The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 3

Vol. 11., No. 8 AUGUST. 1919 The Journal of the Land Army and Every Country Woman Editorial Office 1 Stone Field, K!dbrook Grove, Blackhcath. S.B. Advertlslnr Of6ces 1 W. H. Smith '4D Son, Stamford Strert, S.E.l nnunnnmnnrmlfH~lllnmunmnununmwmnmmnwnnnumnummnmnnnnnnmmtmnmiiiiiJun rl!llltmnmrmnllllJlll'lmrnnwmll!llllumr:mumnmiilllrllllmuurummmtllllJlffiiUnnmJun•IUiuummmmD tnnnm•llll Land Settlement for L.A.A.S. L A.:-.. J> A H.:\! V ga rl11 \\ ho iu tend to n·ma1n ou tho lan d after tho d emohilifmtion of t ht· Land Army, nn Land Army ha•"chcnrd bynow that the Board of Agriculture has decided that tht- -;arn<' ad Yantagcs to be gi vcn to thoex-Land Army gtrl as to tho C}..- tiOldior or Hailor, both in the way of pro vidwg land a.nd coitagt.•s and in making loant- of capital whe10 n <'cos s u. r y for s to c k i n g and - -- - C{fUtpmcnt. The Bill a.t present before the Houso of Com- mons asking for t he se fac·tli t i<'s has not y(.•t h <'t'll passt•d by P a rlia- ment and becomo a.n " Act of Pnrlia nwnt ''- nnd until this has bN'n done m n. n y o f t h 11 ddnilti of t ho Land :)(•ttlcm<'nt Scho mo cannot be finu.lly do c i cl o ig se homo of this kind a cortaiu Tho Sower (from Millet'• famous p icture) The future is in the hands of the woman ; What will she sow•? •