just feel so differently about being in a relationship .
D : Lets talk about LA briefly , because I know you come to Los Angeles two or three times a year . Do you have any places you love to frequent , places you love to shop or spend time at while being here ?
S : Actually there are so many places in Los Angeles that I like and it ’ s a beautiful place , but you know a lot of people know this about me and I ’ m not ashamed to say this , but I don ’ t really like coming here what so ever . It ’ s so different from the East Coast . The entire East Coast period , but then again when I do come out here I ’ m surrounded by friends and loved ones and we get a lot of work done . We ’ re always working , there ’ s never time to sit down and get in the Jacuzzi … ( Although the first few nights I was here this time I did get into the Jacuzzi …)
D : ( Laughing ) Oh , so you did ?
S : ( laughing ) I did , so you know we had some wine … and enjoyed some relaxing time . It was nice . But honestly when I come out here I come to work ; I don ’ t necessarily have any favorite spots or places I frequent .
D : I know you ’ ve talked about this quite a bit in your career , but talk with us about what it ’ s like working with Lady GaGa , Nicki Manaj … what it ’ s like towork with them and how do you work creatively with the rest of your celebrity clientele ?
S : You know , working with someone like Stefani , Gaga is easy for me because she is a huge creative spirit . I don ’ t have to say , ‘ I don ’ t like something , or I do ’— we just have an eye-to-eye contact sort of thing . It ’ s like that when I work with one of my favorite photographers Michael Antonio or Joseph Jaso of Gossip Photography . Working with certain people , like Edgar Anthony my Make-Up Artist . We don ’ t have to explain things to each other it ’ s just very simple …
D : It ’ s like you have a connection .
S : Yes , connection ! Oh I like that word . I should use that more often when I ’ m explaining myself . ( Laughing )
D : ( Laughing ) So when we spoke off camera , you mentioned you were working on a few collaborations can you share with us about your recent collaborations and what we can expect to see from Stevie Boi ?
S : Of course , yeah recently I teamed up with Envi Shoes in which I made shoes for Jeffrey Campbell for New York
Fashion Week . I also teamed up with Luigi Sardo of Canada , I designed some shoes with him . I ’ ve teamed up with a lot of people and I ’ m doing a lot of great collaborations . But my main focus coming up is making sure I can take the collection on the road . I ’ m showing ‘ Leather ’ in Tokyo in October and Santa Fe in October . In the next three months I ’ m showcasing this collection all over the East Coast …
D : You are bringing the Leather collection , but are you also bringing the other collaborations you ’ ve been working on ?
S : Yeah , I am but you know I think it ’ s great because not just am I able to make money off the collection but also I ’ m able to fund future projects . I ’ m taking an old school approach , acting as if my collection is a rock star and bringing it to peoples personal spaces . Instead of saying , hey only come to New York Fashion Week , I ’ m coming to your town .
D : Really quickly , can you talk to us about your upcoming collaboration with Gaga for her new album , ARTPOP ?
S : Yes , but unfortunately all I can only say is that I ’ m working with her on ARTPOP . ( In all capital letters because I don ’ t want her fans to attack me anymore because of that . I sent out a tweet once with Art Pop and I didn ’ t capitalize it …) I literally got like three hundred tweets attacking me . ( Laughing ) It was like new-age social media hate mail …
D : Speaking of Social Media , how do you feel about it ?
S : I love social media ; I think without social media we would be lost in today ’ s era . I mean I don ’ t personally know how to work a phone book , you could pay me I would not …( Laughing ) No you know quite honestly I don ’ t care to know , that ’ s what an Iphone is for . But social media is great because you get a chance to connect with people you wouldn ’ t normally get a chance to connect with . That ’ s the reason I ’ m traveling the world , calling around and connecting with people …
D : Do you have anything you ’ d like to say to your fans or your future customers ?
S : Yeah … I ’ m pregnant ! D : ( Laughing ) When ’ s the baby due ?
S : Today ! So you better be there ...( laughing ) No you know I ’ m kidding — but honestly it ’ s all about ‘ Leather ’ right now and I ’ m going to continue to showcase it for the rest of the 2013 all the way until February of 2014 . And at the end I ’ m just going to continue to do my thing . by Dana Elizabeth
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