The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 4

A Prrl_ 19 10 1 HI L \ '." n \\'U.\1 \ ~ Poultry Notes. By W. Poweii-Owen, F.B.S.A. W I:. wh are n no\\ sn the midst of tht laatt htng it b pos iblc to ... ec the mo ... ~t!:l!-011, t plc<.~ ... ant ~10!' ol poultry-keep1ng. '1 he chick!> :tre fu ll of rntt-re<>t to the keen rearer and furni~h her \\ith m .an}' t.'e ::.hould bP h.ttchi'd, ... u<.h lhkk.., ruclung the la~ tng- stagr• about nr :-:t Octobl'r. In lil.:t• rnnnnr r .\o• 11-hatch thr p< r ... un \\ho tloe ... look \\ell ah• c.1d wh_o mccr ... wnh tell mo ... t .,u, ce....... ~ ~~thing ''"'' .. ds hko· ;1 good o;chedult, t' d .Ht l.1u -h. tching- ctuck:en!i upon whtch )Ou can rei) for your q.~g . . , the!l [ do not m ind lat~'r-hatchel riod the h igh<·st return s arc n'adt> f:lg that tht .\ meri;an c.tlls '' h<·n-fru it ''- \il'. lll'~r th:~t 'w~ rng that thi..., IS ~o this y••ar, next Far anJ·,.<~~rl · ) cc.~r, wh) not ~upport my ..,eh( d u le of hatt h 'r.ry Hroodil'~ \\ Ill be pi€ n tifu l thi s m o nth, and , 1 [1 ..,h•ng: be brought 1nto U"< to hah h ou t th( winter-la ~.ulrj L••ghot n ... and \\ hitc R un nt•r duck.... \nothl'r }l~g to bP,tr in m111d I" th.a ) ou will n<.' v<'r get full r;:>lnt ba ... k1•h if } uu re 1\ upo n adult d uck s or hrno; }~g. 1 h .. ::.l't.rd ol -.m CC'!>~ Ill'.., Hl ha ' tng a-. manv pull : duck.., of thi-; ) car\ hatchi ng .ts po'>sibic. /'nd each OctobC'r to have t \\ O pu ll c'l'> to every ad 1P ~fer or tht> two lot" in <'qu .ll numbers but nou l rn, ' ,vrr the 0 t" Geese. • of loi"l'-.. (1}1' t (,{ lJ'I' Of P Jl lfl(\ J ht odd p.trt · ,..., I I l . l l . .,o 111:111 t \ I I p•ulr.\-.;:t t•jH h \\ill h• J "'·h Oil tft• · , h , . rl • r '>f .l ... on t n u(rh •· fl ..... , rnr• t,llh o .tnd then llo{ 'l ! l'lh th I h J' • ' I I fl lll l t \ '' 'flJIJ/I r ~ / atlmt:.- l•. 1 111 . 11 -· g 1 111 r tl ':·rntPr ! 1 r· · ' ' " ' h t , ll1 (1 th t "' \\ ll ll , Plc.). If r 0 ha tcht d-to-time I I I :-.. l" Farm and Home " - Photo bv /Jo.\ egood. j ult -. fi n <' \ce ... ~. '1 hf n I know "ll<'~ " "" u 1 winter <'gg-sc•.t<,o n "it• let 1111 1,: a }J, 1 I i flue Y - .N tlwre b(• 1 1 ~ cm lt~lr· hr ... t "tf'p il\ to -.rJ, cl a .-, ('Id e l lll('o, d ' 1 \\'h' tl<' Lt·gh orn \\ill 0111 ..., o t>.., ·t non 1 ' tt' · 1 shall h,nc :1 no egg-'' .J .... t:rge, rf'li,•tblc • brood\ . · l iabl ~ ~a Ill, ~ young pullrt a-, a rul(.• ;..., not '-11 1 t 1 , a' ' 111 adult hC'n Your ...,l'lcctrd lwn mu•t > a good mothc• 1 '- itlf·r I f r ~ " Wf' 11 a . . a reliable• broodH or tnd . I pr(' er a... •• mot ht>t ,t h (•n th 'tl j..., dorilr ~ gent *' on hc·r '' · 111 '' · ' od I likt· · 1 i> "· .\ g-~un, n" a bro ' • quu·t old " d amp ,. wath · tlw th • i :r} pl('nt' of f 1 u ff ou bro .... g l'> and undc•r tlw tail to kc•c•p .tht' f'gg' and c• a hl'n t h ;I t h • 1• o;c·alr le-T (On1plai;t to c~~au~~ . Ik know that she ,, iJJ h:tnd th~ c:hank~ tht> fc· e c 11 "· .-\ gain, if sht> has fe~th~'!'' 111 dragi<.'