Dear Editor,
I do not believe we should have to get permits and pay fees to use our natural resources. So the fact that Chris McCandless did it and didn’t care if he got in trouble with the law or not was a heroic thing to me. If it’s our resources, why do we have to get those things that tell the government what we’re carrying and hunting with and what we’re hunting at all? It’s not like they can really keep you from owning guns and stopping you from hunting. All they can do is take your guns, but you can just go out and get new ones! They can tell you to stop hunting but really they can’t stop you from going out and just not being caught. Really, anyone can go out and use their natural resources for free. It’s just another load of crap the government uses to keep tabs on the people of our country without seeming all that suspicious and I sure as heck don’t like it. Obviously neither did McCandless.