The Koorong Catalogue Spring Edition | Page 3
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The Case For Christ (The Movie)
113 mins PG
A hard-driving journalist, Lee Strobel was exactly where he expected to be at work:
on top. His award-winning investigative reporting had earned him a promotion to
legal editor at the Chicago Tribune. But things weren’t going nearly as well at home
where his wife Leslie’s newfound faith in Christ went against everything he believed
as an avowed atheist.
Utilising his journalistic and legal training, Lee began a quest to debunk the claims of
Christianity in order to save his crumbling marriage. Chasing down the biggest story
of his career, he came face-to-face with results that changed everything.
Based on Lee Strobel’s award-winning bestseller and starring Mike Vogel, Erika
Christensen, Faye Dunaway, and Robert Forster, this is a movie for anyone who has
ever pondered the existence of God... and what role He could play in their lives.
484222 DVD DM GE $24.99
Love Has A Name
Jesus Culture 2017
For more than a decade, the praise and
worship anthems of the Sacramento-
based Jesus Culture music collective
have been capturing the hearts of
Christians everywhere. Their tenth live
album, Love Has A Name, offers twelve
dynamic new songs from leaders Kim
Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, Bryan and
Katie Torwalt, and more.
488275 CD PW GE $19.99
Also available (not pictured):
475152 The Case For Christ (Updated Edition) Paperback AP GE $17.99
19 99
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19 99
A Praying Life:
Connecting With God
In A Distracting World
Paul Miller
Author Paul Miller shares
his down-to-earth
insights about how to
connect the broken
pieces of your life and
allow prayer to fill the
gaps with meaning and
substance. Parents will
find Miller’s family-life
experiences especially
helpful. PR GE
460644 Paperback $19.99
Growing Young: Six
Essential Strategies
Kara Powell, Jake Mulder,
and Brad Griffin
Many churches today
are losing members as
increasing numbers of
young people disengage.
Based on ground-
breaking research, this
book profiles innovative
churches that are
engaging 15- to 29-year-
olds and as a result are
growing – spiritually and
numerically. CC CG
450227 Paperback $19.99
Gospel Fluency:
Speaking The Truths Of
Jesus Into The Everyday
Stuff Of Life
Jeff Vanderstelt
How should the good
news of Jesus affect our
conduct once we have
committed to believing
it? In this book, pastor
Jeff Vanderstelt shows
believers what it looks
like to become truly
‘fluent’ in the gospel, so
that it becomes a natural
part of everyday life and
conversations. LIV GE
467967 Hardback $27.99
God Secrets:
A Life Filled With
Words Of Knowledge
Shawn Bolz , Foreword by
Graham Cooke
God's secrets are shared
through words of
knowledge, one of His
most misunderstood
revelatory gifts. Journey
with Shawn Bolz as he
lays out this gift in a
relatable way, and gain
fresh perspective on
God’s direction for your
household, your work,
and your worldview. SFL SG
481152 Paperback $20.99
Published by Koorong Books Pty. Limited. A.B.N. 93 001 583 759 © Koorong Books Pty. Limited 2017
Bread Of Angels
Tessa Afshar
Merchant’s daughter
Lydia loves three things:
her father, her ancestral
home, and making
purple dye. When
betrayal forces her to
flee to Philippi, Lydia
struggles to establish her
dye business. A meeting
with the apostle Paul
is the beginning of her
journey out of fear. FI GE
472893 Paperback $19.99