The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 16

February, 1919 THE LANDSWOMAN DE \R f:nu.s, -l "j,h Chrtstmns time and Chn!>tn 11" ttumh•r· cnnv· rnorc oftt.'n, for they have brought to me the mo,t d•·li~htful ot 1\ll U1e lcttA•n:., full ot delight, which you hn't' ll<'nt me In SIH'h wuloomn nuu1h<'NI ever ~I nee .fnnuary. 101 ~. Ho ntl\ny of you took th'l trouhl"' to wi$h "our 'EdJior" a hnppv Chrl tma~ nml nllllorta ot nice thiOS!" In the ~ew \rnr and I f~·lt proudr>r thnu e\'er thl\t I ?"H your Jo:ditQr, and th~t i po,'l(' 'll.'tl 110 tnlHV ch:nmlll~ friends. This is our great Cmnpotltlon ~nmh<'r, md I I.'Xpcct thl\t tht> spl~>ndo•Jr of th,. priu-s onercd on another PM!•' Will ~lmo">t take your brt'alh nwt.y. \nywny, 1 lsope )Oil w11\ s how your o.pprccln.tlon of the generous oltl'r b\ •eno<\y, o.nd now thnt th~ ewnln~ arc Ion~;, nntl w:- all h:nc plenty of SJ>Iln' timt.', I W<\nt l':t'<'r'' rr.drr or 'l'IJE l ,A'i'TI \l'03l.\:'( to try for onl' or othl.'r of tlti'SO prll.(·~. ~ lf t tu~ri' 1~ nnyonn who dtX'<~ not tP~lablc tQ tackle any of thc.'C oomp"tlt IODK, \~Ill ~be 3U(J'}"Il a competition, and \W will "Ct it In the '\1 .uh numll"r? OUR POST BAG.-Thc corrc:-~ting subject, " Doe~ an mt1matc kno\\ lc~ ot Suture tend to make her more attrnct1'-e or othcrwiee?" will h~~vc to he held owr till next month, owing to IMk of 11pare. J:ut \\C t•ropose to mn'-c such dJqcu<:o.ton.<~. a n'gulur f<>atum ol 1m: I A'SC•"WO~U.'\', nnd to h:n·c !l column e\cry mouth cnt tiNL " Our l'~t Rag" \ny good su~~tions for torle3 of lli"· c I--·lon wlll be wt>lcom<'. CORRESPONDENCE CLUB.- You v.lll nll <'ll.JOY ntmrt from n f1•w of my ll'ttns thl<~ n•onth - ·• hn't IXIV•ln glorious? I love ~v~ry hlt of it, although I • t.m really n ("omish woman. 1 can't exartly sny how I le<'l, but •omotlm<>s, when l am out in the Orlds nlont.', 'J JW.t havt• to holll uty arm'~ out to lt nll, it se<'m~t so big eoml'how, nnd t>vcrv· thin~ ts nlht'. :Even the frra"-" and the hnro tret'B &'em to tell yon that tlt(·y nre lhimt · nnd 1t lt n il mlno. or l'O T thmk nt time« 1 thin!, thnt thE\ tlcld in whirh r - ) ou nro "orklng nlont• i~ all your O\\n - don't you '•· • ( nm ln lh<' Surr<'Y r .. \ . .\ ~. nnd was at thr. c:uildrord part\ la t "" niOi, nhl'n you wl'rc prl'- sc ut. • • • Tts.~t was rlght<'rn happy moutt.s ttllO, nnd mn..,lf knO\V how much I b rnc learnt to lo""' the l.e·\utlt's I have fouull in fhl.' country. The gloric' of t hf'eunsllU!. th~ moonri~M, the llr.,vn.s, thl' mlst!! awc,.plnll awny frorn thr. hill!!, thn snow on th,. trllC!I, t rcm•fnr lltllllt <''"ry thltut • Into n fnrr) I nu. 'I he gloriou' &prinll. wh,.n'hl t•n-rythlng t.•ll" of rrrPh LHe 1 he nnlnUliS \uth their vonng, thn hlrllR-th~ lnrk -uh i thl' lork, w1t h itA !lOll'! of uplifting ronl1clenUIIl onl) thought" Of Gll thr ,( thin~ on to r•npl.'r, !Jut T cnn't 'I hll)' a•<' o )umb.letl n•l crowd• d. that Jt J'l only lrft for me to \\en"\l' drel\m" f11r m\'8Cif : drt'!IUn'l to carry h:v·k thnt dismal town \~llt>rt• l ltM"U pmmlted to 1'\'turn whr.n th" war Ill tlnlqh,'d-1 hnl~' tu tlnnl.: of goln~: ll.lck-nh, 'H 11, tltr \' t:' n onlv lunr my mind to my h rt nnd'tloul wtll he ahvay::., "tth tltPW fil'ld.s anll the h IJrJnt t lln:n of my lifc>, my J.1nl \nny'll Y"" " Jl , 'ort t•\-c.r just 'tood 1!\\ 38 , • .., nnd fcMted your tW!I on the countrysldo tn spring, wht n thl' hlo.;.<~on\S are fill out and thl' bird<~, nnd l'Wry little ln~·ct. M'l'll\ to oo almost bursting tht>1r hr:utg with joy 'l Your tronhlt>s F-1:Cm to roll away from you, they seem Ro smnll, •\ntl you 1''\y to vouf'l('lt, 'Who could lXI unhappy wlwro .-vrrything around ~<'m~ "0 lowly ? • I onet• n•nd of an Indi.ul pttl'rs to u-+-1"-n't thnt a lowly thought?" It i'l n lo\clv thOught, and it remmds me that In:\ long·lookcd· for It t kr which ~me to roo la<>t "M'<'k from Palcstinl'-alc;o from a rl'nd,.r of THE L.-\XDSWO!H:i, I found n Uny little gre) olive lrnf threalled through th<' paper, and underneath, "1\ 1<'1\f from the- :\lount of Olh<'s." An