The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 6

THE LANDSWOMAN B ()wlie y all th~ rul~s of poultry kteving. ~hr ou~ht never to h&ve lived mol"(' than n day. She arr1wd lat<', lon~ after the 1'1''-'t o! th(' bat<.. h. \\ith the wrong num bcr of tMs and one bhnd eyf": nnd from the fi~t Bhe wa!'\ hopelessly fet"hle. Somehow I ne, e r have tho heart to kill the wraklings; ('"\CD though th<·y do not }Jay for th<' trouble of N'aring, they at le~t provide n wry human intcre~t. bC'<·n~sc they neC'd more nursing and per:-onal 1\ttent10n than thejr ~tronger brothers nnd :;istc~. For thC' first two months of her cxt!->t<'n<<' she juc;t existed- nothing more. ShC' nevf'r flourished, und her perpetual dt'prc·~~ed app<·< \\ith her droopi?g ft'athors ea.nwd for her the ni<·knamc of Owh«:~. A'i time wrnt on, sh£' pid,Nl up :\ bit, and onl' memorablC' day the report rumo up to the hou"'c that s he '~as sitting in tlw nest. None of U'4 t..houp:ht !-!h(' \\r mother in~tinct. }'our Jwn'l \\('re in this condition, nnrl it wM a. '{Ucstion of choosin~ the b<•st moth(•r. So they were all four ~hut up in a small Hcr~tching <;hfd. \\ith a t<'mptmg n£'st in onP corn<>r, in which ropos<.-d three t~hina cggR. Th<" one who flettlt'd down th<' lX'st wa~ to hn ve the chick~ and Owlie surpri the other thf('O lwns wandered di.!!conr.;olatelv round the "h~d. So to Owlic w<"re given the ~ix Jittle <•hick!'\, and ~ho bocam<" immNliRtcly the proud<•Rt, mo~t beautiful, and most p<•rfect motlwr-m•Hr nllo\\uch her balm'~. taRting all the food first, nnd clucking over tht>m with sud1 nn air of i m<.', just a.~ though she N'm(' m lx>red the d11.ys when slu: was a p(·rfect baby hen~clf, nnd ~f'Cn'tly trying hard o.ll the time to forget about the blind eye and the six toes and the droopin~ wmgs! \Vhcn, ono evening. wa discovered two rat<; in hor h ttle run, wr expectrd to find no babies }1.•ft ; but ~ho stlll has six, and we don't know how she manages it, but tho rats actunlly play games ·with thom every ov<'ning. Of COUNC, a1J her chick5: ba.w names, and one, moro .l*rky than the rest, who will certainly turn out to he n. cockerel, is a.lwnys call<>d .Mr. Kimp.d Mr. Ktmpson round and round the run until sh<' had ~ot him pinned in n. cornt'r a.nd she then dt'lihNatcly bo:xt"d hi~:~ <>aM 1 ' Wo name nll our at~imals, and ~Cn<"rally n.Itl.'r our frienrh~ and atqum n tanc£':-~, wInch sonwti tn<·R lends to awkward con:sequ('nccs. as when one of the· CO\\-S, who was tlw namesnlw of a highlv - rcspected unmarried lndy. gavo birth to two h<'auti{uJ calvr~. It "as n•nlly nn awful momr>nt when th(• nC\\q waq broken suddenly to our mutual frif·nd~ by the brief announcen1cnt, "H avo you hrnrd-- . 11-fi:-:Q Brown ha~ ~ot twins ! " Buf the thfficulty of chri~t<>ni n~ chick<'n~ in thrir babyhood is tlw ~ut•l'ltion of sex. ~on 11 • yen~ ago, one little clnd, in n ba.tch of fiftv was a <;ripplr , nnd wh<•n tho rest wen· sold 1 \1 t hC' dn v-olrl :-ta2:c. h<• ,.u1" J <"ft br- hind, and nun-ed 'bv n ~mall gHI and boy in front of ~ Jw fire for thr<'r week~. till tho n£'xt lot of babicR hntl'h<>d out. His littl<' rripplc l<'g~ were' bound up in match splints, and n•gulnrly rubbed with cam- phorated oil, ancl hy the time th<' new family arrned, he wa~ Icrhng quito grown up, and Hpreacl his wing~ O\Cl' them 1n the mo~t approved mothe1h fa.-~Juon. I <'n11 him "he,'' because he had lx>ei1 c>hrh~tcn£'d Bmy, •and answcJ'<•d to his 1uimo when- <"vcr frcdinrr time camt" round. A~ he gr<"w, h(• tlouri~:dl\d, n.])(l still continued to be the pet of th<> family nnd to bo called Billy, even when on<> morning we found she \Hls responsible for h ·o b<·autiful eggs. She told us about thorn with gren.t pl'id<', and the t<'lling "as in this wise. She was nh,a.ys rc•ady to c·hn.t with you whenever you went do\\ll to the run , and long con versa.tions c:he would hold ~omt'timt·~. which g<'nerally t>nded in a fri<' ndly interchange of a choice bit of lettuce or young cabbag<'. But on the morning in quef-'tion tlw grecnstuff was ignored, the chatting still wenl on p<'I'Sistently, a.nd it "a" ob,ious there wa~ Born<·· thwg the mn;ttcr. So 1 went. into the run, and waR led across to the far corner by Billy, where she had made for he:rs<"lf a little nest, in which she had laid two lovely brown eggs, and not mrtil sh<' had b<>cn properly congratulated did the chattering cenl'<.'. After she rear<'d ~<'ve ra.) broods of h<>r own babies, and always with the same little mothering <'al'l' w1th whtch sb(• had tench·d th<" newly-hatchNl chicks-when she herself wa!'l only three weeks old. Content COULD not find tho little maid Content, So out I rushed, and sougbt her far and wid<"; But not where Pleasure each new fancy tried. Heading the maze of reeling merriment; Nor whoro, with r<·stless oyes and bow half beat, LoY<" in a brake of sweet-brier smiled and sighed; l\or yet wh~re Pamo towered crowned and glorifiNl, Found I her fnc<", nor whcresoe'er I went. So homeward back I cra.wl<'d like wounded bird, Whcnlo I Content sate spinning at my door: And whe>n I a~kcd her where she wa~ before- " Here all the time,', she Raid ; " 1 nev<'r stirred. Too cagcr in your bt'arch, you pasc:ed me o,cr, .. And, though J call<-d, you noith<>r saw nor hoa•·d. Ar.FRED AusT•""'· (" Days o{ tho YNlr.' ) I •