The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 22

THE LANDSWOMAN DuU~r, E. Btddlecombe, card. L. n. Chambet'latn, K Co~m!\n, R. Corn wall, M. Co-11~, K . Cox, A. Crockford, H . Cullwielc, \ . Cl&rk,.,I • Dayf M. Dt.v '·B. Dyball,lb l :dwtn, I . Eni}tw, n. Finch, L. 'Ford, P. OorbeYt, J:. Goudle, .\ . Gray, A . Gray I . Gtll, L. HarP., )1. Hill, F. ~btheWI!, ){ill~ V. P. Andrc\•~.\E. Ostler, A. Ba«:helor, )[ BlllncU, G. Bi•nPU, J . Candy, K . Povey, A. Pegden, G. Pret1ove, )(. R&wUngs, W. Nomood, L. Paynt-, E. Paxton, R. P oulton, N. R4ndt'll, M. Robemon, 1<. &abrooltt', 1' Clloppl~. B. Roberta, R . Roes, F. coualna, A. Dallas, D. Ferryman, R . Gaunt, D )t. Gibbon, 1{. Ry~. K. Smith, C. Smith, F. Smith, R. ShJpleyt. ll. Smith, L. GroW!, 1>. Rntlt'y, R SlmmonltJ', r .. Smith, R . Strong, E. Taylor, A. Taylor, B. 'l'Wigg, E. WadP, ?tfro. Wade,}!. Smith, :u Smith, l!ar~ti'TY Voice, V. Wallla, L. Holden, ,\ . HO!IiPr, E. Rt'Mher, ){. JeUI11, 8. Warncr.z...A· Wcbb, .tl. Wlggs, 1. Lamb, M. J..amb, W . .. ... Cornwall La\fl"CDIX', Lot. Wlllfnm,, n. l' Elllnp, L :\1. HAckle~. l :. A. ;\T. Jone,, o. Lloyd, I .. B. Treglown, L . Bastion, H . Ridgemont, X. Hoop('r, W. Wernham, C. Walker, W. Wat&on, I . CruiJ:!r' P. Jennl~, :\IcGmth, :\1. Bcth, J. Butt, A. Ruck, E. Dybt.ll. B Mead~', };. ~nny, H. Flynn, f •. c. Groy, A. llache, J;. ue, L. ltace, J. )IAoo, I>. '\laycll, \ Trt>near A. Bollcn, i.r". Shnmo!UI J . 8hervlll, t . Smith, E Stonwn, S. c. Welsh, Worth, M. \ . )[. o. Brown, J . '.I't'mple, L. Ward, A. Clemo, L. • 1\Ilt~hell, B. L. Qlrne, L. M. Jnmcs, D. P carac, D . S . Gundry A. Amici, Gross! Haycock, M. K crslake, M. ~~ llforrlsscy, R. AngO\"t', A. } • Marshl\11, M. Bowling, A. Courtla, Mrs . • \ . )[. Duncan, Mn. L. H . Wcntherly, C. w oodcoek. \ . Wr1Rht, D. Webb, A .\. Rogera, F. ~1. Symona, M. Nelt\1!, )1. AbbiiiS, R. Perclval, E. n. Pc~raon, A. Ford, J. J. Rlx, M. Dlmruork. E. Taylor, E. ;\1. Robblos, B. Sanders, D. !t!a.stlon, :at. Osbomc, '[1 Da.ta, D Itulc, N. I:lllott, A. L. Burdon, 1 .. WllUs, E . Webb, L. Walt.f'MI, M . North Uerts Oalnes, Nenlt', P. Wllldnson, U . 0. Latham, ~ . Law, A. Leavor, l '. Flet.chcr. :M.artln, Am. M.llca, !>Irs. Mlllt>r, B. .Alien, I,. Walslngham. E . lngry, C. Knt~. West Herts ,r,cmiebad, H . '&tts,K. J'Ac~n. February, I 919 • Pllchcr, E. Pollard, C. Richard!, 1\{. T, Semmlns, Mn. 1-' . Wllllam~, Preston, G. c. "I. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BRITISH MADE. DIRECT FROM THE "ALL BRITISH" WORKS CORSETS I T CARRIAGE PAID. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. ' o thoae of our lady customers (especially lady Land-workers) who are hvmg m the Country away from shopping factlttiea the newa of the establishment of a Coraet Department w11l undoubtedly be welcome. In chooaing a line of coneta whtch would be worthy of the traditions of thU busmess 1t was oeces ary to be sure of 6rst-rate quality in combination with highest posstble value for money. It was also enential that the line chos~n should be Britiah Mnde. These requarements are !atis6ed in the famous • TWILFIT ' ' CORS ETS. and these are now to be obtained darect from the •• All Brit1sh" Worka. "Twalfit" Conetaare guaranteed to gtve •atufaction or they will be exchanged or money refunded. All models from 7/ 11 upwarda are 6tted with Sp1ral Unbreakable Hip Steels. • ILLUSTRATED CORSET BOOKLET FREE. Our apectnl booklet o( "Twil6t " Corsets contains illuatrntions of twelve models at prices ranging from 5/ 11 to 21 /-. Send your order to-day for the mod I alluatrated in thas advertise· rnent or \\rite for the booklet. CORSET DEPT. ERNEST DRAPER & (}~e~') eo., L 0 "All British" Works, NORTHAMPTON. 'TWILPIT" MODEL SPORTS No 3 Spec•ally suitable f or the Landswoman Pr1ce 7/11. • ca:Ci~'~~td. \ tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliJIIIJIIIIIIJIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 44 fJiuue murlfDtt TB& LANDSWOWAN wlle n wnlmt ID Advertu~rs.