Hannah aspires to emulate the likes of Lucille Ball , Marilyn Monroe and Heidi Klum . These women are influential in the entertainment world not only for their talent as performers , but also as business savvy spokesmodels .
I love Lucy first and foremost for her groundbreaking audacity in the television world as a leading lady who wasn ’ t ever afraid to laugh at herself . All three women radiate self-confidence , blind ambition and inspire others to love their own physical and mental power . Her goal in the entertainment world is quite similar .
Hannah ’ s mother , Kathryn Jost , has always been the most positive influence in her life especially food and fitness . “ Kathryn is an amazing cook , but her niche lies in raw recipes . She is the one who taught me the majority of what I know about nutrition and helped me to decode food into simple equations ”, says Hannah .
“ We believe that food is medicinal , and can be used to heal and strengthen the body .” Known around Houston for her own endeavors in sustainable living and healthy lifestyle , Hannah ’ s mother has often been showcased in local fitness magazines as a health guru . Her father , Charlie Jones AKA PapparazziChaz , has not only been her personal photographer , documenting every moment of her life , but also her most trusted and beloved hair stylist . Hannah grew up sweeping hair in his salon and entertaining customers as her father made each and every one them feel special . “ His art form is bringing out the best in people . Clients at Charlie ’ s Hair Productions sit in his chair feeling so-so and leave transformed into fabulous versions of themselves ”. At her father ’ s salon , she picked up the skills of engaging people while helping them to reveal and showcase their best attributes . “’ Some say that I ’ m a dreamer ’ and ‘ all you need is love ’ are lyrics I live by ,” Hannah says . “ To believe in your dreams is to manifest them in the physical world . I look towards nature and the metaphysical power of the universe for inspiration and motivation . Once you set your mind to something , it can be accomplished . We are all alchemists for unlimited possibilities of creation ”.
Hannah strives to be a world wide influence of sustainable lifestyle and an advocate for everyone ’ s unique artistic expression . Her passion is inspiring others to pursue their own dreams with the knowledge that they can achieve any goal no matter the size . She plans to teach individuals how to cultivate miracles within themselves . Look for her work promoting healthy habits and lifestyles with the arts and entertainment industry as she leads the way in New Age thinking .