The Krakauer Times April 2013 | Page 9

Billie McCandless: @ChrisMcCandless92 Where are you? We’re getting worried. Please come home soon!

Why would @ChrisMcCandless92 even think about going into the wild? Embarrassing to the people here in Alaska!

Ron Franz: Has anyone heard from @ChrisMcCandless92? I’m getting worried about him.. He was like a son to me

Wayne Westerberg: @ChrisMcCandless where are you man? I need you back here for work real soon!

@AlexSupertramp92 is a nut in my book, he gave away his money, a loving family, car, watch and map before wandering off into the wilderness

I see nothing positive at all about @ChrisMcCandless’s lifestyle. Entering the wilderness purposefully ill-prepared-

and surviving a near death experience does not make you a better human, it makes you #damnlucky

Why would anyone intending to ‘live off the land for a few months’ forget Boy Scout rule number one: Be Prepared? Why would any son cause his parents and family such permanent and perplexing pain? -Reader of the Outside piece.

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