The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 2

t 11 r L \ "\ nc;wo~r \' Clothes. • 1:\ be£ or da) S the t- lilt' LanJ J\ nll), '' •' h. 1 J to llncl out f~>t· 0 ur::.t•h h tilt' bt''>l dot he<:> to '' c·.u 101 f,u Ill- work. \\ t: '"cl c • not alw.t)~ \\'l...,t' 10 our ~,.hoil.:t•. \\hat q u ,. t' 1 hgun." '' ,, oftt•n cut m our e lrl) ll•m \H' hailnf the ,td,•·nt ' l ' I .till I \\01"~. of tlw L.tnd \rtll) and its regulation ?ut lit l 1 low tlt.!llk(ull\ \\'1' d "( arut·d vur Jll,\kt·-:.htfts ,Hld dt\ t'(l into th1• ,\hilt u\, ,._.Jl...,, .tnd stt•pp• d llllu th.'· l11 1 ttlW> .11.d (,,..,, tll'il on tlw h gg111g..,! I \ 1ll J( tlwu . ht \\.1"> nul (•\:,u.'tl) t.ulor-m.u . .lt th··~ .., t nwd lO gt\1 out .t p< { od,IUI •>I u11lit~ .llld < ot~llott! . \\ h1 n fir..,t \\'t' rt· ... oht d hl ~o mHI tr.un, t1ur IUt':t" of f.,t lll -wurk '', r·· , .~g-uc ·.lllJ haz~. F.ulll-\\ t)l k 1111.1111 ,,, 11-.un thing-, .tnd tlw on I) idt n ",. u 1111 d to h:n ,tbout tlothc-. ~uit.t!Jle I 11 I. nn- ''''11.: \\,t.., tlw dothr ... llllhl Ut uki. "'< \\t' hu111t·d 111• out <)ldf ... t ..,J.ut ... ; \'- f llllld •• ne ' t 1111 u'..,h 11111 ... , \\ ,. bur ro\\• d lur ,, g ~ ,.,t.:ardt•d hlou-.• '• .tnd \\(' P•H'h.t'<1 i ur vldt.,l \\.llktn)., .... hut.... \\ • fol- h•\Hd ol kind i)J .. \\.til-.tnd-~t:e" polit). I ill \\I tnuld dt't<\Pr what \\3:-. tile thing-, .un \lld thin~ ,,,,, .... u f \\ouln dn Ollt lug-gag•• n.:.:tl\, .t\\':l) \\l' \\lilt lt• JOill "'" f, llo\\ land-work••r... "ulllP likt• out,, h •' .tit-and-... t t> JX•lic). But ~Oil f' h.ul ,i, tt•d (, ,ttn.tgt•', 01 'Oillt' othtr .,hop wlwn• .. -.:N) lll'l'd ut .t l.tnd-workf·r rould UP "liJ>pli• d. I IH ... , • • trtl\< d '' ith 1 urwth s h in~ i<'gging-.... hugr dog ... , hat... t h.u lwk\·d ltkt• tho~t· of Bo, "•·out..., :.nd 111.111\ othl'l garnwnt... that th('\ n~v· · r lrsed. '1 hl' \\ ,•,dllt,\ Ollt ... ,.; ... itt·d ~wlfriJg-,., and thP..,t· had doot..., 'ou'-\\' ,,,.r ... for Wf'l da) "'· th·· lntf' . . l thing in ... t·r \ • i•·••.thlt• ~lmt·..... Could thP\ • fail to bP tlw .tdmira- t1on l>f u.., lt• ..... fortun,tt<' unf>tt t "<>nw sN·med to h,l\t ambition .. to W~':-tr br{·(;(hes, but th•·i1 object 1111<'1' .tttauwd. tht' a'pired no further, and wHe ljllitt' I'Oill f'lll to k1 ep to f:tllC) b)OU~S and brOOCh(.•..,, and ":lW nothing- unfitting in fini~hing off with ca ... h- lll~'rc <;!<)('king-.. and high-heeiPCI sl1< , . ., Our h.11' !;how•~ gr€'a t \'arif•t\. I hf'rc \\'Pr l' <;h,td\ .. un~tnf•r-hat ... that would · · not "t:ty on, in -.pitP of h.ld lollo\\1"(1 ol •• \\ ntn:mwntal hat - pm .... I ht ,,. w••rf> hnt .. lwg~t·d 4 ..... .. ~~ f.tlht•r.., or broth• r .... 'I hN~ wt•t,. tiH BO\ Scout • • 1 :ll thin~ about our Jn,hion.., \ wn... thf'ir \'aril'!\ an ( ntin• lack of · uni formit\, 1 h01ng;. {Ill: ' 111'(1, ( ,radu.tllr a l11•t .uw• ,tppar- -=-- ..,Jdrrc: \\'Prt' ... h,)rl- rhic k, h •. .,,., hoot ... took th•'"t• of tu\\ n- In fnct, : .... our v· 1 l.trll\•\\ ork bl"ga n to be dispPJII'd :moll t • t• rrr 1 . ., t l•··• rt r Hit ...... "o \\'<• Wl',lllll' cl!•ar,•r ~:> (\' , I • •l • Oll I ,~,.,... IK>Ill'- .wd ... hoP... I 1,1 ,. 1 1)1( • to de,i Jl ..,, • 1 t'.l)t..,f• L I . t 10"1' • "' m.trgm ft•t 'l,,th•·"· .tftf'l' our :tnd hutt• r 1111,, 1 <1 lw 1•11 lwught. f low Wt'll 1 r••tllt'llllwr thl 1 e ... h.tbb). at - IHt·l 1 and- 1, 11 1 \\orkN" -.ud(>lf. ~"\<'" • \ f<:-:OT.I> B E~~F.ll. Ev•·r) {·,trthl) fat t ha., it<; <'<'lhtial .,id<', .tnt.l wll we h.t\'t to do i.;; to turn it on r a nd look :tt it- E\tH~C.,O\. \ happ) t~mp<.'red bringN \H r .. t. t RRO\\ ~1:\G. The Cow Who Wouldn't Sit Down . \ fi ... c; 1 ohn .. ton<" has illustra t ed for us, w1 th ~n hPr li'>U<"tl .,kill and wit, on th<' oppo<>ilf' pag•·, th3t '' r) old .,tor) of t he would-be- fa rm-hand (u(J/ a l.t ~ld. girl) who tri(·d to m a k e the cow on thr mlll~mg-c.,tool ! F or thO'>E> of y ou who don 't rt'1nrm· b€'r 1t hf'rc• it i <; : -.'\ casua l la bourer w('nt to .1 fM 111" to :t.,k for work . Ilc· wa c; hard up and hungrr . ;~n~ told thf' f.a rm<•r he was w illing to do an)tiHOI:'· \ <'r) "'''I I," c;aid t lw farm er " take thic: c;tool :~nd go and m ilk th f' cow. " The' man w~1 " awny ~ucll " long tinw that hi ... t>mplover fina lly went to ~et "hat h1d happPn<'d to hi m.· IIalf-w:n· to the eo~ "hf"d-; ~f' m<·t th~ man vc·n d ishe\'ellcd ;,JOd <'ovr: · l ' h P world · . wtt h d1 . r t ·. " • \\.h , a t 1n have you l )r r ll rlonJg' :~11 thro; tun p ') ' he a~kl'd . " \VE'll , " wa-; thr fl ~~~· 1 . I donp Ill) bP .. t, bu t r (':\11 't makP lh:t t tlwrt' (I ' 11 on t ht• darnrd s;tool. " 71 . . -,ut 11 1.., ,~ ontwh, and nwd•