The Knowledge Review The 20 Most Innovative STEM College and Universiti | Page 41
An Erudite Researcher in Image
Processing, Machine Vision and
Autonomous Robotics
A Different Kind of
School Makes a Different
Kind of Graduate
The life of a co ege can be measured bo
by e success of its graduates and in its
physical grow . Students come to Seneca
wi diverse ambitions and dreams –
preparing f
eir chosen car r,
continuing eir education, transitioning
into a new job. Listed below are some of
e successful Seneca alumni:
Dr. Elliott Coleshill (BSc, Applied Computer Science; MSc,
Computing and Information Science; PhD, Computing and
Information Science, P.Eng) is a Professor in Seneca’s
School of Information and Communications Technology,
and he performs research within the School of Aviation. In
August 2005, Dr. Coleshill received a NASA Space Flight
Awareness Honoree Award in recognition of his dedication,
commitment and his achievements in support of NASA’s
space program, and in 2007, the Canadian Space Agency
presented him with a Certificate of Distinction for his free
flyer concept checkout procedures. Dr. Coleshill then joined
COM DEV as a Software Systems Lead working on M3MSat
and five other satellites designed for monitoring marine ship
In 2017, Dr. Coleshill was awarded the Sovereign’s Medal
for Volunteers from the Governor General of Canada in
recognition of fifteen years of experience with FIRST (For
Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) as a
mentor and judge. He currently sits on the FIRST Canada –
Girls in STEM, Executive Advisory Board. T R
• Seneca is one of six
colleges that can offer
up to 15% of its
program activity at the
degree level. A number
of FASET programs
have industry
embedded within the
• The College has numerous,
provincially unique, state of
the practice learning
environments. This includes
a 40-foot dive tank at the KG
campus, 1st in Ontario
Mechatronics Simulation
and Demonstration Centre,
a fully functional aviation
campus in Peterborough
with 24 aircraft and 10 flight
training devices.
Marc Caira — f mer President & CEO of
Tim H tons Inc.
Hon. Alvin Curling — f mer MPP
Scarb ough N , Speaker of e
Legislative Assembly, Ambassad to e
Dominican Republic
Armand La Barge — Chief of Y k
Regional Police (retired)
Vivienne Poy — Senat
Philip Sparks — Fashion Designer
Seneca Co ege has graduated ousands of
students since its inception in 1967, who
have rived in eir fields to become
successful executives, senat s, pilots,
fashion designers, police officers,
oadcasters and entrepreneurs.
• The contemporary
Canadian Art collection at
Seneca College are
examples of Canadian
abstraction, figurative
work, post-War modernist
art, sculpture,
photography, Innu,
Amerindian, installation
as well as works
addressing the new
• Education should be
flexible and accessible,
so Seneca also employs
various methods of teaching
– from in-class lectures and
online learning to co-op and
field placements – in
programs related to applied
arts, business, financial
services and technology.
October | 2017
N O W L E D Education.
G E R Innovation.
E V I Success