The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 21

THE L'\ D \\O ' f \'\ • THE IDEAL SLEEPING BAG. For the Landswoman. c•• l1 Ezt,,.,r, lltilt~tti r.!ltl•,. ,.,.1, for slupint in barns, in th~ open, or under . . . Bae affor ds tlu finest pouible com/o t d any cllm aJtc cond•titms, t~ Perco Dor.c,. Slupi11t at th~ same level, affords hJtieni/" a~ -~~~o~c~~~ '?nd keeps the body temper ature tdr»aJS en ' •on, am~ ss rompktely moth and oermrn proof. Write for Full Particulars to Dept. 22, Telephon e : Norr h 771 T elc~:ram s: •• P ercosbape. H o:tr. London.'' 12 14. Underwood Street, London. N.1. on till 1.11\d lll.ttl p• rna p' in cUI\ oth r 4.. _ a ( .. o n -.ponoing to thr ir l vuntry':-. 1 al!. 1- ron1. thi-, 1·xplanation it \\ 1 1 lw "'c.'<'n how dd1i~ ult it ,.. to lurlll th(; lW\\ \-.-.t)( ialinn , or lO makP. thl' rjr(, . I ..., .tppn•c! tlw WI H hh \\ hu h wvuld "'' UP th"'t4 - frum. .\ t our ltr---t .llh•·ni .. t>d mec ~oung- \\orkc•r:-. '" r ,. pn . . t>nt , a lthoug1. b'>Od .. p< ... th .s.. dP)i\c·rf'd . I o c ,, ... , abou t I or ,, -..un.,blr dwirm:111 or ,, pn· .. nt wa .... the hr . . t ... , p toward, formin~ a mittt ''· T hi .. w a .. 1chif'Vtd nd "''VPral olh' r l.tdi'-., and land w o rk f'r .... WPt f' iO\ H 'nd the1,. aid tn th• .., till" dir.·ctlon ( '.lll\cl.., thr g rl..., a nd ~>X· rt•'q'ng- t lv· b ~ 1wlih of th • .h .. ot iatior t ,,~ up ...,,, ,.,f,l< to r~ for t h• ti tn•, a-. thP mcrting-room r tt~t r ... mall. \\'" h aw p1 tl '"' mb<>r ... hip (.mJ .... whil h .trc• eag-erly bought, ,tJ ... o l tub <:Jrd". and at our ll r .. t gntlwring a good old " l.ioc wl " \\. \T , ... . ., \ ncln•w ... h:-t .... n •sigm'{l. Tlw Tl othll'PEFl L , B happ), B chrof', .lal, G . nJ, B bu') of bod , B mod,.·-.t of n mcl, D ('<-~tn,..,t, B truthf 1l, B lirm, B fasr, or .111 ~li .. ., B U..t .. tour B ;;ur• to H .., •. m. B think t r )OU c;,tuml,},. lor "" llll)' B f t , H tru, to ~our ... lf md B faithful to all; H hra' r to B \\.trr of the 'in-,; that B • H -,urt th,,t o 1r -.iu '"Ill .wolh"r B g 1, H "Hchrul, B n ul). 1.> opPn, B frank, H ~rarJVU'l> to .tll mf'n, \\hat• v· r B th~''r r.11 ... ; B <.tllll, B !'Ptinnl!". B tw' r lt d .l'lf,l\ H gr«ur-ful, B c auttou ... •Jt tho" \\ ho B tra . H ju .. t. 13 ~· nrruu-., B 1 tw-..t. B \\ ... <', B mindful ol tim•· nnd B c~'rtain it 11:( "· B prud' nt, B !iber:sl, t f ord•·r H tonfl. B u~ h ..... th.\n ~ ou 111 fld ll forl' H u;. Ill~ B ) ' B c arciul. But '• t B th,.. fir,t to B ... tow. B t PnlJ>4 rate. B '-l' .tr w ang-<'"r B ... }v\\. B thou g h tful, B th.uuoul, \\ h.lH 'n m.l) B tiOC'. B ju -.t'ul. B jo~ ful, B c\f>anly B -.i.d<': B pk.1--..tnt. B pati• nt. B f•·n·ct1t tiJ all, I) ht ~t tf \oll l.'an . Bu t B humhll' \\'ith.1l; B prolllpt: H dutiful .... till B p<1litf. H rt•,·c ·r t B quiet, H ~urt- and H ri;!ht ~ B t('nd•·r , H lo••ng. R g