The Landswoman April 1920 | Page 25

1 pril, H).W " \ n' Jll:tn} tiJnh;, wlwn I da vind I hing-. guo awry, and vc,'kf unki~d. I o zl·c· tlw 'fll it•t vu di·n lwrds ' \n' hc•:~.r th<· zingl'·n o' th~ bird j),, ~till mv "J>Urrit muorl· than \~ord, Vot J d.c zr•t· thnt 'ti., our ,jn ' n .. mi.d{t samp f>Ot't as Wf' c;it do,vn :tt till· f thll·, \V(• " 1 h:tnk ( •<)(I fo1 good hr•·.td, for ~l011t'\ in 1 lw ( ' I)Jil hI tiH· lmnv ll •,fH llr·d q~gs, for thr· du .. ti'H'm, in gn·ater ~t:tte, .\l igh t court m: lOvE' w ith pl~tP) '[he C" hl'au t ic • • . . of tlw C heap, and '' t\'l'.; of Lombnrd -... tJ( ( (. . T homas Raudolph, tho~. Bt•hold lw r ,ingl<' in the field, \ o n ~o l itarv 11 ighland L nc:s, R<•apin g and · ~in ging by hcr.::f'lf; "'top h1 '''. or gently pa5c:. . ,\Ion <' .... tw c u t.. .tnd bind:- the gr,un, • \ ncl -.i ng-.... ;\ m PI~ n<'hol) !'tr:t~ • n. . · · - 11 ords~vor t h. '· l u:\n takt''- h~'r twa t-rubbed pnil, nnd now ~h,, trip" to m ilk the ":tnd-fl-<1 cow •. \\ hrn • for ~0111~ stu rd\ football C:\\ : - 1 \>;Jii~ht it i ... , .1nd th,. \\ onown in tht· vallt) tlw lamp-., and tht• mi . . t, d.1y wh(:n · - \\ • 11 • , 0 1'1,)\\', .... ucrer:ng gon••-tlw r.1nk 'ar th put ~1'<1 -llllthing but jo} l<"ft. . 'llw O