The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 2

-W,•II filir.IIDI' III!IIIUlltllflllfillllllll ! ll 1 I! 11 ' 1 lllfllll'!fllllllflfll IIIIIUII'.IIIhilf I'IITIU lW~ LIPTONS take a personal pride in the excellence of eve rything they supply for the table. QUALITY FIRST ia the principle on which Lipton'a busineaa la conducted. Judge for yourself how well that Ideal fa maintained in all you buy from Lipton's. - -- • • ournv1 e r I • • =E -= ~ i : it m - - - ' • 1 ii , == d ' , - = Tbe leraeat Tee Oielributon, Menufecturen eoct Rete ilen of Food Product• in tbe World. AND oco ate .. THE VE RY FIN EST PRODUCTS' -Tile MedrCI:ll M agazine. MADE BY CADBURY. -- = - Wany tbousand employe•• are cnga«ed on Llptoo'a Tea and Coooa Esutes, Ceylon. T .. Werchants by S pec:lal Ap pointment to H. M. Kinc George V. Hud Ol'fioe: C ITY ROAD, LONDON. E .C. 1. Rttu~ clwl and Ac•ncus th'Otlfhotl# tlu u,.,,,d K"'tdo"'· ~ § E 5 ~ CADBURY, BOURNVILLE. c=- ~ ~Jilll UIIOIIll lnlllllllliUIIIllllllliDUIIDI UIUDUniDI IUWI UIIUJ 1lll !I IIU IIIIIIIUJ IIIJU J IJ llllll UIUD 1111 DUI on 111111 i Ffr L IPTOM , L,-., OUR good \vork helped to make I peace possible. And if the use of that bicycle of yours V\'ith its Dunlop tyres has helped you then I know, no"v the \var is over, that good service from your tyres will have \VOn your staunch support. DUNLOP RUBBER CO., LTD., Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry, Purn Mills, A ston Cross, BIRMINGHAM. LONDON : 146, CJerkenwcll Road, E.C.l. '1 ~ le phone • • • 5375 and 537b Holborn. Are you playing a DUNLOP GOLF BALL? Phau mention • • THE LANDSWOWAN wlten writin1 t~ Advertisers •