The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 8

• August, 19 19 THE LANDS\VOMAN The Land Army and the Victory Loan ' • Laod Army detachment in the Victory Loan Proceuion JT Land WM mo'~t c<•rtainly in th<' r llht orclN of thing~ thnt the :\rmy 1\hould lf'nd that wonderful Jo~' I oan pro~ tht "ar ~a·nngs Committee, and con"' l<'d of NuN('~, V.A.D.'!l, pohhrnl '\\cmen of nil !'hadrs of opinion, Womrn'<~ Lcg1on, Women Police, Women Clerk!\ of the Army Puy CorJlfl, th<' .Record~ OOlC<'. nnd many otht'r Govermrwnt l>ell:t.rlml'nl~. the Fonlge Co~, tht' Gn·<'n Cro!<<~. t't.c., rtc .. nnd th1s great body of women wru; led hy a t'mAII con- tinj:tcnt of 60 L.A.A .S. Soml' of the girl~> carr cd 1 nFket" of ' l getables and flowers, and ncry"here along the routr M' wrre greet~d w1th cb<'f'rR and shout~ of " Good old land glrl"-thNe chN~~ for the lnnd ~irht"; lvhllc thr hunrhes of yot·ng canots JD our ba l.:e~ cl\lled forth rt1qmr1r., on nil Bldfs n-. to ~hue ~as the b01lrd 1-fd? .Ait nfterncon , and the folk~m~ extract frcm a le11er frnlly lc.okc d · - "I sa1l to-morrow, but before I go must trll you how pccd I "as of your Land girls this nfternccn. They Jook(d ro mce, ~o trJD\ nnd cnrnblr, and llovl' that wny tht>y ha'c of look 1g onr l'trnlght ln the cyt'. And may I !?ay agnln how wr~ , 'et y much impt:e!'"ed I am by your whole organication, and "tat you b:nc acccmpli~hed. We haw so much to lNlrn frcm you, and I can hardly wait till I (rot balWJ at L•llo, he hnd a"kr.d thll grmUI) J.'renrh slstA.•r 1t ho must ose h•~ lrSt. nnd llht' (•t hn•l bf:•·n alrNJ.dy nmpuf:\tl'd) had kr!'•cd his urow and murrnurc •l : " lf t hi:' vood Gr> I .\h, lt WILq all worth it-th•• yl'OT'! of horror, tlu ~('f ks of ~u tiering, the maimed young body that would ne,cr run aga1n "Why," and he snnppcd his fingers, sniffing Yloltor<' t ;mc und ~o he allr to hhc an earlier tru.ln than he had antiCI}'nted, hElJ < d ly a n.c~t c&J•ablc nnd f'11cr~et1c glrl·rortcr, nt wllC.Dl llo l'.tnr<'d 1n JlllplVM amazement, rdteving hlll frelhlll!> by an E').JJ!c~.on c " ( oh :' !).t l'('fZ\llar mh·n al!l And now he ill ~>Jttlng in lh<' tru fn, 'b<'lng whhl< d n"n) to h:s no.tht' $hire nnd \Jllugc. Dut lus DIOCd hn!\