·- - - = "THE VERY FINEST PROD UCTS.' - The Metlical Magazine. = 1:: = Tile lar, .. t Tea D i.atributon , Maoufaot u ren &Dd Retailers of Food Produc t• in t h o W o rld. Many tbouc;and employee• a re engaced on Ll ptoa's Tea and Cocoa Estates, Ceylon. T ea Merchants b y Special Appoint ment to H . M. 1\mg George V. H .. d Office: C JTY ROA D, LONDON, E .C . 1 . 1/rAttcltu AIUI At~tteUI tltrour lwttU tlu U1utetl KifltdOtH. ll P TO~, 3 MADE BY CADBURY. i- CADBURY, BO URNVILLE. _ iN~ 1111 mnn. uu, unnnm llillllllll!lllln m Hill 11 11 :n u., lllllllllld un nuui 11111.1111, 1, 11" llllllllll n 1111lli u ,, !' 1 n 1 ~ TD ESSENTIALS for LADIES WORKING ON THE LAND. "CHILLILINE" "GLYMIELJELLY" w i ll c uro your FOR CHAPS CHILBAINS R O UQHNESS 113 per tube. Postal!(~ and packin~C 3d rxtra OF 8KIN 1 E TC. It s Jften :. and im pr ves the Hands. Face and Skm. Free from l'.tickin~ ~. or .:rt!a~e " PUMICE STONE SOAP" FIFTY YEARS' WORLD . WIDE USE For Removin.: Statn" from the Skm, Tube .. 6d , 11- or 1/6 Postal(e o10d packin• 2d. uxtra and thoroughly cleaninll D1rty Hands. Tablet. post free. 1/· The abon are aold br lta.lliar Chemieu and Stores, or aent direct on receipt of atampa br OS BORN E,BAU ER & CH EESEMAN 19, Golden Square, Re K ent Street, 1 London, • w .