The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 21

February, 19 19 THE LANDSWOMA ' • The Landswoman Portrait Gallery Volunteer Nicholas. Our first D.S.B. - Wflkin~. Mtoe Allrn, GmOt' J lUll<'", Gladys Khh lo'l'nka, lltny :.'lfa•ltn, Bthel .Xorton, AllOt' Ha11, Gludv:s Hlackett, Hannah Brlgg~. J)Qrothy Campt..ell, JanPt Ch.afHrJan, Ethel O:tke • Edit!J Pocock, Ad,.laldc lhtlpott!!, JHanriH• 1-'rows.e, I~. Pullen, ~. lf. A. Ranft, lf. \ . Robblnq, h"Y JanPt Church, J,lllan ClarkP.. Quee me Colr, ''r1nlfred Coldrlck, 'Ir3 .• \11<"1: Co:~:, Annlt Ro~m f!rabb, Ethcl Row!~, Miss Eth<·l ~tchola-.:, IJ ...\ A.S., aged ei!lhteen. ha..'l been awarded the Dtshnguished Service Bar. When in charge of a cuttmg machine dmwn by two horses the lc>g of her cmploycr was caught in th(' knife. :Mis~ NicholM bound up tho wound, and when the doctor arrived hclp<•d him to operatE'. The doctor assc>r~ that but for )hss Nichol~·s prompt action the farmer would han lo3t h g. and perh aps h.ts lifl:'. EW!I, Eda Thl' D.S.B. has now been awardc Parrt!lh, Ada Rh:hMdoon, J;va Ropt•r, l\£tt~. ~x. (.'room, ){ar~aret Cumt.crland, Beryl ))aft, :Yellie Uni•. E~ther JJay, Violet Drew, lla.rv '~ ooda~. Lily l~kt•r, Olady~ Utmr<', Woroths I~urtax, 'liZI ·•h }<1eury, ' tdUr Garnett, lltld:\ nou~th, Jl'~~lc natrh, Knft lll~~~. \[:\y .Rowle<~, K. !11. "ootford, Hild:\ Seott, Gf' rtrud" Shcppard, Gra1!e Suns, Kat.e ')oane, E. 'itl'wns, Rhod.\ Summt•rton, I<'. llarttu~ J.van<~, Tllcy, B WhittiniZt.On, A. Wllliams, Blodw~n Wllham..._ V tit la Wy:ltt, N. Bouy, L. n Corney. ].Ir-.. U··ath, .\qnes R••ath, El~te illll, Edith Rolton, lira. M.artha Roopcr, Et~her Jiu~hr,, Etht'l Jdf, Dom. nood, n. Edward~ • .\. l.lrUt!y, E. X. lltlllrr, ,\. Woolley, E. Jaqne'l, E. J!t'!mminll:". J. unnoo • .l!r . StOD(', G. Jolle'\, Elizabeth Lnor, 2\-Iay Little, Hllda :1\I:mu~'rbb, l<'annay (!lfrq. Joy) on. D. Rowles, P.. Bertha J>rinkwatN, • Mld-Berts Division I 3Wl\'ll"(', Hobo~. ' "Wlth, \ . CollJn,, )1. ~OUthl{att>, 1Uo11m:m>h, E. 1., Conroy, K I :ukman, 1;. I~n~on. 8m1th, C. I. ardner, '11~" ~\hyc11, 1{. H •la:lru, L. P\' ttit • l\{. "lud~or \ . )f. )L ~l~ad. J; Y:v:ln~ • .G ~{f'nd, Fountam, h PA~<~tful, \ h lt(•lt. 1 • Small, M. .1 ollv. :E. llottrn. J. . Jnqa;ud. 11 lit ndo'Nilli "· :.; t.Sll, \ East Berts 'E. Uarrett, lo'. U;u-r, J. 11\r· ,t •• J.vad<'l , I \llll'\, \ • l..alCIII•\, \ . +3