The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 5

Jlpril, 1920 IHL L\:\IJ-,\ O~f\'\ Srf/utg tile /;rrJody.-:'.1) n••xt l• p i:. to makt ur,. slw ;.., prop•·rl) l.mJ()d) ~>rt; ""' ir;; <:nrru:>tf'd with thf' v,du.d,lr· -.itttng hf. 1 ggc;, J lu• fhf· m• ao:. bu-. nt•-.o; I I• t h • r it 1 f11r ,, rl" c1r h\o on dumrn, 1- le'"' rh.,,,, "l-!'K'> unld th• f•·v r h;t., gut a firm hol,f, \\ 111 '11 tlw r• , ,J r·~-:g-. 'an IJf put ~·Ju•.tth ht·r. \nd I Jtf,, 10 '-If .,, \ f r,tJ ht•Jl,_ cl( tfl,. ~·lOW timr•, 11 t~ ,lt ( ( :111 I 1'1110'\d 111<' Ullf••rtil•• I ~g~ {IJI tht• SI'Vf>nth d ,, .md ..,hift tlw f••rtilr s ''lliiHI .,,I that '•'' h ha.., , 1 full . I'IIJ!lplr. mt nt th~> Ja.,t broodi•·s 111 f1, o;h 1·gg., to < ·•r~ fo1 :tnrl n fW.rt thf> prnn s.. I ,unalg.tntat~>. tlw rhi1 ks in lik,. rn:1nner, pr( f1 rring to \\a ... t,. llPJtlwr l'gg nor 1 hir k powN. \\ hc~t ,, wao;t, to all()\V :1 motlu r-ht·n to run abc,tH with .t hn,od of thr1·r <"hit ks whilf -.Jw might 1)(· nur . . ing tlw dn/l'll. I h, . Jf , '"' .tp• mu< h t•ln ... ill) to hf' tn•.ttNl naturallv: controhn(•nt ~-. , . ..,..,, .\ thrN'-tomp.olml'nt ornng-1•-hox apJK<•! ... to nu• \Pn forcih l) . P J,,,,. it on it... bottom ,,·,th th~' or,.,. " front-." ~l thP top. Pl.trP a hot and privatP. Arrang1 d thth lhl' ~rator can tak,. off thl' hf'n l'g~"' lt i-. wt•ll to ... it thP broodk<; aw::t) from thi' otiH r fowl<; in a nic,. qutl't -.h,.d nr outbuilding ' 1 hi'Y mtht not be when• m icr> or r1t ... • an \\Orry th~m, and thr· sitting-boxc>-. can br> pi:H ('(1 off thP ground on a tablE> or platform tf thrs(' J><'"h nr,. troublf•..,om,.. Uakmg the Nest.-Firc;t of all pasc; c;omP "arth through a '>i<'ve to rl'mOVI' c;tonP..., that mig-ht hr,.nk thl' eggs, and havi ng packl'd the corn<'r ... of thf' ht'"\ with hay put in th<> <;ift('(! c 'lrth. Pat thP 1.\tter down with the- opf'n hand, and make a shallow hol(' in thl" cl'ntre, -.aucer-c::haped. Linf' thf' t-cigf'c; of .tllP nf>c;t with hav, and in thf' cl'ntrf' add chnff. Tla\lng c;prinkled a iittlf> l 7nl dic;iofert ant (>0\\clf'r ovr·r th..- nl"c;t to keep away in<;Pct J)f'"t" put in th~ {'.g~ .... It i.:; alwa\S advi-.nbl, to ... rt thl' brood) at nq~ht, whr n .,hf' t\'tll conc;ent to h • handled and conxMi. B~> , ar<'ful not to put d0\\11 loo many <'gg-.. hut hf' g'liiCkd b\ the .,jzp of the hl'n S('(' that o:;h,, CO\'t'r' • r n ('O'g, and I "ugg-ec::t thP round dozl'n ;'} . . thf' n umber~ · Each da' thl' br<,(Ki' will tt!rn hE"r e~g- ... . c;o thnt if any <,how thl'\' will br chtllWll~" tH n ... .JT (' 1n t 1 h;thit of adding thr ir own ~'1-!'t:''> (() llw 1 lutS~ mu l t)f' r• l'lO\t-11. \~..1 11, rH.,., r tru ... t to rnr-mory. 0• thP ... · tllng-bo' l .tlk up 1 1(· dr 11 ." • cl• .m broodiP .md du~t t h m w 11, U~'fl n g "mg thPm lh" ~'gg:., \\ith Ll'cJI powd{'r. .\t n ~h t I 1 .tncllt-light placf" rh,- brood} g'Pn~l: on lh~ gg ... , .JJH! whPn ~;he j.., c;r tt!• d <}()wn r~ tu(· \1t1l do not int(•rft·n· \\lth ht r in :111\ w.t~ until thl' morning- ., • th(• <.N"ond d,t\ whr n • -.hp mu.,t br• lak< 11 o IT .en I fNl. You mu~t· plar,. hl'fon· hPr dail} d~ •• n dr in.k - ing- w:t!N and kf'rp th~"r• 1 r• c(pr:u If' of g-111 , wt.ul•• grain (mly (mai:.r" prd,.rn d, a., 1t h h~'.lt-prodtH' lllg- and maintain., thP brood) f• '~>n mu .. t ''~" i-:"""n durin~ incub.ltion . .\ h!'ap of .hh~ ... dc ">l' h) \\Ill all(>\\ uf a du ... t-bath . J-',., drng t/1. Hroodv. - 1 iw IH'n mu ... t U~' t a kr•n olf , \ ··n morning for a .,ouuJ mPal, .tnd ..,houl~ not h (,• d until . . hr hu-. ,tltr·n('fl ";'.td ufff'r h<-r watf'r to drink and grain tin a r•·c 1 pt.u I~>) whilP <;h,..' on thl' nt sl. .\t hatc-hing-t1111e Jr a\(' ht I' ,llonP unl"" it bt• t•> rr Ol0\1• _an~ ~gg--<.h~>~l ... I hi' daih out in~ ~-~m lw of fh" m1nut~., clura1torl to .. t trt ·,\ ith, but thP fN'1 of tht' t g-g ... i-. • .~ood ~uidl' ..t'> thl'\' mU'>t not ue chilled. If th(' h1 11 I" <)ff iongPr th ,,., 0 of the nineteenth and twPntt('th d.t~o: -.prinklf> thP ~'g~.;; and nE"-.t lighth "ilh w 1rm \\ .tt•·r to .;;oft,.n the mrmbranc~ in thf' egg ..... nn_d "\' lwlp rhr· chickc; out. On thC' '>PVl·nth da~ ll h wr 1! to tP.,t thf> egg.;; for fprtilitv, r('movin~ the u n f Prt 1 If•.,. and on thP- fourtC'enth da\ addlf' withdrnwn because of thl' pot ... on('U' t:'·l"l' thP\ givt'" off. If <><"veral broodih .~rr• off at thl' ..,ame time dri\'t• a ~g in to thE' g-rnund for r ac-h hc·n. To this ... ff.ure a -.ho,rt cord and f ,..,, n th,. I 1tter looq•Jv round the h(>n ~ lt"g. ·;g., ' \oll( E - \t r Powr>l\-Owf>n is v. 'Jitn~ to mdl\ idual qu~rif>.;; These must p.1nit>d br a c;t,tmJ>I'd l'llVf'lopt>.