Hannah Jones a spring wellness and fashion editorial by Taylor Kent
After a great experience on the reality television competition , America ’ s Next Top Model , Hippie Hannah is taking on television hosting in 2013 with a New Age twist .
Currently , she is in the development stages of several projects that will materialize in 2013 , including a web series that follows trending lifestyles and provides an entertaining way to get your daily dose of what ’ s happening now . Her goal is to be a spokesmodel for sustainable lifestyles , inspiring others to live their best through health conscious food and fitness .
After working with Equinox Fitness Club and modeling for the past couple of years , she ’ s got a plethora of effective tricks to make healthy food yummy and working out fun and effective . She is an all natural , green advocate , hence the nickname “ Hippie ” Hannah , first given to her by Tyra Banks when she participated on the reality television show America ’ s Next Top Model in 2011 .
Since then , the name has become her anthem and she is proud to represent the new wave of New Age “ hippies ”, promoting global awareness and sustainable lifestyle habits through food , fitness , and the arts .
This ambitious young woman ’ s creative collaborations have already reached around the globe . She has worked with companies based out of Australia , Europe , Asia , New York , LA and of course her initial stomping grounds of Texas . Her clients include MAC Cosmetics , SwayChic , Pitaya , JCPenny ’ s , Neiman Marcus Last Call , Alberta Ferettie , Tootsies , the list goes on !
About Taylor Kent Montana bred , Los Angeles cultured photographer Taylor Kent shoots to awaken the conscious mind with beauty , empowerment , and sustainability . “ We are all meant to shine as children do . It ’ s not just in some of us ; it is in everyone . And as we let our own light shine , we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same .”
18 | The LA Fashion magazine