The Landswoman February 1919 | Page 13

Februar!J, 1919 THE LANDSWOMAN OUR GREAT COMPETITION NUMBER £10 1 Os. in Prizes LAND- WORKERS' Needlework Prize of £ 3 'hny ()(you hi\Vf> J, •'11 rtnnbl•• t~ ntt>r for J'rU! J,\!(f):;WO\B'f comp..tltJou t••eau · yr•u c"nuot wrltl' "..!lay rJr pocrn , or draw plcturr11. l•'<>r thr&! n prrll' of £3 will be l{heu !or th~> Jx:,t {lrecc of n•···~ll~wor',:: or croch .. t ~·ork or kruttin~-the Ul of £t and a "'rcond prlz" of HI!\ wrll be f(ivl'n forth,. be<~t I!~Qay on any ~>UbJ•·I't eonnect.t!rl with land work or .Xaturt'. uot more thnn 500 words JD length r·:•!<\y'! to rf'ach thi".Ctlfio- befort' \prtl ht. Smart tn a ppearan ce and hard w earing TUNIC and SKIRT, Poetry- First Prize £1 ; Second Frlze tOs. 63/- f'or B 11hort poem on any !!nhj~>ct, httmorotu or.:YntimPotal To bt' <~entln bf'tore \pril l'lt, Soft Hat to m a tch. 6 / 11 Drawing- First• Prize £1 ; Second Prlze 10s. T unic: made with two larg e p.,ckets. S k i r t fa.atena m ftont w1th two larse poc.keta. For a dr,\win~ on noy subject-rrn-and-lnk or colourf'd To be ieut in lP fore o\p n I l 'lt. The eotrJei'l for all tht- compcUtion.• will bt-) jud-;ed by the Director o f the " omen's Bmnch, Bo:~.rd of A~nculture, n.>!"t ted hy t he Editor and a ll('lect Committee ot Head JU.arter<~ Staff. The decision of the f 'omll'U.tro to be lto:\1 Everybody's Prlze of £3 A :~peclnl Editor':;~ Prize of l:-3 T U» LA!iOSWO\H..,. who succeeds will be given to nn): reader of in getti ng thl" gTt'nt~t number of now subscribcrs bcfore April l at. The Mmes nnd alidt?~s of t he !lnb.'leribe rs, ~ether w1th tb.eir r;Jx monUl.S· subsenption of 2!. (members oi the Land _\ rmy t s. fld ) to be sent dirt'Ct to the Editorial 0 111ce, ::>toM l'iel.t, l..idbrook Grove, l1t1ckhc-ath •t!lin the r. \ •• \ .., m ~p'lc.; :M ruu.U of tlv c'>mpeliJ.iott$ Chr~mm .\u.Jr.foer " " l1~"lJ 11Ut t1U 1•e:tl m .. nth. Owbw to luk fJj THI~ followin~e l etk>r lMli bef'n ~ut to P\'('l'y J::n([land and W ale" l<'ood Production ])(>partment, 7 .!, • \•tt~orta ~treet, • I BREECHES SUIT IN CORDUROY London. ~. W .1. Ref. Xo. C' L. ~67 (a)/LJ. D.£,\.R L\NOWORKtR -~0\f' that tht• slghtln~ ha.-. corn(' to an end you \till bo wantln~t to know what Is the po-.itlon ot th" Land \ rmy. Xothmg ccrwln can yet bt• satd about thl' ruture, but one tblntt ts ct'rt~in, tltc whole world Is \.'c ry short of food, nmt evorythin)t JUU~t be done to produoo as much :1-- pos.sthle. \our country ~ti ll need<~ your h4'1J>. Now I vou to nn'jW('r a t) UP<~tlon which I!! set out on thr for m b;!low, and \VhPI'f' then·ls o:;J)aCP lrtt tor your reply Ph':\..~' bt mo h:wc lt M •t ulekly t\.'1 po~ihle, for 1 W<\nt. to know what. your own ldet\ 111 about th(\ fut ure. The form !lhouhl 1:1" ltllt•d In, ton1 01f, folded up, nnd J'O"t«l lmmciliatc ly , rt nl'ed not t hen be !l!nmped. ' l t'JU£1. f, '1' \ LBOT lhrV.t()T, " omcu'-,jBranch. Ta.lor-maJ,. Sm ·~ - ·• wath two IArg .. patch rocketa double .boulder poe<:es. Cao be buttoned hi,h at neck or rev~ra turned bnck •• 1hown. BREECHES to match w•th lac~ tl koee1: t wo in11de pocketa and adjust able wcult belt to fit l\OY W&JSt 596 .Ref No. C.L. 267 (b)/L:.I " hr n tho fhy comes tlr~t tlw J.and Army i'> demobilised •~ tt your in~n tton to t.\ko up land work as ) our {lC'nnanent e mploym~'nt '? Ill rete 1 Cl or .\ o SLJIT Soft Hnt to match 6 111 htr~. WRITE:. fOR ILLtSTRATLD LI.'JF UF LA 'tO .\{.'IT'J AND OHRALLS Pleau ment zon T u£ L At-.DS W O\IAN wh~n wrilzn1 to Advulzurs. /.35