The Landswoman August 1919 | Page 13

Augu3f, 1919 • Kitty .Fllntham and Gladya Ifoul(hton• both m emb· rt1 ot the L . A., w1•rr brldrs •, an cl tho hride was ~· v<'n away by )!rs. Sh~'ar~rrtlth, Welfare O!tlccr. n<~ unfor- tunately it WM too far for any r< lativrs of th" bride t.o com11. Of cour~, wo• we m nU 1 n f. \ nnitorrn, nod very proutl t.() wenr 1 t. \ttA'r the c1· rt•mony we all park•••l m to a J(l\lly ci<'<'Of!\t••d <'Mt (kindly l!•nt !Jy tll' larrocr), thoroughly l.ocnt on c•njoytng our- ,.eh'Oe, and rode down to thr rottl\~CI'l wh~>N· the bride hM hron l)illctctl, and 1\'1 Wl' really hadn't room to IHJII"rre tho vlrM, )fr. 1>. c. Holey, Into thl' <'1\ft, much as we ,~nnt<1d to. he rode bt•hlod on lus blkr . Whron wo rronelwd thr cottAJ( • wn had aurh a jolly meal and a lx>auhful cake , And you never hPard quch lnughlnst nnd talking I'Wn for thr L .A , who 1\Tc' noted tor th"'•r rherr- !ulni'AS. About 60 fnllow-worke rt~ were at thl' church, and strrwed the pathway with buttorcup.'l and may, as thn happy t>nlrcamo from tho churrh. Unfortunately, the wrnth..r wa'l most unkind, 110 thr photogr.\ph-; "e took Ita,~ uot comr out wr 11 THE LANDSWOMAN West I Sussex • Hereford T HE llttlo of Byford, nC'ar the banks of the Wye, 8 milee above Hrre- tord, wM on Whit Monday the soonc of a pretty weddang, the bride being a. I.and Girl employed by !Ady Evelyn Cotteroll on the Garnons EstAte, the bridegroom being &!so In the employ of Sir John COtterell. Tn} d \Y w H plrfect, with frJ~h breeze temp .. ring the heat of th'l sun ani 'iW~epln~ th~ vapour of the early mornio~ into soft \Vhite cloud revealin~ depths of blue between. The bride, in mufti, was drcs'ICd In a protty shade of lavender grey with soft heliotrope on he r hat, and her four att~'ndant brld~malds were in their smarte!lt uniform with heliotrope tJes Th'l bride. who ha.; adopted Hereford as her native place wa.~ glv•n awJ.y by th" brid~groom's father. ' ~ The ceremony wn~ }Y'rform~'d In the p1cture.,qU1' old <'hurch by the V•ear ot Uyford, recontl)· l\'turn~d from the front The wedding }larty ll'ft thl' vestry to thtl tlmo·honoured Htrams of ::lfen·1~l'!sohn's " Wodtllng :Ut~rch," nr.d ronned n. p•ctureilqll(' procession ns thoy passed thro~h the gates and untll.'r the ">t.'\tclr, tre<'s to the hou:!C of tht' lmdegroom's fntht•r, which 1!1 nl<~o <~Jtunted on tho Unrnon~ E~t.'\tt• Here many frtcnds aull wc\1-wishrN, includlo~t tho Welfare o"tncer and 1\ p~rty of {riCI\US mtcr~sted In tlw r ... mll \rmy, who hl\U motored out for th& Ot't',\· '10n, pa~d unller n lloml arch through n gay little ~tMll•·n Into the hOU'I(', where the festive boMd h:\d b-en "~Prl'<\d b:.· the kind ho ... t.Psi. TM bride l'ut th~ cake n.nd h"afth'l \'1"1'1'1' d r unk. A ORE.\ l' event among tht Land .G1rllo of \\'eat S\J.l\.>C:~o:­ .G.a N'al Land A.nny wertdmg. statr of exc1tement at Tne White-smocked tlgurts buzzmg around the hostel WM inten~. hke a swarm of bees, all l! decorot1og or preparmg for the feMt The farm wagons, drawn by Share horses. looked most plcturea~Jue wttb arches made ot hay and f""tooned with rambhn~ r~, and grt('DPry ; and the guls drove to church in tine ~tyle. The bridP.,lllss )fary;ho IS the hoetel orderly-wa.s gm~n away by ~u~s Grlbble. our tru;truet~ and bost~u at the ho..,u•l, the bridPgroorn being Private Gr1vett, ot the Royal lo'lt'ld Arttllery, who 'wa~ actually in the ret~at from )lom and nl"o fought nt Ypl't' and on the Sowne. The br1de i'> n>ma1run~ on m the Land Army, nnd later on the rouple hope to take up a small holding, perhap a frwt fann, &:> An ex.sold;er and ex-1 ... nd Army fllrl. (',.mon Liyrtt, father of our Onmru.-.ln~t <.;ecret:\ry, honou.rc>d thl' young couple by corning lmnse If w pertonn the Cf'remon~-, and gllV<' them a ruost <'harnung littlo • ndctn- q, a.s the bridal pro('(' "ion \\.ls golnl( to 'hut up the r hurch, a ~treat dl\'Cl"ion was r:lu!>Cd by Laddje, the bob-taill'd sheep dost, who Wished to take a promJn~'nt part and had to be foreibly rcstram~d. A guard of honour wM formed out~ldc the porch, ~~~ the bridal pair pas,.d nodr.r arches of croc;."-Cd hay mk••s, greeted by a bur.-t or ch~nn~t. At tern drlightful weddin~ brenk· fa!lt In the ho<~tcl meadow, i'fiu Blt\n dr0\1' t ht> young couple off in her car, e~oorted b) :llra. Whit~· . So we tr1111t that the hont•y- moon should indeed fare wdl, st:uted undl!r the au"~pi c~'l of two Welfal'l' Otn~N. Good lurk to our little bridr, and (.iod ble ~them both I Flints Girls' Club A CLUB undertht' G.F .R. and th•• Girl<~' GIUhi h:1s bren OJX'n~d in '(old w which 1 •. >\. \.S. are :\dnuttl'd frNl. It. is o}X'n evt'ry ov,•ning for mu~lc, '~in~tln(( nnd ganw",aurt th~ girls nttRnr will h:we to JOmn" u'!eful" cla•~ 1t lhc w1shcs to Join the "da.ncm~ cln'~s.'' Cl.l" a In pl.llnnredlrwork, embroldery.l\.wt · tu\ I( t\nd rrochct \V ill start w1th tht' nutnmn aN!!ItOrun: ptmulx'r. l'ho L \ \ .S.'s say tht'y ftol much woro at holM now thry l.uow wht ro to go wht'n thfly hnvt' n fl'\'0 C\'Culng,and whore they ran go•nemlly see thl'ir Welfa~ Oll1C11r. • •