The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 6

fill 1.\'\l>S\\U\I.\~ Garden Talks. S Principal of the Colle ge of By Miss Eisa More. F:R.gB.G.,Iynde Sussex. Gardentn , ' . . ...cult of ch<'a•> I hudh. th c r .,., ' '-<-~d.... · tit,. , ·•rr, . 1 . , • 00 will lx· trur· to rHun• i'"'" ·I< 1 ~ I I'C t r d h) . d wlurh j, .1l.ts, ... o oft•·n tlv ( ,,,,. wh, n ~ h 0 mt\:d( :,,c I> firw. dr~ oil '~ith tiH! "~·NI-. wlwn . , 0,~ing 'I hi .. i" a gr .. at h<' lp rn pr<•vt ntrng th<• M·c' 0 , twing wa ... hed away by th~ ra1n. ))0\f's, tlu r<' i" nnoth<·r <'X('('Il<·nt wa} of sm.dl gard1•rh an indi'l'''lh.thl•·. '''JI('~ i.dl} in <·a..,••-. \\ ht·n· not mtu h tii!JI• 1.111 hr· dt·vct, d to th,. ganlt•n. Jn !111• fir"t pl.u•. .. nnu.d" prm id.. .t nunwr<,u... and var i1·rl < 1 ....... of pl.tnh, aclaplt·cl for all -.nrh <;f purpll' «'"'ion of annual<;, ... m, llw hr•t h.ttdt in \pril; tlw '~"<'()lld in .:\1ay, HrHl tlw third.'" June•. I ho .. l· -.;O\\ n in .\pril ..,hould bf'gin flow•·nn~ in JutH·; tho-.r ... \' mav be ~own in ))(•d ... , <'•Hh h ·d bring hllc•d with on<'· sp<-cial kind. Tht'\ rn:t) I)(' "iOWn or plant(>d in a colour sdw nw in th•• 'a 11 ~' J' ) • I wa\ ac; n pNC'r~nial bordc•r may b<' plant<'d· · 11 ': .: a vc•n. at tracllvl' and dPiightful \'vav of trc;ttlll., anmwk T h<>y may be sown .i n duinpc; to fill 1 ~p ~"P" in n pt·n•nni;\1 border. o r th<"\' mav ))(' ,own 111 !uho;, [I) oi I \\',t} 0• \\• 11111111 1 1/f I, thr ( 'ros\, I d,·t'f.\it.,., • llm d111 \\, \pr il 111i~ht \\~ 11 Jllllllh ... in tfw \~·.11 ,,,] hutlljttl iu o( 1 h1 hu ... il•,l •• dl \.ttur• pr;u ti<.dh lt "' '""I (luit-11'''' htJr,t th1 ir ht hulk hut ""''d' • .tf1.,, .111 :tl<.o lll.d,int::' ;::11 .11 pr ,,,.:-n ........ urd rlw 1 'P' ri I I d <:lr&-11• I 1,111 \V.., tilt I I!O[lJin~ lout tiH• (){'I Jldll,tl .,, ur thr hoP\\ JldH'<'k thPir~r(J\\Ih. Tht i1llt>Wlllg- \\ ilh r "·" ~u I .. rr,, I lour ' .. "'·'"'' d 1n thr 1•arlh r month' 01 • 1,. I J lll,lt ,. llfl -.;OnWI111H ''• hut in . \ pril f'\'l'r\ fll()lllPill j., f f \ •Jtrr, ,IJH! tinw )o-.;t j._ £:'0111' fnr (•\'( r .. ln \pnl rlP.Jrh f'\'1'1"\ kinnl on. th(' importatw•• of ~d -.('f'd ~~ rminnl•'" \wll " th.11 '•>11 <'.ltl -.;(~\\' thinh .tnd 1 o•t ''I 1 j 11 ,, . c: 1 goud 1 row uf pf.Jrll :I-; \Oll do if \OlJ , 0 ~ 1,, il'P ·, ,. r~!l h .'h ( h ap tul_f which j, half d• .,cl '-if'f ;1 ... •lll• I .:! ... <• I 'I , I ""!I