The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 11

tl prtl, • 1920 'l H E L \>.1>~\\ 0)1.\~ Spinning and Weaving at ~Rabbit Home. J 1.\ \ • ' E . bf't!n :t.slJIHllng and Wt'.t\ iug lical a~ a homf' IIH ( ll I 1'\. I • I l :rn all'>WPr thi., tjlll''il iUr own dying. \m- ~111( < :u1 learn q uu kl) 10 -;pin \\ith a .... pindl(' ,, hit'h r:-. l'a"ii~Y mac'" c~t ht11U t• i_f th1• '''-J><•nse of a -.i)i n ning wht r· l ,.., o u t of tht· <.Jlii''-.IHH1, thoug-h "VPn a ~pi 11 nin£> '~ h<·f'l '>0011 p:•~., ~or 1l'' If. \\'{·aving is not so .... unplt·, a;.. :t lcx,m r "''"UCt•· t• g r!'.lt dc·al in .... pinni ng-, ">O th'lt a pound of gntlwn d wool wou ld mak(' nt•nrh a pound of spun \\C>OI Of cou rsr, gath c·r<'d wool d04'.., not make surh ~ot d "ool a s a frr·c;h th·N.:r·, nhr dop~ it wa"h quitP "uch a good colour , but it ..,prw., mam u . . ,.ful pu rpov•<:, \ddrf'S:-. :\J r.;. ~in n ock, \\·on Y if'w, Porti:-.hc~ul, '->onH rs et. 1 , It's a Great Life, If- £ LTII ER you 'r~ a Farml"r(>ttE:' or you 're not. If you 're not, you havl' nothing to '' Orr) about. 1 f • YOU ar<' • • ' ou h av<- two alternatives : E ithe•r ~ou go to the Bffi ford \ amp or you don ' t. If )OU don 't, ~ou have nothing to \\Or ry about. lf vou do, ' 011 h av" two a ltr•rnativr;; E ithPr \·our o\·f'~atl .... fit or th<'v don ' t TC the\ du. you- have noth ing- to worry ·about. If thE:') don't . \ O U haw• t\\ o a lt<·r nat ivrs: Eithtr )Oll g o on a d i••t or vou ... lr~>tc~ th<" <>Yf'ral l-.. If \'ou ~ ur c f't•d, \OU hav<' noth111g- to worry abo~t. lf ' ou don't , yo u we•ar 'rm in tlw morning ju-.t thl' -.::t me and ha\'f• two alt<•rna- 1 i \'1'" : EithH . \ 'OU ride- in tht' F ord or th(' Bu ick. If • \ OU rid C' in thP Buil k, \ Ou hm ~ nothing to wm n· '> : • " E itht·r tht' F o rd hac; trouhlr or it dOI''tl ' t. l f it dcH .... n 't , you have nothin g to worn .:ahout. If it doe "• you havC' two alt<'rna th·('.;; : Fithf'l' you pu-.h or you go no fa rthf' r . If \ 0 \1 go no farthC'r, you havf' nothing to worry abou t. l f you pu<>h·. tlwrr> arr two nltC"rnativ!'" : Ei thf'r " Littl<' ll f'nn " -;t'lrh or he doP<:n t. lf he• c:.tart,.., \OU h:n-f' no thing to worrv about. 1f lw dOl'"n ' t • · . , ou \\'"\lk to work a nd ha\'e two alt t r- nntivC';;;: F it her , o ur hack bn·ak-. or \'Ou ta kr a rl'c:t . If vo u • takP a rl';;;t, th<·rf' arC' two :tit rn :t t i VE'~ : I ithf' r tiH• bo-. .... cMrhr-; \'OU o r ht> d()('c;n t · lf hf' dof';;;n 't, vou ha \'P. nothing to " or r.· abollt. Tf h<' doe-.::.,"ll- \ ou c;hou ld worry · (f.'rom the Farmercfte, the Ame-rican LA~OS\\'0:\I,\'< .) Keeping. Contd. E:qx:rt :abbit kN·pPr:-. ..... ek to Mt ur tu -,t-d:j ., tablr• rUit.!hl<· br •·d-.. ~t 111, hrc,·df·r-, belicv~ in a cro~~ bf•t\\1'<:11 two ol tht• lnr~e brn>d., "" th" tde.d table. J aubit. Or h· r,. H jflc t th ,. , cro . . :s o~ the grc~tmd that the offal (bon, ... "" ::~tin• :•nd. --km) at thf· killing age j.., hr~h. ::nd prf'f( r m• drum brr·ed-. llf 1 au ,. thf y ,trt' small l',tlf 1 -.. rnaturt• ~>:trly, and nrr· do-.•• bc.cliPd, firm 11 .,h d .md 'm:dl bon('<.l, with thr· minimum of off:Jl J hr•\ J>utt h j .. ' 1 ~n .. tll r:1hbit, tht· pt'rc, ntag~> of offal in it-; c:.m., ... ~ h lo\wr and that of 111 .. '11 ;... hig-ht>r thnn in th• large· brt>r•d ..... .\ c; favourit1• ere'""~'" m:H l>t J1l(•nti{ln• d BPIKian lf nr(· uich Dm· b\ FJ,-.mi-.h ( si but k ,hould hf' .. trong, with h:•rd and firm tl••-.1 . and .t fin., vi;.:-tln u .. .t~··trano. '( h,. dOf' -.hould l>•· I ,m .tnd firm tl •.;hrd, with a ('Oat in ~-rf, .. t conditi< n, l!reeditlR .lgt•. Hw·k.., ot .t!l hrt·• cl ... nwtur·· at 1ltout ntnc month ... thou~h F!•·mi..,h m;n r.ti,.P 1 .tth~·r I D Ot.'s-- l> utd1, . Poli . . h, .end ) . J'mnl.l\ath- ."~ng<:r. m.ltUr