The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 17

• . I prli, lf)20 L>v oon ;~-, rit·•·, \\hit h i . . 1 vrnt f'(l b) th<· haullll d) ing do\\ n. :\o tilllt' .... hould IIH'Il lw lc1sl in gl'll ing tht m up \\hf•n orh c• !hi ... 1 , 1 k~ n pi.H' P, I ~l fil'ld'> cd po.t.tto .., thP usu ~d wa~ 10 r.ti ... •• th" • rop rs h) ploul{hmg out or \Vilh t>ll< o l th1 • v : II I UII'- rntdmniral p(lt,rto digg£r.., now on th1 11 wrk•·t. J h,. l' rop .... hc,uld JH'\'t•r lw liftNI in wf't w 1· , 1 1lwr, or wltc•n th1 g'roon "" lift, d , 1 nd tht•\' can tlwn oc '-•H l oftpfl be• found UpOil ti ght l.tncl than upo'.' \.., tht> tuh r j.., f01 lnnnan ron . . ulllpt .on tl ' ' mon• nt rf' ........ ar~ fur 1 h( (,ltll\f 'r IO -.tud~ hh -.oil, .tnd till' l'f(t l't it ha.., UJ!Oil 'f'l t:-un \.\1 it t i• <, of pot.rto, than for an~ olht r root C'rop hr> c-ultivatf'<;. [Fro m C-" n a-; nitrogen a crop. It th1• chi('f r<·quir('nwnt of rl••nn and <'.t'} to "f~ply and \\ill :'h'·')"' incn·,,..,,. th•• yi .. Jd. If ) ou '' ,ult to l1•,u·n to .tppl} i I to thl' be't n.., Road. Bung;~~ • I , ...,llH•l k .... ..., u ffolk. For ":><~I<' - Bn•e< ht>o..;, 0\'N.t\1 ... , :\lal inttL.; nr-w; I<\\ priu .... -!-,tamp(,'(! c ll\t lopl' for p.:.u ... , r l'odd. J. llt•,uh \ .ill.t"i, Row ... l~l .HI, \ f'\\'111Cll'kf.'t. Du•·, arn u nt' know of Cord -.,utt {or Land \\' ork for ...,nlf>, ()J'{'('tl or Brown'-\\ r itl' \'. r. Burg-P ........ , .. J...tburnum llou"' •· ...,,, .m)t ~ \ illagf', Kent, . . t:lt ing- P• iu• ; si:w m~ium. F\)r "'ak -<•<•cld <•rE't n (h'<' nnd (,f(t n ( ol)lf jfr'l'\; .(~ 3'· • or f''\.t:h.tng,. for good() \\t>•k...,' ultl Pupp~ of following brec·d.., :-"i<':1l: ham ltrri• r. ,\he rdf.'l'll or \\ el-.h Tl•t•rif'r K . \!.1:. lln~ don, Kilmrr ... dnn, R;,d ... t<'rl,, would likt> to '~'11 a F awn '1 \\t•t d Ctl-.tunH•, t.til<,r- nwu<·: onh worn a few t'ttH''-: worth 5 ~tine,...,: ,\i\1 t.1k1· ;[l · H'"·: fit girl of nwdium build. -.kirt lt•ngth 34 itll'hl"' - P for ... t.llllJ)( d Unfettered E ase r h,lt o-J<,rin, < lt .111, ,...,, lld. pt r pn 1 r. - F Cnrtwright, Hug'lc•g.ttt', t.inmilt·!.