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About A Percipient Articulator of Ornithology Dr. Steven G Herman, a faculty emeritus at Evergreen, has taught Summer Ornithology: Birds in the Hand for over 35 years. Summer Ornithology is a three-week bird course taught entirely in the field in various locations throughout Oregon. The only prerequisites are enthusiasm for studies in natural history and a fascination with wildness in the American West. Studies are built around banding hundreds of birds of about 25 species, focusing on aspects of banding protocol, including net placement, removing birds from nets, identification, sexing, ageing, and record-keeping. Steve encourages students to balance the in-hand work with field observations, and take local field trips to provide instruction in the myriad aspects of natural history and local culture in the High Desert of southeastern Oregon. Herman has a PhD in Zoology and is a tireless mentor; training and inspiring beauty, connection, and natural history to promote applied conservation. He is also the co-author of “The Naturalist's Field Journal: A Manual of Instruction Based on a System Established by Joseph Grinnell”. T R • Through individual and group projects in classrooms, computer labs, dry labs, wet labs, and the field, and through faculty-guided undergraduate research, student learn technical and 21st century skills including critical thinking, collaboration, and communication as they integrate knowledge across disciplines to tackle real-world problems in all their complexity. • One of the LEED buildings, The Longhouse, is the first building of its kind on any U.S. College or university campus. The Longhouse is home to Evergreen’s tribal programs and is a world-renowned gathering space for indigenous artists. Gl ious Gr ners of e Evergr n Co ege Evergr n is notable f having produced a number of graduates in fields including animation, comedy, and music. Recently, Byron Howard '0 received an Oscar f co-directing e movie Zootopia, which is an animated feature at puts diversity on display. Among eir most cele ated alumni are mycologist Paul Stamets, cartoonists Matt Groening, Craig Bartlett, and Lynda Barry, comedians Josh Blue and Michael Richards, musicians Macklem e, Carrie Brownstein, C in Tucker, Ka l n Hanna, Tobi Vail, Conrad K ly, Tay Zonday, John Wozniak, and Martin Courtney, reality television stars John Tayl and Steve Thomas, iters Benjamin Hoff, Judi Mo e, Tom Maddox and Wendy C. Ortiz. Evergr n alumna Lynda Weinman founded e premier software and digital media training site,, which she sold to LinkedIn f $1.5 bi ion. She is also a leading au on web design and graphics. O er notable alumni include peace activist and diarist Rachel C rie, professional soccer players Shawn Medved and Joey Gjertsen, and United States Representative f Washington's 10 congressional district Dennis Heck. • The annual Science Carnival on campus allows Evergreen students to showcase their research and projects to the wider community, including 750 students from surrounding elementary and middle schools. • Evergreen is among the top colleges in the U.S. for offering the best first-year experiences to freshmen, which entails building into the curriculum first-year seminars or other programs that bring small groups of students together with faculty and staff on a regular basis. October | 2017 T H E N O W L E D Education. G E R Innovation. E V I Success EW