The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 18

THE LAN OS WOMA N • A ugu3l, 191 9 • Thatching l .l " 1 H EX our t' t org m I n a secretary ftrtot s~k'd tllAt I Ahould jom a thatchlnl{ cl~ I thought rt rather • wJhJ ld~a. eapecinlly as the '"ar Wlh aupJlOS('d to bo' practically owr and A the rn~>n rot urn 1 n ,:t ta ~ork )'."owrthrl~E , I th,.ir own t\ t on~· d••cldl'(l that I ihoulcl !Jko to jOJO the\ cl»,, end would clo eo 1f I could oo"" \ ho spared from tho fann. I thought it wouhl be qn1tl' a rhAn~··· and n t11t of a lark. if n o t h i n .c f' 1St·, wh,.n•as I nicl to myself, " It may oomo in 11 6 o f u 1 <~om~ time, 11od ont' can nev"r lcnrn too murh " You uro 1 way IJ01 go t n o c n- r.ourag c m c n t from thll men f o lk , w h o I n u gh I' d t\ncl !IIUU that , of f ourM, t hntch • lng \ 1'•1!1 <'~ -.(·u t i­ ally man '<~ work, 1\nd ·vt•ry hnrll at. tht\t. Wl'll, the dny whe n~ 0 • ' l'l\lrl l' Wt o' nil lanclt J In I'rniU· IInghum, '~hi' NI " 'C l\ Cl'(l 1111\kllH( our hendqtmr- lcn, anti wh~ro wn 1mrt~ nwt 1\t tht! atnt wn bv t111 vc ry Jo n d. rorlstrnr of the d 1 t r i o t who pllo t~ ll 0 " 0 0 to onr blll tll, nnd """· d uring our for\ . night's Btay In thll town, nl)n r fnll,..d to tJ\kf' an lntcrt'st In U !l ant.! our work. a n1l whn«lh NHetJ m hv Arr nscmg n nt • ,,..,.. n • , e tc. ·r lt l! n e x t m o rttlng M W u~ a ll a m hi• tl J'll fl~' tU,'\lly nt '' 1 ~ 11 l n t he slt\rl;:. yard , w1th our ' ry abl awl JMliflnt trni~r. WhO W All t o lnltia w U.'! luu1 the cro !I of thllf.ct•lag l h n Thatchtn. Teat ia Suflo>lk r8 ~ • • • .. 0