The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 17

February, 19 19 was th" financial rr'!ult. }{or(', all«> n handful of 1 A \ '3 .lctcd Mrs. Lytt!'ltou's play ton vll~' audience and rnJ~d· £1 '> Wtth all thi'l evidonce of tho IUCCC'!! or I.nnd Aimy tal!'~t the; !>hould, ,,.. no dJ fficulty tmywh~'ro to raising monry for' Corn- torts b, or othcr purpo'!C. Other !~hopping deroand.a for ala~ clocks and Chin <~traps and wool have n.H been dr• pl\fdtPd. \V(' are often asked to IMert<~rnnll ndvrrtl~cmrnta and" wnnt• " whloh up to thr. J•rCSJ:Jnt we lta\r. rcfrniOP.d fron 1 doln~ · but In orrler to ohllg•' our rend<"T~, we JITOfl<-"'" to lnclurle m the .UArch Jqsue a_ ~~:\~Cl" ot lnliAil n.tlwrtl~rn~>nb \n}Onf', thl'rdorr, wi!lh 1 ng to ad"' rtt~ ·ttlttlng.o of CJtWI. day-old <.-hickll, plant", u.nimalll, J)olfl.>nt food<~, fr.rtlll7f'I'l', ko1tfl'd torkto~t~. or domP&tlc ~;Nvn.nt<~ u"1 now do 10 -confident that tlu'ir udwrtJ-.PJO!'ntF will tlf' rt•nd u}' th~' wtr pPoplt' tlwy wnnt to rell.Ch. fllrv llhrJul th•• J•lae> of Tu1 J,A, wo~r \'I 1 xcllangr Colulllil, wlu<'h is for th, u~ or the Landwork~'r" onh. CHRISTMAS PARTIES.-Somc of the mO!t enjoyahic l'venm~ I ha vu cvl'r had haw. ll('~'n a~nt 11\tely at J,.nnd Anny vl\rti('S. How we do ('fljoy oursclvt''l In the Land \rrny wh~>n "'' ;dl come together for that purp01(' and no other 1 At JL·moll nnd Guildford nnd Chelm~tord, and tonny, rnany othf'r piMre, ,.,'f' dauood and plAyed games, nod rat teM and llUpf"'rs, Jntt As thou~h nothin~t t•l,.:c ro'\ti:A!red In nil thl' world. We ll·f're Pnttrely !o~tful of the fact that •onv• of us h:\d walk•'d at l~a~t ~~'~' "" ml1es and had the sam~ dbtan_re to go home ; and th,. thou~ht that We:' h,d to t~P. milkmg at a .a..m. the next 1uornin • did not reconcile.- u!4 in the lt'ast tQ the dt•rrtal decic:aon ot ou; CtJuntv ~crotane-; ~hat nil wcll-regula~d r •. md ,\may pnrt.1e• ~top at 10 o clock.. \\e lu"t came to I'OJOY otlf"U'h·e, and ~ • did. And tllat bnng'l me to our Hood Service Ribbons and Dlstlo~lll'lh('d 8ervlce :Bar)i, for the former wet'l' pn·~~>ntPd at all tit~' Jl"rtle<~ which 1 attA!ndecl This ribbon, ns ,YOU kliO\\, IS ll\~ari> J£lven stx months complett-ly ~ta!(factoey sen·ioe In the Land \.I'ruy, and hundreds of names of th~ who bavo already re- ceived it, Will be found on anottwr p~. There at~o you ..-111 llnd the portrait or Voluott-er l\lchol.u, "bo, whill' qhe wa... working in Stll;l!C'X, Jl('rformed the very plucky action for whJch s he has been awarded the fttat Dl"tt~ished ::)ervi()"' Bar Por- traits of all recipient~ of the D.S.B. will appear in 1m; LAND"· WOlfAN, and 1 hope there will be many of them Of on<' thing I am quite cett.'\ln. E\-ery one 01 )'OU who lsftlle({ ulth tilt' tn11' Land Army spirit would earn the D.S.B. If you had the chance I! the awards or this decoration ace rare In the LAnd \rnw. 1t will be from lack of opportunlty-cert.."ltnly not from lack ot courage. Your ' be properly distnbuted, and removes all undue stra1n . For Young Lad1es' anci Women (deep-fithngJ. ~lade in 13 sizes for Cbtldren. Frr Prtees ancl p~rttculara 'end Po.tcar.t for free La •e-rty BUtlu:~ 'Book "LIBERTY BODICE •· FACTORY (Dept 40) ~fARKET HARBOROCGH Gardening Hints for February W ORK must be pushed forward this month If v.-cnther permits. Real digging, manuring, and cleaning are ot areat importance, for the sun J.- gaining 10 PO\~r. Don't let weeds come mto flower, especially groundS<'!, but dig them in; they will nourlc:h tho nPXt crop. J3E>;ms may be sown, both early and late crops, but guard from frooti. Brooooli- Sow on a warm border, also m frame..:~, U po·~tble. Broad beans do welllf put Into boxes in ~' !mmo and planted out. Brll:'~ls sprouta should oo sown early, both in the Sl't'd pateb nnd ln frames, for they require a Ion~; tlm\' to grow if largt• buttons arr required. Cabbage plant.'>, if too crowdrd-dra1v ewry otht.>r one to allow them spnce to heart. Sood -Sow in boxc~ in u. fmml.' to plant out whe n large enough. OarUo to be planted In ro1-v-; 9 inchM apart nod 2 tnchcs doop ln rtch c:oil. Lettu~lfake a small sowl~ now, and again later on. ~ow m~tard and CN·•s n boxes, anti pia~ in a sunny Windo1v if there I'> no frame . .Pan.mps reqwru to be >~own early 10 u...eply d~ ground. The digging Is mom important than mo.nure. PI! as--So\" e.\rly sort>-, but not 1C the \Vt'ather IS wry wot, they will only rot; but th~' trenches can b() got ready ancl manUNd, ~;o as to be ready to sow the seed on the tl.ri!t fine d~y . I>tant in row:~, about 6 feet bot"•cen each t1"0 ro1~i, and plant eMiy pot.atol's bot."'t•en ; they do much better, they get more alr aod light, nnd h~>lp to protect the potatoeo; tron• late fto8t~. Radi'lh\, - ro b~ sown wtth -,ll::(ht proh•.:tton : an o!cl hox wtt!\ a s!leet ot gl'\~ on top wlll help thf'lll a klt. 'IW" I" 1C you ('lm t <>paTQ a f(t\rO!'ll fmme Rhnbatb .. houhl be tl\kcn np anti dt\ ,,lrd, and planted in g.lOtl. ril'h, mn1-t o;\lll, t•n•• t'Ytl to e:\ch cro110. l:IIWo\·.s-~ow 1\'1 "oon .~ p~~tbll' on n w um rwh bed. ::.calmle- Wat..•h the plant.-1 C!\rrfully, t\Dd "hen tht•y pu.,h out ui the ~roatnd, <.''IVer th·• er0\111~ w1th t-"nw ll\ 'n t rup 'r~t-lr.' ot uo~ 0;. tl:io and put thl\ Jlhntg 1nto tt-turub pot., M 'oon M tha'r ('no be h;ndll'd. 'rouaatOI.~ oan bl' had from J nnc to Xuv~nlb~'t w1tb the ht•lp of a grecnhouae or hcatrd tmmr Ch"r l·Hl b~· b.)ttlod wbol", by prloklu~t tllom near tl~~> P.tcm sf:'t or "''Wn tinll'-4 WJth a darning nredll'. ktwln)[ on th~ 11hort grN n "talk. Tho unrtpo onci m.ako t·:ccclll'nt c-hutno). w1th thn hrl1• of apple'~ t\1\ll 'IUltdna.~. .Mlnpcncl on th'\t nnd plaCt' thl' ~t·('(l ll-lth tho lln!tcr 111 th• P'>t.:. l'lou't scl\tlf'r them; prtM thll Mrtb ver~· ftrmly tn ttu pt>t• or bo..:t'.i \VIth a flat p1ece of slate or wood; rover the &CI.'(l l on lOCh With YCry tine ~011 } r. \ "C'l:~ .W UI.Lf\ , PI eau m en/11111 Tax LANOSWONAN >(., PRICES OURT~Bou UE1) COMPl..FXION SOAP, r/ilr> cno]m of n•1Jr( /Jourm~ ·ws m Me l'f!lvc>llf llQture f...i'lt:/ Ju.t H't' qnd t/W TW(UlttfiU!~ Cl . liS fJf' lllll<' ('OUf'tBouqurl Jod(.<: {t,_flft ti l ' - a Jot/et Shop ot absolute> purtfl/ ~'<·=tt--'.~ lY!ft7Wll.U.'7lltmd PRICFS, BATfi:RSl.A. ~ W 11~ , ....... . .,. ' whtn wrilint ID Ativulturs. :- 39