The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 16

A ugu3(, THE LANDSWOMAN ~pUmher numb!'r. Ru~h(;d Into frolic ecstasies: the plume ''Ltn~ rountie<~ a~ now the fruit", but lP tot I • I'rt ,, nt "- tr\nd -l"til'l' m~k"E'l' them thP bt><.t SHOPPING CLUB.-1 hop" tho readns of TnE LAXDS. •\nU 'i whf m .}OU~<'If, your dream of what o. People- may betomc. I Jivo a. chnngin~ life, a life of moods and pa!-sions, of heart br<.'aks and t1 red m usdes. Sometimes I a m fltro np; with pri de, when men do an honest work, fitting t he rnib together truly. Sometimf's I droop, fo r t hen purpose \ has gone from mt>, nnd cynically I pl ay the eo" nrd. Sometimes I am loud, gar1sh, and full of hM been ..,tarted enttrdv for tht'lr C'OnH•ruence, and I bap~ n that <'go that bla.~ts judgment. try ! I a m t he battle of ye~ tc rday and the mis ta.ko <~how what you can do. of to.morro w. Thrt"e prlll"'\ will also })(' gi\ ~n for c . .;say<; on " liarw"t "-not more than 5<10 wor~ an h.·n~th All <:ntr1cs to this O.tllC<' I am the mystery of tho men who do wi thout not lntn thnn September lOth . k nowi ng why. P EACE. -A gr ·at many of you would hkc very much to havc I a m the clutch of a n idea, a.ncl thE' reasoned march('d in the Pt'nC<' l'rocc -.ion on July lOth, and I was ke11t very bu.o;y th ltWt't'k writing to tdl you that the Loudon.processlon purpose of rel'lolution . wa.q purcl>' n navnl and military om•, nnd M no clv1Uan'l were I a m no more t han what you believe me t o be lnclud•·d 1t wa.'l ohviou<~ that the Land Armv could not. tal..< a nd I a m all that you bolievo I can be. p•rt. From th(' country plact'"l, howovor, all over England. conll'll thl' n11ws tJu\t. t ho L A.A.S. have becn asked t~ march 111 I a m wha t you make me, nothi ng more. 101'.-al proc.. IOn'~, and are to he vt>ry much In evidCnC(' In Hat• I swmg be!ol"(' you r eyes as a. bright gleam of W!ncrnl c-:lehr.ltion!ll and rejoirang... In fact, In one villagt> m colour, a sym bol of yourseU, the pic tured sugges- Hamr~hlrt" , t hcy rt'COI(niM'd so 'lurt>ly that t he Land Army Jl( t ion o f that bu~ thiDJZ whi ch makes this nation. F o r largPly ~pon~tlbll' for thc peact', that two L . ..\.AS. were called upon to rang the l't'l\00 lkll11. In Doi'N.'t a. L.A . ..\. S. wns askcd yo u a re the m ake r~ of the flag and it is well that by tho rect.or to ht•lp with tho planting of an oak tree In tl1~' you g lory in t hE> m a k i n g. vallago ~hurchyard to commemorate Penct' ; and a joUy farmcr From " T he Ladies· H ome Journal. " Jn Surrey, who !'mploy~t 20 L . \ .\..S, brought them aJI up to r I I,oodon in n motor lorry nt 2 a.m. on Pence Day, droye them r ound to •ef' tht> d~'coration<:, and got them "afcly home ag:un, lonct lx'fore the crowd arriwd and gett1ng about impo"sible Rnt W•l m u-t rern,.mber thc\t nltho~h the d<'clamtJOn of peace mt'ans that th" war 111 OH•r. 1\0d that fighting as at nn end, it doe<~ not by nny ml'!flns hrmg an f'nd to tht> need for food production There are thou":\OII~t !er. ... ngricultur.\1 lllbourers than there Wf're h-.-fore thP. w tr, and our h<'lp i~ &till ncedcd , mort' cRpecially in conrl'!ct1on \Yith Hrr ru•lk "Upply. So our orders for the moment ftf~ to c,;nry on JU~t ss <~ph•nda dly M f'ver. As women we all know thnt a.n ndNtwtte milk supply Is of the utmost Important:'~' t.o our b:lbics. :.nd t h:\t. i'l why 1t is ~;o 1'-~ntanlly our job to l'ee t o 1t that th, v flhftll not go ~hort of mil.'< bN''\USO of a .tack of milkers. 'nl'• war hn'l ~iron women the opportunity to prove t hnt'y are an th~'Jr rillht phoe " milkt'l"', and \VC hope that they will nlwal s !t.'ly thcTP hupposo lt la beco.ncm wo are all 11o f ull of jov, and perhaps more atJil that wt' at 11\st, nftn four )'<'nrs, have t'h c right t