The LA Fashion magazine May 2013 Issue | Page 97

S : Um , well I was in the Club Scene a lot and another one of my biggest inspirations is ‘ Richie Rich ’— he had a brand entitled , ‘ Heatherette ’ with Traver Rains and it was really inspiring because he brought sort of Pop-Culture to fashion . I met him and he just took me under his wing and put me in the fashion world . I also met Anna Dello Russo — the Editor of VOGUE Japan and she really took me under her wing as well …
D : So tell us about your latest collection , “ Leather ”
S : So , my newest collection Leather is all about … sexual stuff , I guess . I don ’ t know it ’ s a little freaky ! Everything is really dark , lots of sheer fabric , lot ’ s of leather , It ’ s really fun in my opinion and different from my previous collection . My last collection titled : 54 was very colorful , lots of glitter , lots of color---but I wanted to go back to being dark because for me it ’ s easier ... and then I don ’ t have to wash my clothes a lot …( laughing ).
D : ( Laughing )… So how do you feel your collection was received this season ? I know you recently showed Leather in New York , and this week you debuted Leather in Los Angeles . How do you feel the collection was received and how was your experience ?
S : It was really , really great , you know I ’ m so known for working with big stars and right now I want to work with more up and coming artists because that ’ s what is really going on right now .
Like Brooke Candy , Little Debbie … people in that scene … so I brought out all of these amazing , young , talented , individuals to my shows this season . Because like myself , even though you know people really think I ’ m established---I ’ m really not yet . I ’ m still growing I ’ m still learning and I like it like that . I actually kind of enjoy being in the underground world again .
D : I ’ m going to bring the focus in to today a bit . How do you feel the shoot is going overall ?
S : Um , I ’ m excited ! I mean I feel like It ’ s very whimsical … and this is just my brain speaking here---I see like lion fur , I got this faux fur on …( motioning to the all gray fur jacket by Skingraft ) I like it ! It ’ s going really great with the leather collection , I never would have thought to pair the pieces like this so it ’ s been really great to see the transformation and concept develop right on set .
D : Let ’ s talk a little bit about your personal life , the world wants to know — are you single ?
S : I am single , but I ’ m single for a reason though and it ’ s because I don ’ t like to share things . I take care of my friends and my loved ones . Those are the people I care mostly about . But when it comes to a relationship I feel like you have to bring something more to the table aside from your personality . ( Laughing ) I ’ m sorry , my parents were military and I
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