The Knowledge Review The 20 Most Innovative STEM College and Universiti | Page 10

Most Innovative


College and Universities to Watch , 2017 T R

The 20

Imparting Innovation and Creativity through Comprehensive STEM Education

ave a brief look at the career evolution in the last 20 years . It is quite evident that tomorrow ’ s

Hoccupation may not be today ’ s . Beyond one ’ s imagination , automation today has completely rendered the roles of assembly workers , switchboard operators , and aircraft and automobile production welders . Twenty years ago , we would not have predicted demand for telework coordinators , online community managers , search engine optimization specialists , and sustainability managers .

In an age of globalization and knowledge-based economies , improvements in science education for handson , inquiry-based approaches provide problem-solving and analytical skills that help to create a productive workforce . The importance of STEM education is becoming more and more relevant in today ’ s ever changing world . In a report from the U . S . department of Commerce , careers in STEM are growing at a rapid pace of 17 % since 2008 , as compared to other careers which are growing at a rate of 9.8 %.
This special issue of “ The 20 Most Innovative STEM College and Universities to Watch , 2017 ” lists out the institutions which are imparting innovation and creativity by reconciling the opposing trends , so that the composition of STEM education conduit reflects the nation ’ s shifting demographics . STEM education encourages a spirit of inquiry , exploratory learning , logical and innovative thinking , along with a problemsolving mindset among students . This forms the foundation for our future scientists , architects , engineers and sagacious educators .
Moreover , an extensive empowerment of such STEM-oriented courses can boost our future scientific and technological innovations , which are key to our prosperity and an improved quality of life . It proves to be an essential component for a competitive society and the driver of the entire nation ’ s economy . STEM education equips students with a widely-applicable set of skills that can be transferred to meet new workplace demands . Perhaps most important of these is the ability to learn .
So flip through the folios for acumens on such competent institutions providing comprehensive STEM education . Also , do not miss out on the scholarly articles on “ Reinventing Society ─ One System at a Time ” & “ Role of Universities in Teaching the Skills Needed to Sustain in a Knowledge-Based Economy ” from the editorial desk . T R