The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 19

Augu~l. 1919 • THE LANDSWOMAN roonced tM cutting of 11trn.w, nod the ahalcinf{ and wettlnsx com milking Into what. Is called a "str!\\., oo,d," afwr wnicl\ notl 0 tho pullmg of thO straw, and thl' gavcllmg nod puttiDg ~'~~ yokes, thl'n U1o knack of lifting Utrso yokes quickly and 1 11 ~u on to one's had to be lenmt, nnd next, of cou~ r,t\ k ~ the yoke up the 11\ddcr and deJ>OSltini it in a oettani t.'\ 1 on to the stMk and n :dog lt there . "'"(rt(•r th:\t the rent tlut..chinr.t hegan, and it was m~t lnterutmg our tmiot>r very quickly nnd deftly lay on the st~w 0 ~ monstratlng nil tht' ttmP, nnd trying to te8.('h us that the ob)l'ri thl\tehing wn,." to krr p the ~et out of the llt.'\ck. 0 A day or two latrr the Umlllng moment came when we m-re a!IOI~od to lay tho 11t mw on by OUNI'l vt>11, with our trainH p(IJntlnR ont our ml11t.nkt'11, etc. Uow w!' rnul!t have tried ht!l pM 1 ,, 11 ~. poor man I Yet another dny M two nod we were Allowed on the st~k quit<' by oun~C lvca, bl'lng Mnowly wakhed n.ll the ttmt>, Itt me t.ell you. 1 must &ay hy the tune our 'it.Acks wcr~ rombrd, !IOnnd, nnd cllpf)f'd, Wt' felt quite proud of th('m, and e•pocially 110 wMn the dlfforrn~ farmNl! oompllmcntRd u~ on our work. lt\ 1 ,.~.sing, 1 would like to rMntion how wry kind the fanners !\ncl th"l r wJvca were to ns, and I Mn n<~'!ure you we !l'lt most t f(M\t('fUI. r,\~t. but not IC'Mt, ramo tho owntrul •lay of th~ t~st, whrn ~ome of u~ wl~hed '\taCk~ !Md the ra th 1 r ~on d O{)C'n and 81\"Ailnw 119 up p1opie watc~{~· nn 11 all _,yhcn thrre M·emecl to oo cro"ds oi rh<-'n the ng and Crt t trtsmg our" ork und our cwry moven}f'nt ret'kOOO,l Ruspen~·' (whtch we dtd not nund), wbtle the jnd~Zt~ potntmen~p w~tr ~t', and the urpri~. and ~rhaps eh J>o prtze wtnners. en l' Crnnworth e&lh•d out the nanl('!l of the ~e had a ~hort 1\dduss, 11nd some encoum~in~t l\\h1re from fort~g~fnworth, and qo enct.ed a wry plra."Ant and profitAble for~VJ 04 11 ~~acl vt•ry corufortable btllt•t!l, no doubt. the r. very k1ndly came o" r from 'fudPsford 1!1\11 to~ us, nod Capt.-\m l:ld\retbt>r wa.s o ~ood as ~~-present~ all with llnapehota of the cta~'ll\t \\Ork The only tng wo had to complatn of waa the weather and 1 t ramt>tl n~'l\r 1 y every day httle or much. ' h Tn oonclmuon, I "hould hke to ~:1y that my opinron of thakhhlg '\! qUI~ chan~d 11lnre I h:we l:IN>n tAu~tht how to do 1t. It 1a hard work, no douht, bot JX'T"!Ooally I found 1t no h:u'dt'r than ~orne other k1nd' of farm work, ancl I'm wry glad I joined the thatchnlg cl:\."~. nncl I feel tture oil the other of the cln.'" Ar .. of the 1\JDP opinion M m~ ·lf nun: DR.oox. ESSENTIALS for LADIES WORKING ON THE LAND. " BETULA ALBA JELLY" "SAMBULINE" •r For PREVENTING MosQuito. Mtdge and Insect Bite• , 6d. per tube and pack ing Zd extra . Elder Flowor Jolly. For allaym6! inttation caused by Heat. Chafmg throoRh Eurtton or Exposure to the Sun Tube, post free, 1 '6 "PUMICE STONE SOAP" "GLYMI EL JELLY" For R em ovmg Stains from the Skin, a n d thoroughly cleaninc Dirty Hands. Tablet, post free 1/·. ne Uo'ft Makes RoutCh Hands, Face and Skin as 10ft as Vehet. Tubes. 6d., 1 or 1!6 Postage and packing Zd. e:a:tra are ..fd J.y JcUiq n.e.iats aM Stwes, or IUt direct oa recci,t ef .taaps. OS BOR N E,BAU ER & CH E ESEMAN 19, Qold e n Square, Recent Street, London, w. OR the benefit of our readers we are accepting Small Advertisements on this page at vet)· reduced rates, and we trust that they will make full use of this opportunity, which we bel ie ve will prove ad..-aotageous to them. Almost anything may be advertised, and the minimum price will be 5/· for 5 lines (single column; about 40 words) and 1/6 per line additional. All advertisement• are subject to t he approval of the Editor, and are subject to refusal without assigning any reason. Advertisements should be sent to the Advertising Office, " The Landswomao," Messrs. W. H . Smith & Son, Stamford Street, , • S.E., accompanied by Postal Order. before the 15th of the month for insertion in the next moot h s Uisue. WANTE D to pu rchase , o r leas ~ . genuine Elizabethan or Tudor r esid ence, with 5 to 10 acres of garden and orchard, a nd containing 5 r ece p t o n roolJis a nd 12 bedrooms. T he house m ust s ta nd on high ground with good vie ws and be not m o r e tha n 1t m iles from statton, and within 1 ho ur' s journey of L oodon .-The Ed1tor, Stone Field, Ktdbrook G rove , B lackheatb, S.E. LANDWORK E RS , Ga r deners , V. A.D.'s a nd other ex- War Wor kers q u tckly suitcd.-W rite for hst, 1\h'>s Dympho a Smtth's office, 231 Jo:bury S t r.!et, S.W.L Special Country Depar tment. FOR S AL E . T wo Nanny Ktds. H orned. .\ged three months Mother fa ir mtlker, nbout three ptnts daily. £1 each-Miss W Beonett, Str ingers, S t. Newlyn East, Cornwall "TH ~ L AND" (:l -) & " THE LAND AFTER THE WAR (1/-), by n well-known L a nd Surveyor. These ex- tremely useful bookc; show how to improve the land nnd pay good profits. No farmer s h ould be wtthout them {By post together t>d.)-St Cath enne Presc;, St.~mford Street London. LI VESTOCK-KEEPERS.-Books for Landswomeo. by W. Powell-Owen F.B.S.A (on Couoetl and Executtve of National Utihty Poultry Socu~ty) : Poultry-keep10g on Money-making Lines, 3/11 (th6 book thn.t has made history; 4th ed. since 1916) : Duck-keeping ditto, 5/5; Pig-keeping, 3/11 ; Goat-keeping, 3/11: Rabbit·keeping, 5/6: Dog-keeping, 3/11; Poultry-keeping on Small Lmes, 2/3; Poultry-farming as Career for Women, lO~d. De- tailed exprec;s postal advice on anything and everything appertatmog to poultry, ducks, ptgs, goats , rabbits, or dogs, 2/6 per letter; postal advJce (and tu1tion) as often as des1red for 12 months, 2 gumeas. Why not put your case in Powell-Owen s hands to-day ?-Books, post free, from Powel\-OYo-en Bureau, 47n, High Street, Hampstead, London WANTEl) nice bnght young girl in Sept~mbcr, ~as Governcss-Compa01on to gtrl ot ten attending day S('hool. ~tusto, needlewor k and garden m,.. No tea~htn~ required Write, s ta tim: salary, Box H, Stone F1eld